"What is a throne? A bit of wood gilded and covered in velvet. I am the state - I alone am here the representative of the people. Even if I had done wrong you should not have reproached me in public - people wash their dirty linen at home. France has more need of me than I of France."
Autocracy is an authoritarian unity and
absolutist ideology. Various definitions of autocracy exist. They may restrict autocracy to cases where the supreme political power to direct all the activities of the state is concentrated in the hands of
one individual, or they may define autocracy in a way that includes
a group of rulers who wield absolute power
. The autocrat has
total control over the exercise of civil liberties within the autocracy, choosing under what circumstances they may be exercised, if at all.
There are many examples of Autocracy in history. Many ideologies have autocracy as the main part of them, like Absolute Monarchism or
Fascism. Some famous autocrats are
Julius Caesar,
Lucius Cornelius Sulla,
Shang Yang,
Napoleon Bonaparte,
Adolf Hitler,
Benito Mussolini,
Francisco Franco,
Joseph Stalin,
Mao Zedong,
Enver Hoxha,
Ante Pavelić,
Hideki Tojo,
Nikita Khrushchev,
Josip Broz Tito,
Ivan the Terrible,
Peter I the Great,
Vladimir Putin,
Xi Jinping,
Constantine the Great,
Dong Zhuo,
Syngman Rhee,
Idi Amin,
Francisco Macías Nguema,
Alfredo Stroessner,
Suharto and
Augusto Pinochet. While their ideologies are very different in many different ways they all have one thing in common, being autocracies.
Autocracy, in the narrow sense, believes that supreme political power to direct all the activities of the state should be concentrated in the hands of one person, whose decisions are not subject to either external legal restraints nor regularized mechanisms of popular control. The autocrat can be anything from a monarch to a
Liberal Autocracy
Liberal Autocracy (also called Liberal Oligarchy) is the child of
Autocracy and
Constitutional Liberalism. Historically, the term typically referred to
non-democratic regimes which followed
liberal principles, in a similar vein to
Enlightened Absolutism.
According to the Brookings Institute, more contemporary liberal autocracies seek to subvert or prevent radical change, rule indirectly through the
"façade of democracy", limit freedom of speech or assembly to those who fall inside the Overton window, and elected officials have minimal accountability outside of elections.[3] In other words, liberal autocracies in the modern day tend to resemble
illiberal democracies, with key differences being a liberal autocracy's willingness to respect civil liberties and lack of support, real or otherwise, for democratic institutions.[4]
Liberal autocracies tend to have constitutional limits on power. Still, there is enough leeway to ensure threats to the regime can be minimized and the
court system is often stacked with loyalists. Unlike "enlightened monarchies," liberal autocracies also derive their legitimacy from the
people's will, rather than divine right.
An historic example of this was the Austro-Hungarian Empire.[5]
Egypt has also been described as a liberal autocracy.
Autocracy has a massive ego and is very narcissistic, which is personified by him constantly looking into a mirror and complementing himself whenever he can. He is also characterized by an insatiable lust for personal power and, very often, extreme cruelty. He loves praise and flattery and can't stand criticism.
However, Autocracy is a very broad ideology, so the personality and behaviour may highly vary depending on what autocracy is represented.
How to Draw
The laurel wreath and the color scheme are based on the aesthetics of the Roman Empire, which was a quintessential autocracy.
- Draw a ball
- Color it #A80000
- Draw a head and color it #FFC90E
- Draw a Laurel Wreath on the head or on top of the ball and color it #22B14C
- Draw the eyes and you're done!
- (Optional) Add a mirror
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Deep red | #A80000 | rgb(168, 0, 0) | |
Gold | #FFC90E | rgb(255, 201, 14) | |
Green | #22B14C | rgb(34, 177, 76) |
Me - Ah, I look so good today! I look good every day! Always making sure to put me above others.
Useful Tools
Authoritarianism - My praxis.
Totalitarianism - Similar to the above guy, but even stronger.
Cultism - Praise the glorious leader!
Police Statism - Amazing! Keep persecuting anyone who even dares to speak against me!
Stratocracy - He often helps me get into power and I also feed rebelling plebs to him. Good boy!
Absolute Monarchism - Me, but hereditary.
But you still have a few limits to your power, that's bad. OnlyRussian Tsars truly had autocratic power.
Authoritarian Conservatism - Most of you are autocrats, and you appeal to traditions to stay in power. Great!
Caesarism - I must stay dictator for life.
Bonapartism - What comes after Emperor?
Marxism-Leninism and
Ba'athism -
Stalinism - Collective leadership is nonsense, only the General Secretary should have power over all.
Fascism - Delightful.
But you shared power withthe King. I hope that was just temporary while you gained the people's trust...
Nazism - Führerprinzip is the best principle.
Maoism -
Marxism-Legalism? Hell yeah!
Demagoguery - Pulling the plebs' strings to do your bidding? Based!
Ingsoc - Unperson anyone who complains.
Kraterocracy - Or personally kill them.
Self-Interested Highborn
Anarcho-Egoism and
Autarchy - We both agree that only ourselves matters but anarchy for others would only harm my ability to please my own ego, while my system directly is used to empower me and me alone, there can only be one self-interested man on the top free to do as they will. The rest are my tools for achieving what I want.
Enlightened Absolutism - Based hereditary absolute reign, but... Improving the lives of the plebs? Outlawing torture along with cruel and unusual punishment, even for your enemies? Are you serious?
Machiavellianism - Good ideas on taking power, but what makes you suggest that I must share it? And also I'm not at all obliged to "follow the path of good".
Populism - You claim to care about plebs (and many of you do care), but I like that you go against
elitist collective leaderships and that some of you end up becoming me after removing those power-sharers.
Optimateism -
Sulla was ultrabased, but you were the ones who killed Caesar and abolished the position of dictator. Fortunately,
Augustus kicked your ass.
Hive-Mind Collectivism - Only OK if there is a single ruling core (and that would be me).
Revolting Plebs
Democracy - No, plebs won't rule!
Illegalism - This is why I hate commoners!
Anti-Authoritarianism - It's all so tiresome.
Diarchy and
Tetrarchy - Sharing power? NEVER!
But plenty of my variants are you.Anarcho-Collectivism - My opposite! Horizontal social structure without a single ruler? Are you crazy?!
Anarchism - Giving up so no one can rule?! HOW ABOUT NO!
Anarcho-Nihilism and
Insurrectionary Anarchism - The worst anarchists! Stop trying to kill me!
Constitutionalism - I AM THE LAW!!!
Senatorialism - I AM THE SENATE!
Contrarianism - MY WORST ENEMY!
Further Information
What is my page not good enough for you? Fine, haveDictatorshipLiberal Autocracy
Credit: K-Tech, Source
Old profile image
- ↑
- ↑ The Amazon Prime adaptation renames it to the Nazi American Reich or American Reich for short.
- ↑ "Liberal Autocracy in Egypt" Brookings Institute
- ↑ "Understanding Illiberal Democracies, Liberal Autocracies, and Everything in Between:" University of Houston
- ↑ The Democracy Reader page 174