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Confederalism is a system where a group of regional governments are united under a weak confederal government for some purpose but have equal or more power than the confederal government. In some versions, regional governments might even have in-country tariffs, local militias, and strong borders. Of course, not all Confederalists support the CSA.
Confederate usually has split personalities whom he often argues with, and has trouble making decisions as a result. More negative depictions may have him justify acts that are stupid or malicious using states' rights.
How to Draw
- Draw a ball with eyes
- 5 red circles in an X, the center circle can be bigger than the other 4, but it doesn't need to be
- 5 white circles in the red circles
- 5 blue stars in the white circles
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
White | #FFFFFF | rgb(255, 255, 255) | |
Red | #D80323 | rgb(216, 3, 35) | |
Blue | #002368 | rgb(0, 35, 104) |
Libertarianism - They like decentralization and sometimes secession.
Minarchism - Even bigger fans of decentralization. Based!
Helvetic Model - Closer to federalism nowadays, but still pretty good.
Democratic Confederalism - I support you against the Erdoganist and Kemalist unitarist.
Neozapatismo - Good job in Mexico son.
Patchwork - States' rights include city-states too.
Feudalism - The HRE was based.
Jeffersonian Democracy - You get it, unlike that moron Hamilton.
National Agrarianism - The CSA was pretty cool too, although they gave me a bad rep with slavery.
Irish Parliamentarianism - Your struggle is noble, shame how it all turned out.
Anarcho-Capitalism &
Anarcho-Communism - Biggest fans of decentralization, but I don't like their "abolish the state" thing.
Federalism - You don't let the states have full rights to their own self-determination.
European Federalism - You're actually not too bad as you are currently, but the commission is a bunch of bureaucratic cringe.
World Federalism - It depends on how much power the "states" have. And separatism is the right of the states you ignore.
Classical Conservatism - Metternich was based but the American Whigs and British Tories were disgusting feds and centralists, respectively.
Radicalism - Paine and the Jeffersonians were decent but the Chamberlains and their "Liberal" Unionists were vile.
Bismarckism - The North German confederation was good while it lasted, such a shame it was meant to be temporary.
Separatism - Is a right of the states, when I do it, because the states have a right to leave. Except when it happens to me, than the states don't have a right to leave.
Centralism - Stay away from my local authority.
Hamiltonianism - 1788 NEVER FORGET!
National Liberalism - Lincolnite Tyrant! (Though the Irish Parliamentarianism was based.)
Irish Republicanism - Violent separation isn't good either, especially when it happens to me.
Further Information
- Confederation period
- Old Swiss Confederacy
- Tagsatzung
- Swiss National Day
- Confederation
- John Dickinson
- German Confederation
- Confederate States of America
- Anti-Federalism, Anti-Administration party
- Congress of the Confederation
- States' rights
- Compact theory
- Personal union
- Real union
- Haudenosaunee Confederacy
- Articles of the Confederation
- Confederate States of America provisional constitution
- German confederation constitution
- ↑ Tyler's political views got him kicked out of all the parties he was ever in.
- ↑ The “Curse of Ham” from the Bible was used by pro-slavery Southerners to justify the belief that blacks were “inferior” and were, therefore, destined to eternal bondage to the whites.
- ↑ Franklin Pierce: Life Before the Presidency
- ↑ To Thomas Jefferson from John Tyler, 10 June 1804
Credit: u/Pirate_Tails Source
Original image