Eco-Anarchism or Green Anarchism is an Environmentalist
Anarchist ideology inhabiting a similar position to
AnCom and
AnSynd at the bottom of the
LibLeft quadrant. He gets very mad when people mistake him for
AnPrim. Instead of advocating for a return to primitive life, EcoAn advocates for humanity to be much closer to nature than it is right now. It is nearly always associated with
QueerAn and the aforementioned
AnCom in protests, due to their similar ideological goals.
Important early influences were Henry David Thoreau, Leo Tolstoy and Élisée Reclus. In the late 19th century, green anarchism emerged within individualist anarchist circles in Cuba, France, Portugal and Spain. In the latter half of the 20th century, environmentalists began to realize the need for radical egalitarianism within their movement.
To this end, the American author Murray Bookchin analyzed the connection between human life and the land they lived on. Bookchin hypothesized that any adverse change in the ecology of the planet would negatively affect the humans living on it. At the end of this meta-analysis of human history, Bookchin concluded that
capitalism (and its negative ecological consequences) began the moment humans broke the 'blood oath' that connected them to nature. This 'blood oath' was based on 'usufruct' (the minimal use of natural resources), and the 'irreducible minimum' (distributing gains equally among the familial group).
The Zones to defend (ZAD) in France are examples of applications of green anarchism. These zones consist of occupations of territories to prevent the construction of polluting projects. During the occupation the ''Zadists'' create an alternative model of society quite close to utopian socialism.
Eco-Anarchism believes in the complete abolition of the state in favor of decentralized eco-communes. It also believes that capitalism's natural tendency towards infinite profits is destroying the planet. Due to these beliefs, many eco-anarchists are willing to do actions such as tree-sitting to oppose the cutting of a forest or attacking police equipment.
Personality and Behavior
Eco-Anarchists can act either very peaceful, either living in an isolated log cabins in the woods or in primitive commune/tribes, or they can engage in revolutionary-like tactics against the State by mail bombings or protests.
Eco-Anarchists are very kind towards animals of all types and have differing opinions on humans. Eco-Anarchists usually have a vege-patch and will give tips to starting your own.
How to Draw
Drawing Eco-Anarchism is very easy:
- Draw a ball,
- Draw a not completely black line diagonally across the ball,
- Fill the bottom half with the same shade,
- Fill the top half with green,
- Draw the eyes and you're done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Green | #00DD00 | rgb(0, 221, 0) | |
Black | #141414 | rgb(20, 20, 20) |
Anarcho-Communism and
Anarcho-Syndicalism - Workers should have a say in the environment! A clean environment can help the lives of the people!
Libertarian Municipalism - You're like me, just with a bit more communism.
Democratic Confederalism - Same as before but in Kurdish.
Buddhist Anarchism - Another fellow vegan for religious reasons.
Total Liberationism - Animal liberation now!
Deep Ecology - Every living being deserves protection!
Solarpunk - My robo-sibling.
Eco-Socialism - Fellow environmentalist and socialist.
Anarcho-Naturism - Good friend who likes to be nude.
Insurrectionary Anarchism - Let's go destroy these meat factories!
Post-Leftism - Your ideas of Post-Civ are pretty interesting, although you should accept Bookchin, he has some good ideas.
Green Libertarianism - I like your care for the environment and your distrust of the state, but capitalism is harmful to the environment.
Georgism - Taxes are cringe, but if it protects land, I guess it's pretty good.
Anarcho-Primitivism - Your plan might solve climate change but killing 99+% of the human population is a bit too far don't ya think? Also I'm sick of people confusing me for you.
Anarcho-Capitalism - Stop burning coal.
Odalism - Me, but... fascist?
National Anarchism - Weirdo Fash but at least you support me.
Authoritarian Capitalism - Oil guzzler.
Climate Skepticism - Seriously?!
Eco-Fascism - Can you please not use climate change as an excuse for eugenics?
Eco-Authoritarianism - Oxymoron, authority damages the environment.
Police Statism - F**king pigs.
Corporatocracy &
Mediacracy - The ones responsible for the unjust construction of Cop City.
Seibtism - You are a perfect example of what anarchism SHOULD NOT be.
Further Information
- What is Green Anarchy? by Anonymous
- Death of a Small Planet by
Murray Bookchin
- I Am Not A Machine, I Am A Human Being by Mia X. Kursions
- The Monkey Wrench Gang by Edward Abbey
- Walden by Henry David Thoreau
- Desert by Anonymous
- Animal Liberation and Social Revolution by Brian A. Dominick
- Veganarchism: Philosophy, Praxis, Self-Criticism by Joseph Parampathu
- Making A Killing: The Political Economy of Animal Rights by Bob Torres
- A Solar punk manifesto
Original image
Eco-Egoism (alt)