"The power of the people is greater than the people in power."
Populism is a non-quadrant ideology used to represent generic populism, without left or right connotations.
It focuses on appealing to a large amount of people and their sensibilities, believing that what the masses want must be what the masses get. This will lead to society's prosperity and the well-being of all being raised as the people guide themselves.
It can take on many forms, as its only requirement is that it represents a movement by the people for the people. This causes it to have no real political affiliation. Though often populism is associated with democracies due to its reliance on popular support.
Fascist Populism
Fascist Populism is a fascist variant of Populism. Fascist populism is popular among
neo-fascist parties across Europe, such as the
Alliance For Peace and Freedom, and multiple
British fascist parties, such as
the British Democrats party and the
Patriotic Alternative party.
Fusion Populism
Fusion Populism is simply a synthesis of the talking points and policies of Right-Wing Populism and
Left-Wing Populism. This usually results in it taking the economic positions of the left, such as
Economic Democracy and
Welfarism, and combining them with the social policies of the right, such as
Limited Immigration and
Social Conservatism.
Moderate Fusion Populism
Moderate Fusion Populism, much like its more radical counterpart takes the talking points and policies of center-left and
center-right populism. This results in advocacy for
welfare in combination with moderate protectionism. These economic policies are underscored with a slight conservatism.
Techno-Populism is a synthesis of Technocracy and
populism. It describes a political situation where the government makes efforts to appeal to ordinary people through the
scientific method and a powerful bureaucracy. So while it is populist aesthetically, it is outcome-driven (similar to
Utilitarianism) and is often accused of
elitist tendencies. Examples of this ideology include the
"La République En Marche!" in
Georgian Dream in
Georgia, and the
Five Star Movement in
Populism has been an ever-present force throughout history. Whenever the masses of a nation couldn't fulfil their needs, or otherwise got upset with the current state of affairs they rise up. Typically populism is within their movement, even if not the front and center ideology. Today we see its influence primarily in politicians and their rhetoric. Appeals to the sensibilities and morals of a large group in society, as well as the creation of programs or works demanded by large groups in society, are hallmarks of a populist politician.
From the Grain Dole in Rome, the many Peasant Revolts in Europe, American Independence, The Rise of Napoleon, the October Revolution in Russia, and the Fall of the Berlin Wall populism has stood throughout history. Its people-driven nature ensures that as long as there are societies in need, it will proceed onwards.
The Five Star Movement is an Italian political party. It has been the largest political party in government since 2018. They are a big-tent populist movement, having been both labeled as
far-left and
far-right by various media outlets because while they are generally pro-welfare including Universal Basic Income and very environmentalist, they are also moderately Euroskeptic and anti-immigration, though it was a member of the generally
Right-Wing Populist EU parliament group "Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy" which was led by
Nigel Farage.

Alexander Rutskoy was a Russian politician and military officer, the first and last Vice-President of Russia from 1991 to 1993 under the presidency of
Boris Yeltsin, and a participant in the war in Afghanistan. His political career as vice president was marked by political conflict between the authorities and various political groups.
During the 1993 political crisis, Rutskoy found himself in opposition to
Yeltsin and supported the resistance in the State Duma. This conflict culminated in the October 1993 events when clashes between Yeltsin's supporters and opponents took place in front of the Russian Government House in Moscow. After these events,
Rutskoy lost his posts and retired from active politics.
He later held various positions and continued to participate in Russian political life, but his influence gradually diminished. Rutskoy remains a well-known figure in Russian politics and history of the 1990s.

Cem Uzan is a
Turkish businessman and politician. His father, Kemal Uzan, made his fortune in the construction industry, while Cem Uzan co-founded
Star TV with Ahmet Özal, the son of
Turgut Özal, after Turkey allowed private broadcasting. In 2001, Cem Uzan faced a series of
corruption charges, leading to lawsuits abroad. Subsequently, in 2002, he decided to establish the
Young Party and run in parliamentary elections, possibly because Turkish deputies at the time had immunity from prosecution, which could protect him from similar criminal charges in Turkey.
During his campaign, Cem Uzan avoided discussing controversial topics such as EU membership. He focused on
Economic Patriotism and
Welfarism, such as opposition to the IMF and pledging free textbooks. He emphasized
both Turkish and Muslim identity, especially the former. Therefore, in rhetoric, Cem Uzan could be considered a
Right-Leaning Moderate Fusion Populist
. He also criticised existing party politics and claims to supported pragmatic solutions, so he could be also considered a
Centrist Populist in rhetoric. However, in its constitution, the Young Party only clearly supported
Economic Liberalism, and want to full privatization, tax cut and tariff abolition.
Ultimately, Cem Uzan received 7.25% of the vote, failing to surpass the election threshold. Subsequently, the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government in Turkey began criminal prosecution against him. Faced with simultaneous convictions in the
UK, the
US, and
Turkey in absentia, he fled to
France to "escape political persecution", and the Young Party, under his leadership, quickly faltered. In 2004, the AKP government sold the media owned by Cem Uzan, with some of it being acquired by
Islamist media organizations close to the AKP.
Servant of the People is a Ukrainian political party, which is holding the most seats in the Ukrainian parliament since 2019. It is characterized as
radical centrist,
social liberal and at first
libertarian and
liberal socialist. Overall, the party eventually settled on
Centrism, but remains populist at its core.
SotP's former leader, Oleksandr Korniyenko said:
We are
patriots and even
nationalists when it comes to protecting the borders of our country. We are
humanists when it comes to protecting human rights. We are
libertarians when we open markets for land, alcohol, amber with transparent rights for all. We are
statesmen when it comes to tax discipline. We are
liberals when we defend human property and economic freedom. We are
socialists when it comes to protecting and providing for pensioners, veterans, everyone who needs it.
Some of the members have even expressed pro-Russian views, but were either expelled from the party, changed their minds or immigrated to Russia after the 2022 invasion.
Populism is a bit of an Everyman, acting humble to appeal to ordinary people. However, he is actually very cunning and manipulative. Often rants about how other ideologies are neglecting the needs of the people.
How To Draw
- Draw a ball
- Fill it with white
- Draw a fist in black
- Add the eyes and you're done
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
White | #FFFFFF | rgb(255, 255, 255) | |
Black | #141414 | rgb(20, 20, 20) |
The People
Right-Wing Populism - My son who prioritizes the people, not the woke socialist elite!
Left-Wing Populism - My son who prioritizes the people, not the greedy corporate elite!
Islamic Populism - My son who prioritizes the people, not the godless Islamophobic elite!
Longism - Every man a king! Share the wealth!
Lys Noir - My strange anarcho-monarchist son.
Anti-Centrism - The people need new radical ideologies!
How on earth would such a society work is anyone's guess.Welfare Chauvinism and
Paternalistic Conservatism - You have shown me how to unite left and right populists.
National Bolshevism - More extreme and wackier than the previous one, but I do like how Limonov and Kita had a fusion of populist rhetoric.
Populareism - My noble father. Power to the plebs!
Semi-Direct Democracy - Referendums will allow the people to help themselves.
Kemalism - Thank you for including me as one of your principles or "arrows."
Gandhian Socialism - Economic practices that harm the people shouldn’t be practiced indeed.
Zhivkovism - You weren’t called “The man of the people” for nothing.
Laschism - I am the only thing that satisfies your criteria of economic justice, participatory democracy, strong social cohesion, and moral rigor.
Machiavellianism - If I keep saying the things the populace likes, I'll come to power.
Democracy - Similar to me, but often results in corruption that I end up having to clear out.
Big Tent Liberalism - Good direction. But you still give a platform to established politicians who don't really care about the people...
Technocracy - If the people can't be trusted than no one can! However, techno-populism isn’t bad.
Ochlocracy - Calm down will you? Do you have any sense of respect?
Also, you need to elect me to help the people rather than people helping themselves.Autocracy - Tyrant! Abuser of power!
But I sometimes become you during my fight against the elite, and me having absolute power is preferable to obstructionist collective leaders.Kakistocracy - An useful idiot to manipulate.
Putinism - Both my
kinda like you, but from very different angles. But you're an elitist and Zelensky, your current arch-enemy, is a non-specific populist.
Dengism - You damned tyrant, why did you ban me? What especially pisses me off is that you introduced
the oligarchy mechanism itself! But
some of the national populists among us might like you.
The Elite
Kleptocracy - You steal people's money for your own personal gain!
(What do you mean I helped you get into power?)Oligarchy - You are killing us!
(Wait, I helpedyou too?! Oh god what have I done...)
Illuminatism - This is what the elites want!!
Globalism - Both my variants can agree that globalism/globalization is bad for the people.
Comics and Artwork
Further Information
This list is for populist parties that present themselves as neither left- or right-wing in nature. RightPop and
LeftPop parties are on their respective pages only.
Five Star Movement
Servant of the People
Respect and Freedom Party
ANO 2011
National Trust Party
Pheu Thai Party
Reform Party USA
Justicialist Party
Party of the People
Congress for Democratic Change
There is Such a People
New Zealand First
Young Party
- ↑ Duntsova prefers to call the war in Ukraine a "special military operation," which is why she refused to comment on the fate of the annexed territories in a potential peace deal with Ukraine. Duntsova also said that "collective responsibility" of Russians is undesirable and that she "can understand" Russians who volunteered for the war in Ukraine.
- ↑ https://icebergcharts.com/i/The_ultimate_conspiracy_theories
- ↑ https://youtu.be/watch?v=CQBOA061ugE
- ↑ "We want to promote and use the historically grown diversity in Carinthia as a creative force."
- ↑ Bryan oversaw the invasions of Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Mexico
- ↑ https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2022/10/05/sicilia-il-governo-ombra-di-cateno-de-luca-a-ogni-assessore-di-schifani-ne-nominiamo-uno-anche-noi-e-avvia-le-candidature-online/6828718/
- ↑ https://www.agi.it/politica/chi_cateno_de_luca_il_deputato_regionale_siciliano_arrestato_che_si_difende_su_facebook_-2603016/news/2017-11-08/
- ↑ https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.messinatoday.it/politica/facebook-sospeso-profilo-sindaco-cateno-deluca-sorbello-.html
- ↑ https://youtu.be/yCaDuj3twWk
- ↑ https://oglobo.globo.com/blogs/sonar-a-escuta-das-redes/post/2024/06/janones-pede-desculpas-por-fala-homofobica-em-comissao-na-camara.ghtml
- ↑ https://g1.globo.com/politica/noticia/2024/09/12/policia-federal-indicia-janones-por-suposta-rachadinha-no-gabinete.ghtml
- ↑ https://g1.globo.com/jornal-nacional/noticia/2024/09/12/pf-indicia-andre-janones-do-avante-por-associacao-criminosa-corrupcao-passiva-e-peculato.ghtml
- ↑ https://gauchazh.clicrbs.com.br/politica/eleicoes/noticia/2022/10/quem-e-o-deputado-andre-janones-o-principal-nome-da-campanha-de-lula-nas-redes-sociais-cl9hlpyio0094018wld94wvx5.html
- ↑ https://g1.globo.com/politica/eleicoes/2022/noticia/2022/08/28/de-presidenciavel-a-cabo-eleitoral-andre-janones-usa-perfil-troll-para-engajar-lula-nas-redes-sociais.ghtml
- ↑ He claimed to have tried to resuscitate people during a wake, but was unsuccessful.
- ↑ RFK Jr revives antisemitic conspiracy theory that Covid-19 was ‘ethnically targeted’ to spare Jewish people
- ↑ Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - CIA Propaganda & Information Manipulation | SRS #117
- ↑ im never deleting this app
- ↑ R.F.K. Jr. Says Doctors Found a Dead Worm in His Brain
- ↑ Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Sawed the Head Off a Whale and Drove It Home, Daughter Says
- ↑ Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Once Lived With an Emu Who Regularly Attacked His Wife (Now He Just Has Pet Ravens He Feeds Meat Scraps and Yells “Caw! Caw!” To)
- ↑ What Does Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Actually Want?
- ↑ Robert F. Kennedy Jr. texted apology to woman he allegedly sexually assaulted, Washington Post and NBC News reports say
- ↑ Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - CIA Propaganda & Information Manipulation | SRS #117
- ↑ How Japan's Biggest Idiot Singlehandedly Destroyed a Political Party