Gandhian Socialism
Gandhian Socialism is a Left-Wing Nationalist form of
Socialism based on the ideas of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhian Socialism preaches that economics that harm a nation or the people within it are immoral and thus, should not be practiced. It favors a highly egalitarian society in which economic classes do not exist and each person gets a fair share of their labor.
The ideals of peace, truth, and co-operation are central to Gandhian Socialism, and is often why he comes into disagreement with Communists for disagreeing with his rejection of class conflict, instead advocating for class collaboration. Even though heavily religious, he respects all forms of religion, citing them all as having a form of Universal message like non-violence and truth.
Gandhian Socialism often talks about a state based on self sufficiency and a simple lifestyle for its citizens, and opposes Industrialism, as it feels it to be dehumanizing and against the needs of villages. Gandhian Socialists are often environmentalists too.
How to Draw
- Draw a ball
- Draw a diagonal in pink
- Draw the eyes and you're done
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Pink | #FB44BB | rgb(251, 68, 187) | |
White | #FFFFFF | rgb(255, 255, 255) |
Pacifism - Peace is very important for Humanity.
Utopian Socialism - Class collaboration will be better for the liberation of all humans.
Agrarian Socialism - An economy based on farming cannot go wrong!
Socialism - "Socialism is as pure as a crystal. It therefore requires crystal-like means to achieve it".
Civic Nationalism - All Indians are united regardless of their religion.
Eco-Socialism - "The Earth has enough resources for our need but not for our greed".
Kemalism - "I was believing God was an Englishman until Mustafa Kemal Atatürk has defeated them."
Hindu Theocracy - Thank you for teaching me about religions, dad, but I hate
him for killing me!
Christian Socialism - "I like your Christ, but I don't like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
Nehru Socialism - You betrayed me by choosing
him instead of me for our economics. I will still favor you above all other party members, and you were a great apprentice.
Christianity - "It was impossible for me to regard Christianity as a perfect religion or the greatest of all religions" + "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
Monarchism - "The tyranny perpetrated upon a people in the name of the people was more danger than the atrocities committed by one individual."
Caste System - You may be needed but I am not for caste based discrimination.
Fascism - Mussolini is “The greatest statesman of our time”, but authoritarian violence is not cool.
Nazism - "We have no doubt about your bravery or devotion to your fatherland, nor do we believe that you are the monster described by your opponents" Mahatma Gandhi told Hitler.
Furthermore, even if Adolf wanted to ally with the British and didn't care much about the Indian nationalist cause, in the end he ended up fighting them, favoring independence and weakening the evil empire.White Nationalism - "We beg to point out that the Anglo-Saxon & the Indian race belong to the same stock... both the races have sprung up from the same Aryan stock, or rather the indo-european as many call it. We have no wish whatever to trust ourselves as members of a brother nation on a nation that would be unwilling to recive us as such, but may be pardoned if we state the real facts".[1]
Left-Wing Nationalism - We are similar but many of you are way too violent!!!
Libertarian Socialism - I admire your passion for human freedom, but why the class conflict and violence?
Anarcho-Pacifism - I appreciate your passion for peace, but how is the state violent if it helps its citizens?
Primalism - I like your passion for a Primitive lifestyle, but you went too far.
K*ffir Nationalism - I hate when
he says we are the same, you K*ffirs are all uncivilized savages. Sorry about that though, I became anti-racist later in my life.
Socialist Corporatism - Equality without class struggle is based, but you are too authoritarian.
Ambedkarism - You did a good job but you are too leftist.
Indian National Congress - I was one was the ogs in this party but every since
Indira Gandhi you have become corrupt.
Boseism - Yah, I know you wanted to lead the Congress Party, but I said no! Who cares if people wanted you and you won faire and square, I WANTED NEHRU!
British Imperialism - If you won't get out of India I'm gonna starve myself in public! Wow, that worked?
Islamic Theocracy &
Communists - I hate your quickness to violence. But I have nothing against the Islamic people and community.
Naxalism - Evil movement that uses violence and class conflict to try to achieve socialism.
Neoliberalism - What the f*ck you said about the British Raj!!??
Feminism - Ok! I said I was sorry about those comments that I said that abused and r*ped women should kill themselves! I'm sorry okay!
Further Information
- ↑ "Deputation to Natal Premier"-June 29, 1894.