This article is about a fictional ideology and has no foundation in real life political movements.
"Things look genuinely optimistic for the future of space exploration and human expansion into the solar system. The reason for hopefulness doesn’t lie with the state[.]"
Anarcho-Frontierism (Anfront) is an anarchist, transhumanist, economically center, culturally centrist ideology, inhabiting the bottom of the Political Compass. He believes that "true anarchist societies can only exist on the frontiers of... civilization" and so advocates for transhumanism to expand the frontier into space. His social system includes a largely limited state or the abolishment of the state altogether. His economic system is heavily based on his father; Mutualism. Anarcho-Frontierism isn't hostile to market systems and seeks to create a system that combines their best aspects. His cultural ideals include protection of gun ownership, legalization of recreational drugs, sexual freedom, often touched upon in comics. Anfront finds preserving culture necessary for social cohesion, especially when it comes to art, language and history. Despite being related to
Transhumanism, Anarcho-Frontierism supports only augmentation and enhancement of the human body without changing the human nature itself.
Stylistic Notes
Anfront often speaks English with a mix of Russian, Spanish, Chinese, or other languages; and uses inverted question marks and exclamation points, American cowboy slang (pardner, y'all, yeehaw, goner) and some Australian words (g'day, jackaroo). He's always seen in his cowboy hat, ushanka, sombrero, Canadian Beaver Fut Hat, Hetman's Headpiece or other type of headwear popular on the frontier depending on the location, and climate. At times (Especially when he represents An-Front with tribal characteristics or is with his tribal allies) he may be seen with some cyber-tribal regalia, or with war-paint You can make a special version of Anarcho-Frontierism with a specific country's characteristics by adding this country's headwear and popular weapons/tools (e.g. an AK-47 and a Ushanka for Russia, a Mondragón rifle and a Sombrero for Mexico, a Heatman's Headpice and wooden mace for Ukraine, etc). Anfront often has a gun (which can be any "classic", non-tacticool weapon, mostly from the USA and Russia. AK-47, Browning A-5, Colt SAA or Mondragón Rifle are all good examples) or a bow (Mongolian or Native American style), a machete, a bottle of strong alcohol, a weed joint or a musical instrument (mostly guitars and banjos). He also often has a red cyborg eye. Soft-spoken, calm and polite when at peace. Goes full-on yeehaw mode when provoked. Can be flirty, especially with other lib ideologies. Always tries to reconcile all libertarian/anarchist ideologies to work together. Relationship wise, He is typically a lone-wolf and a vagabond but sometimes forms small unions or parties with ideologically like-minded allies. While he is distant from most people, he is closest with Indigenous Anarchism which they have a long and complex history together in the frontier, both as best friends and at times great rivals. Often times he may have to go on great adventures to defend himself against
Neo-Tribals and
Cyber-Techno-Hordes as well as to protect the frontier from
Imperialist and Colonial
powers who want to take it and implement a state for themselves.

Earth-Centric Anarcho-Frontierism
Earth-Centric Anarcho-Frontierism is a somewhat broad variant of Anarcho-Frontierism that either believes civilization didn't take over the Earth yet, and there are still places where you can practice anarchism on the frontier, that civilization HAS taken over but can be reversed to a frontier-state, or some combination of the two. Those who insist frontiers still exist on Earth commonly point to less developed areas in Africa,
Asia, etc.
How to Draw
Drawing Anfront is fairly simple:
- Draw a ball.
- Draw a line in a lighter shade of black diagonally through the ball.
- Fill the space below the line the same color of the line and the space above the line tan.
- Use white to draw a railroad spike straight up and down, a lever-action rifle aiming towards the top right, and a tomahawk with the head on the top left. You can change the rifle and the tomahawk to the weapons popular on your particular frontier to create a special regional version (e.g. an AK-47 and a Mongolian bow for Siberia).
- Add a cowboy hat with the outline in deep brown and filled in with a lighter shade.
- Optionally, add a guitar or banjo in peace or a gun (made of wood, ivory, and metal, usually of American or Russian production) in battle.
- Add the eyes (left eye, i.e., on your right, optionally red), and you're done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Black | #141414 | rgb(20, 20, 20) | |
Tan | #D2B48C | rgb(210, 180, 140) | |
White | #FFFFFF | rgb(255, 255, 255) | |
Deep brown | #312421 | rgb(49, 36, 33) | |
Lighter brown | #463631 | rgb(70, 54, 49) | |
Red | #FF0000 | rgb(255, 0, 0) |
Anarcho-Transhumanism - The best way to create a new frontier is to go to space. I also like you want to get robot arms!
Georgism - Landlords are cringe.
Geolibertarianism - Landlords are cringe x2!
Geoanarchism - Landlords are cringe x3
Social Georgism - Landlords are cringe x4
Distributism - Best economic system that uses private property.
Left-Wing Market Anarchism - Great system.
Mutualism - The best economic system to run the frontier.
Libertarianism - Militias are dope, amigo.
Libertarian Socialism - Workers' militias are even better, droog.
Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism - Drugs and guns, yee-haw!
Social Libertarianism - Like
him, but without too much government.
Paleolibertarianism - Tradition and freedom are both important.
Minarchism - The most a state should be allowed to exist on the frontier.
Agorism - Black market and guns are dope.
Left-Rothbardianism - Better
Anti-Authoritarianism - He also wants to bash the fash, tankies, and monarchists.
Council Communism - Soviet democracy, best democracy.
Anarcho-Syndicalism - Durruti was great.
Anarcha-Feminism - Womens rights are necessary!
Anarchism - Mother Anarchy loves all her children!
Fully Automated Gay Space Communism - "I'm you, but stronger".
National Anarchism - An anarchist who understands the importance of cultural identity.
Hydrarchy - Extremely based lover of the lands free from the outside reach of the state and civilization who I have a lot of respect for, now if only you can only expand your horizons farther from just the sea and embrace the frontiers of SPACE.
Agrarian Anarchism - Space homesteads are based.
Technogaianism - Living in a small band of Cybernetic Tribals is very based! Now if only those savages weren't so aggressive with their tribal laser bows.
Queer Anarchism - Ram Ranch really rocks.
Somewhat Yeehaw
Anarcho-Capitalism - You have some great ideas but that whole capitalism thing sucks.
@LibertyCappy - Like the above but he likes the Transhumanist
Elon Musk even though he is a capitalist.
Hoppeanism - Finally an anarchist that understands the importance of borders, but you're like ancap.
Anarcho-Communism - You have some great ideas but too naive sometimes.
Anarcho-Egoism - Holy, you are psychotic.
Anarcho-Nihilism - Same, but we both love guns.
Market Socialism - I like your economics, but tone down the statism.
Social Democracy and
Democratic Socialism - Helping the poor is fine, but you have too much government.
Classical Liberalism - You started that whole lib thing, amigo. Still too much government.
Neoliberalism - I like how you liberate people from authoritarians peacefully. Hate everything else about you.
Neoconservatism - I like how you bash authoritarians. Hate everything else about you.
Trotskyism - Like previous, but red.
Posadism - Nukes are awesome.
Anarcho-Primitivism - You teach us that we should use technology carefully.
Anarcho-Monarchism - You're weird and it seems I'm the only person who understands you.
Titoism - I like how you fight against
Islamic Theocracy right there.
Senatorialism - Who are you, lost little child?
Italian Left Communism - You always have a book to read. I respect that. Just quit being so lazy and so authoritarian...
Paleoconservatism - Tradition is important and I like how you support smallholders, but you're too authoritarian. And transhumanism is based!
Homofascism - I mean Ram Ranch cowboys in the frontier is really based, but why the fascism?... And no I don't want to join you in the showers at the ranch, I can take on the 28 US Marines on by myself thank you.
Statist Urbanites
Ingsoc - You are the worst. But then again, at least you got porn.
Marxism–Leninism - Your "transitional state" is a lie. You're like IngSoc's little brother.
Maoism - Fuck off with your "Cultural Revolution" and homophobia.
Strasserism - Oh, hello racist tankie.
National Bolshevism - Oh, hello racist Stalinist. Limonov was kinda dope though.
Nazism - Your hero killed himself.
Fascism - You spoiled bundles of sticks for us all.
Monarchism - I've got a long history of fighting with you.
Pinochetism - Stalinism, but capitalist.
Gerontocracy - Ok boomer.
Technocracy - I don't care if it's more efficient, I'm not giving up my homestead!
Juche - Imagine being a Stalinist, a Nazi and a fascist at the same time.
Theocracy - No cummies yum, no my support.
Clerical Fascism - You're even worse.
Authoritarian Capitalism - You are the reason capitalism get a bad rep.
Corporatocracy - HA-HA-HA! I am better, than you on frontier! Outer Worlds is based, because you are lose in there!
National Capitalism - Oh god, you're even worse.
Kleptocracy - You fucked up Russia. After it was fucked up by like 10 other guys.
Paternalistic Conservatism and
Social Authoritarianism - I don't care if you give me welfare, I won't do what you tell me.
Esoteric Fascism - You're like Left Communism's evil brother.
Tribalism - Why do these savages keep attacking me? I just want to chill in the frontier.
Indigenism - Can you Wild Folk stop trying to scalp me?
Anarkata - Okay... I think this is starting to become a serious problem.
Further Inforation
- Proto Frontierist Paper
- Proto Frontierist thesis
- The Colonization of Space – Gerard K. O’Neill
- Space Settlements: A Design Study - NASA
- Home on Lagrange - Katie Mingle
- The Life of Gerard K. O’Neill
- Ephemeralization for Post-Capitalist Space Exploration by
Kevin Carson
- Life in a Space Colony, ep1: Extraterrestrial Colonies - Isaac Arthur
Online Communities