Religious Feminism

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Religious Feminism, also known as Feminist Theology, is an ideology and movement that believes that religion is vital to a feminist viewpoint. She also have goals of making women figures being a part of the clergy and other religious authorities, as part of gender equality in religion.



Christian Feminism is an ideology and movement that focuses on Christian beliefs and ideals while achieving gender equality for women. This variant of religious feminism was highly influential for First Wave Feminism and the Prohibition.


Jewish Feminism is an ideology and movement that advocates for Jewish female gender equality and that women should be allowed to be a qualified Rabbi.

Notable feminists with Jewish backgrounds include:

  • Magnus Hirschfeld, German physician and sexologist
  • Betty Friedan, author of "The Feminine Mystique"
  • Beate Sirota Gordon, women rights activist and subcommittee of the drafting of the post-WW2 Constitution of Japan

Secular Jewish Feminism

Secular Jewish Feminism, also known as Jewish Atheist Feminism, is a version of Jewish Feminism that is secular. While this may sound contradictory, it isn't a contradiction because it's referring to ethnically Jewish people who were/are feminists and not the religion of Judaism. Jewish atheists that were feminists include people like Murray Bookchin and Emma Goldman.


Islamic Feminism is an ideology and movement that focuses on Islamic beliefs and ideals while achieving (mostly full) gender equality for women. A big minority of Islamic feminists are Shiite (adherents of the Shia sect of Islam), and most are progressive or moderate Sunnis. This version of Sunni Islam is seen in Morocco, Algeria, Turkey and Tunisia. Others are non-denominational Muslims, which means they are either Quranists (Muslims that only believe in the Quran and maybe a few Hadiths for references), or selective when it comes to Hadiths or open to interpreting the Hadiths differently. It can be considered a fusion of conservative and religious ideology with some women's rights, especially considering Islam is a lot more liberal with abortions/contraceptives than other religions. Additionally, in this regard, Islam was progressive for its time.

Notable feminists with Islamic backgrounds include:

  • Sadiq Khan - Mayor of London
  • Zarah Sultana - Labour member of parliament in Britain
  • Meena Keshwar Kamal - Founder of "Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan"
  • Shamima Shaikh - South African activist, member of the "Muslim Youth Movement of South Africa"


Buddhist Feminism is an ideology and movement that focuses on Buddhist beliefs and ideals while achieving gender equality for women. They were critical towards Attha-garudhamma (Eight Garudhammas), which were imposed towards bhikkhunis, which Buddhist feminists, including Ven. Shih Chao-hwei advocated for abolishing the Eight Garudhammas.


Sikhism is a region that has traditionally thought that all genders are equal, with the human soul being neither male nor female. Many Sikh practices and customs are the same for men and women, and many women such as Mai Bhago had early leadership roles. Because of this, some Sikh's view there religion as inherently feminist.


Pagan Feminism is mostly associated with the Goddess Movement, which rejected what they saw as the patriarchal view of God found in most abrahamic religions. It arose within the 60s and 70s within Neo Paganism, and has very little set theological beliefs, besides the idea of the worship of one, or many female deities. They can be monotheistic, pantheistic, or polytheistic. One notable example of the Goddess movement would be Dianic Wicca, which unlike other Wiccans, worships the Goddess only.


She is well... Religious and encourages other women to follow her religious teachings. She treats male ideologies like they're bad, and should be put upon an curse.

How to Draw

Flag of Religious Feminism
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill in with white.
  3. Draw the Venus symbol with an eye on a hand in pink on the middle, to symbolize religion in general.
  4. Draw a pink bow.
  5. Draw in the eyes.

You're done!

Color NameHEXRGB
 White#FFFFFFrgb(255, 255, 255)
 Pink#FF00E1rgb(255, 0, 225)




  • Radical Feminism - That's just waaaay too much.
  • Marxist Feminism - State-enforced atheism is cringe. Do you understand the actual meaning of the phrase 'opiate for the masses'?


Further Information





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