Labour Zionism

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Labour Zionism is a secular, Jewish, economically left, culturally Center ideology located at the bottom-center of left.


In terms of history, Labour Zionism was believed even in the 20s of the 20th century with the uprising of the kibbutzim (Plural form of Kibbutz in hebrew). The kibbutzim are collective community based on socialistic and Zionist ideologies. The kibbutzim behaved in the past like a communist commune, they opposed money and hierarchy and believed that everyone is equal. agriculture and manufacturing was done by the people of the kibbutz. Today, the kibbutz is not the same like it used to be because of modernism and interest in money.

Poster of the communist party, "Maki", who supported a Socialist Zionist ideology


Labour used to stand alongside of his fathers, Socialism and Zionism. He is very antifascistic and has a strong hate for Nazism. He is proud for being the biggest form of Zionism for 70+ years. As of today, Labour Zionism supports Social-Democracy.

How to Draw

Flag of Labour Zionism
  1. Draw a cube
  2. Draw a red horizontal line among the front and side face
  3. Fill the bottom in blue and the top in red
  4. Draw a star of David outline in the middle of the front face with inverted colors
  5. Add eyes
Color NameHEXRGB
 Red#EE161Frgb(238, 22, 31)
 Blue#0035B9rgb(0, 53, 185)



  • Social Democracy & Democratic Socialism - My main counterparts. Sorry for selling out... and stop getting mad at me for failing to get a two state solution with him, I tried and it failed okay!!
  • Zionism - To return to one's ancestral land is a human right!
  • Austromarxism - Jewish Nationalism and Workers Rights are intertwined.
  • MLKism - Thanks for supporting me, Mr King!
  • Socialism - Israel should be a nation for the working class! I feel bad as well for how it all turned out...
  • Green Zionism - Socialism will heal the planet.
  • Eco-Socialism - He's basically me, except he's a goy.
  • Ho Chi Minh Thought - Finally, a ML that likes me.
  • Anti-Fascism - Great Comrade who protects me from Nazis.
  • Esoteric Socialism - Many of his followers may be anti-Semitic, but little does he know I created him.


  • Marxism–Leninism - Why did you later go after the Jewish doctors and support Palestine over Israel? At least you supported me prior.
  • National Communism - My Radical factions love your economic ideas!, but many of your followers are anti-Zionists which is bad.
  • Mutualism - Herzl wrote about you and your economics inspired the Kibbutzim. But why some of you are very antisemitic? :(
  • Zhivkovism - Savior of the Bulgarian Jews and was one of the only eastern bloc leaders that opposed antisemitism but please stop hanging around Arafat and at least you recognize Israel as an independent state and not just him.
  • Revisionist Zionism - We fought together in the Independence War, plus we like welfare. But you've embraced capitalism before that flirted with the Fash. Just don't be like him and we're cool.
  • Shas and Yahadut HaTora - I like your Welfare and other social policies, even if you're more religious and conservative than me, and nowadays you get more votes than me.
  • Bundism - Why don't you want to return to the holy land?
  • Neoconservatism - Thanks but no thanks. Capitalist imperialism isn't the answer.
  • Third Way - Basically the guy above with welfare, but some of my modern counterparts have become you.
  • Eco-Capitalism - Oxymoron, but at least you care somewhat.
  • Titoism - You seemed to be a good trade partner, but you had to turn to him over me.
  • Left-Wing Populism - He is based but many of his counterparts outside Israel are Anti-Zionist shame. Not to mention he also calls me a sell-out nowadays.
  • Arafatism and Palestinian Nationalism - Listen, we tried, but it just didn't work...


Further Information






  1. Ben-Gurion is said to have been "nearly obsessed" with Israel's obtaining nuclear weapons, feeling that a nuclear arsenal was the only way to counter the Arabs' superiority in numbers, space, and financial resources, and that it was the only sure guarantee of Israel's survival and the prevention of another Holocaust.
  2. "With all his mostly negative feelings about Israel, Noam Chomsky continues to speak affectionately about the kibbutz [...]"