Reactionary Liberalism

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Not to be confused with Reactionary Libertarianism

"The assertion that men are objectively equal is so absurd that it does not even merit being refuted."

Reactionary Liberalism, is an economically center-right to far-right, statist (but mostly democratic) civically variable and culturally right to far-right ideology who believes in a union of economic policies typical of liberalism (pro-free enterprise capitalist market economy, typically Classical Liberal in nature but sometimes it can be Keynesian or Social market economy) and a democratic system of government with reactionary and traditionalist social values, although a minority of them propose non-democratic forms of government. It is defined by it's belief that there should be a separation between Free-Market Capitalism/Liberal Democracy and Post-Enlightenment cultural views, which it deems as "degenerate".

Unlike most ideologies on this wiki, this one isn't a serious theoretical one or has many open advocates IRL, as the majority of the center right to right wing populist claim to be against liberalism. It mostly originates from insults of Leftists towards center right to right wing populist figures who seem to promote Neoliberal economics.

Personality and Behavior

Unlike most other culturally reactionary ideologies, he does not view the institution of Liberalism as contradictory to or incompatible with far-right social views, seeing social Progressivism as a problem separate to the system it exists in, which makes him somewhat of an "opposite unity" ideology between the Liberal Dynasty and reactionaries.

On a similar note, his cultural views set him aside from other liberal ideologies though sharing substantial similarities with Conservative Liberalism, albeit much more extreme. Older Reactionary Liberals tend to be part of the Christian Democracy, who believe that a liberal democratic system and strong traditional Christian society can be combined. Younger Reactionary Liberals very commonly are part of the Online New Right movements , tend to bitch and moan complain about "free speech" whenever they're censored by progressive corporations for their edgy behavior. They tend to rant about "Cultural Marxism" and "Gender Ideology" and how they want to take away their values.

Regional Variants


Bolsonarism is an economically and culturally right ideology defended by Jair Bolsonaro and his supporters. He advocates many values associated with the  Christian Right, being highly opposed to secularism. A core proponent of his vision is "making Brazil not a  socialist country anymore", advocating that the Brazilian military regime (known for its numerous human rights violations) was extremely prosperous before democracy. He is opposed to abortion, gay marriage and essentially anything progressive, and is in favor of liberalization of gun laws, privatization of government industries and the laxing of environmental regulations, taking a strongly neoliberal economic agenda. He wants to align Brazil to be closer with  Israel and the  United States, and openly admires  Donald Trump.


Republican Party was founded in 2018 out of the results of Republican Ideas, both created by initiative of José Antonio Kast, a former Independent Democratic Union partisan, after growing disappointed for the lack of a strong defense of the party in topics such as traditional family and opposition to progressive laws such as abortion and gender ideology.
In 2017 he ran for President independently, representing a right wing sector that strongly defended such values and wasn't happy with the idea of voting for Sebastián Piñera again. He got 7.9% of counted votes.
That sentiment grew as he approved gender identity laws, pardoned illegal migrants and let increasing crime be. Popular demand for a voice against that wasn't present in any political party; so Republican Party was founded with that task in mind.
After the 2019 widespread riots in most major cities in Chile, the proposal of rewriting the Chilean Constitution from scratch and a subsequential referendum, José Antonio Kast was one of the only Chilean politicians with a clear standing against its rewriting, thus becoming the face for the "hard right wing" in Chile.
In 2021 he ran for President a second time representing an electorate which was tired of the inaction of the right wing parties to preserve Chilean integrity, its institutions and its foundations. He got the second place with 44.1% of the counted votes.



The Thermadorian Reaction was a period during the final phases of the Reign of Terror during the events of the French Revolution. It was a coup led by more moderate elements of the French National Convention, who denounced the tyrannical policies of Maximilian Robespierre & the Committee of Public Safety. After they subsequently lost support from the Plaineist deputies of the National Convention, the Montagnards & their Communard supporters were declared outlaws, arrested after a skirmish at the Hôtel de Ville, and executed. The Thermadorians then initiated a White Terror against those who were still loyal to the Montagnards, & barred them from receiving public office.

The regime itself, known as the Directory, established limitations to prevent one person from concentrating power, thus creating an oligarchy of five men in the process. For the most part, it was a relatively ineffective regime, & completely unpopular with the people. It was ultimately overthrown in a coup d'état by Napoleon Bonaparte & Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès, who replaced it with the French Consulate.

Zemmourism is the ideology of French politician Eric Zemmour, and his party, Reconquete. Zemmour founded Reconquete in December 2021, with an entent to participate in the then-upcoming 2022 French presidential election. The party quickly gained popularity, as the National Rally party was becoming less far-right as the years went by. However, Zemmour would poorly preform in the first round of the election, and ended up endorsing Le Pen in the second round.

In his political positions, Zemmour considers himself a Gaullo- Bonarpartiste. Zemmour calls for national unity, believing that all of a nations problems can be solved via sovereignty. Zemmour has reactionary views on social issues, claiming that France has plunged into a state of decline due to Feminism, abortion, homosexuality, and other progressive views being culturally accepted. Zemmour has argued that women are unsuited for major political positions, and that homosexuality is the erosion of masculinity. Zemmour is opposed to immigration, claiming that that the French population is being replaced by migrants. Zemmour is also opposed to Islam, calling for the banning of the hijab, and a investigation into funding for Muslim religious organizations. He is a strong supporter of Israel, describing the Israel-Hamas war the "fight for our civilization".

Zemmour supports protectionism, cutting corporate tax, and proposes raising the retirement age to 64. He also supports withdrawing France from the EU and strengthening the French armed forces.

Henry de Lesquen is a far-right figure, near non-existent politically speaking, with a racialist and national-liberal doctrine. He is also the leader and co-founder of the metapolitical think tank Carrefour de l'Horloge,he also have his own party: Parti National-Libèral (PNL). Other prominent figures that share his ideology are other two of the seven co-founders of the Carrefour de l'Horloge: defunct Yvan Blot founder of the association Agir Pour la Democratie Directe which have the objective to change the french constitution into the swiss model and Jean Yves-Gallou that it is part of the party Reconquest.


Alternative for Germany is a National Conservative party in Germany created by Bernd Lucke in 2013. Originally starting out as a more softly Eurosceptic Liberal Conservative party, it starting taking a much more hardline stance in 2015, with the current incarnation of the AfD promoting anti-immigration, anti-Islam, anti-feminist, and climate change denialist rhetoric, along with being more overtly against European integration. The party also supports an Ordo-Liberal economic platform, citing inspiration from Walter Eucken and Ludwig Erhard, and wants to install a Swiss-style semi-direct democracy. There was an even more right-wing faction of the party called "Der Flügel", with some of its members having ties to Neo-Nazi groups, although it was formally dissolved in 2020.

Alexander Gauland is German right-wing politician and one of leader of AfD party. He began his political career joining Christian Democratic Union. Gauland grew dissatisfied with policies of Angela Merkel, especially German economic aid for Greece. He then left CDU and founded Alternative for Germany. In 2014, party entered Landtag of Brandenburg with Gauland becoming the deputy. He served as co-leader of the party until 2019, first with Alice Weidel and then with Jörg Meuthen.

Gauland's views are socially conservative and economically liberal. He's known for his staunch anti-immigration stance, supporting Germany's and the European Union's borders. Gauland also attended PEGIDA demonstrations and praised the organisation. He's also known for his numerous controversial statements regarding Germany's past, including one stating that Germans "should 'be proud of' its soldiers in both world wars".



The Liberal Democratic Party is a right-wing, monarchist and the dominant party in Japan, with various factions ideologically diverse, the main faction that dominates the party is economically liberal, socially conservative and ethnonationalist.


Forum for Democracy is a right-populist party in the Netherlands, headed by Thierry Baudet. FvD are in favor of a stricter national immigration policy in which Dutch citizens would decide for themselves who is received. In combination with these measures, the party is in favor of receiving asylum seekers in the region and an active deportation policy of illegal immigrants, in which illegality is punishable. In addition, the party advocates a 'Dutch Values ​​Protection Act'.

The party is in favor of semi-direct democracy and advocates the introduction of binding referendums and popular initiatives as according to them, power and functions are divided among the main government parties. FvD favors a directly elected mayor and a directly elected prime minister. The party also favors a government made up of apolitical experts and believes top officials should reapply for their position when a new cabinet is formed, his economic platform is in line with Classical Liberalism, primarily consists of market deregulation, lowering taxes and privatization of certain public-owned enterprises and properties (ex:Dutch public broadcasting Foundation), despite being considered a far-right party they propose the gradual legalization of soft drugs and even study the possibility of legalize hard Drugs also they're in favour of same-sex marriage. They also hold hard eurosceptic views, calling for an EU withdrawal referendum (Nexit) and focus on climate skepticism, ignoring the scientific consensus on climate change.

Lastly, the party holds a strongly traditionalist view on culture, with Baudet having outright said that they "fundamentally oppose the values of the enlightenment"[46]. A major part of their platform is based around wanting to restore old dutch culture and architecture. They have also gotten in trouble for having ties to the Alt-Right and white nationalists in the past, one particular instance involving the youth wing being hijacked by neo-nazis and Baudet refused to disown them, causing most of the "moderate wing" of the party to resign in protest and eventually forming a separate party JA21 in December 2020.


Conservative-Monarchist Club is metapolitical organisation founded in 1988. It sees itself as successor of interwar Conservative-Monarchist Club founded in Kraków in 1926. Contemporary club publishes Pro Fide Rege et Lege quarterly and owns internet portal Said portal cooperates with Najwyższy Czas! and Myśl Polska newspapers. Club itself cooperated with many parties, including Real Politics Union and Congress of New Right. Since 2019, organisation is associated with Confederation coalition. However, Club's members also joined other parties - some were members of PiS and PSL. First Chairman of Club was Artur Górski, who later became member of parliament from Law and Justice party. Currently club is led by professor Adam Wielomski.

Club refers to its political ideology as Integralist Conservatism - its core ideas being: opposition to democracy and support for monarchy, Catholic Traditionalism, anti-socialism and support for economic liberalism, and Euroscepticism. Organisation is also Catholic nationalist and anti-communist.

However, under Wielomski's leadership club distanced itself from monarchism as well as anti-communism. Its website started to publish articles by left-wing activists - former member of Samoobrona party, Konrad Rękas and communist activist Dawid Jakubowski.


Salvador de Madariaga described himself as an organicist liberal," he was an anti ultilitarian humanist. His other views were anti-communist , anti-Francoist and described as a "moderate classical liberal", in Anarchy or Hierarchy he proposed a concept called "unanimous organic democracy", in which the State would not tolerate strikes or unions and would restrict the right to vote. After the end of the Second World War he defended monarchical positions for Spain (embodied in the figure of Juan de Borbón) and was opposed to universal suffrage . His thinking, which received criticism from the Spanish left during the Second Republic, has been described by Pedro Carlos González Cuevas as elitist. According to Herbert R. Southworth , Ricardo de la Cierva would have proposed Madariaga (whose attacks on various socialist politicians were used as propaganda by the regime) and José Antonio Primo de Rivera as the main inspirers of Franco's political program.


How to Draw

Flag of Reactionary Liberalism
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Color the ball with Prussian Blue
  3. Add a horizontal Golden bar in the middle, dividing the ball into a three bar tricolor
  4. Draw two eyes

You are done!

Color NameHEXRGB
 Prussian Blue#1A193Argb(26, 25, 58)
 Gold#FFDA2Brgb(255, 218, 43)


Liberal Crusaders


  • Enlightenment Thought - I have mixed feelings about thee. On the one hand, thou hath granted us great ideas about economics, individual freedom, and government. But on the other hand, thou art the source of the majority of the degeneracy that I hate. Kant, Montesquieu, Voltaire and Hegelians are great.
  • Authoritarian Capitalism - I prefer democracy personally, I must stress. However, if society goes too far astray, I guess anything goes for bringing it back from the edge...
  • Authoritarian Conservatism - Modi and Erdogan are blessed but I want liberty, not arbitrary morality.
  • Conservative Feminism - Thou claim to protect our traditions yet support nonsense like female suffrage or the right for women to work outside of home. Thy sister, however, is more tolerable than most of your family as she stands against modern degeneracy and for a return to traditional roles.
  • Paternalistic Conservatism - Literal commies with a cross in denial. (But at least the Kochikai is somewhat blessed)
  • Right-Wing Populism - Often agrees with me on many things but populism is what leads to fascism, socialism and faux liberalism in the first place!
  • Reactionary Libertarianism - Thou art going way too far cousin.
  • Liberalism - Thou may give freedom to thine people, but thou art drunk!
  • Conservative Liberalism - Too radical back in our day, nowadays too moderate and gets in my way restoring our father's system.
  • National Liberalism - Same with thee.
  • Neoconservatism - Useful tool for toppling socialists, but far too moderate back home.
  • Neoliberalism - Don't get me wrong, thine economics art good, but degenerate aesthetics are abominable.
  • Neo-Libertarianism - He gets me somewhat, but thou dost not want to R E A C T.
  • National Capitalism - Hugenburg could have been a great figure in the Weimar Republic but he surrendered to the Nazis instead.
  • Austrian School - Utopic Liberal, though he has many good ideas.
  • Chicago School - Utopian, but thou hast good ideas such as the voucher system. Thanks to thee, Chile used to be the most successful realm in South America.
  • Reactionary Socialism - Long live the reactionary bourgeoise, let the peasantry and aristocracy die!
  • Francoism - Blessings for protecting Spain from degenerate heathens but initially thou hath sided with the fallacious economic system. The Opus Dei, on the other hand, were splendid.
  • Gaullism - Zemmour is very blessed, but thou sadly dost not want to chop off the jaws of radlibs anymore.
  • Salazarism - My eternal appreciation for saving Portugal from Red tyranny but you are a commie with a cross.
  • Trumpism - Bolsonaro and Najib like thee, but thou don't seek to go full reactionary and wantest to stay "conservative". And protectionism is foolish, free trade is needed for the realm's prosperity.
  • Integralism - Goodness gracious, thou hate my liberal fellows so much, yet think I am the most tolerable one.
  • Khomeinism - Though I like the fact that thou art a Religious Social Reactionary and support a Democratic System, thou art also very Illiberal.

Illiberal Degenerates

  • Enlightened Absolutism - AN ENLIGHTENED TYRANT, MY NEMESIS!!! At least he also dislikes the J*cobins
  • Radicalism - Degenerate who corrupted liberalism with his proto-cultural Marxist ideas!
    • Dude, why cling to outdated ideas when we can make RADICAL change to benefit everyone?
  • Cultural Progressivism - I hate thee so much for ruining the term "Liberal", now I have to call myself a "conservative" in order for Papa to take me seriously!
  • Radical Feminism - Follower of Lilith who hates men and wants to take away our traditional social norms!
  • Social Liberalism - Sinful Cultural Marxist posing as a liberal.
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - Extreme progressive who kneels before commie heathens? Thou disgust me!
  • Conservative Socialism - Thou are just a fake traditionalist who blames liberals for all the troubles, not realizing that socialism is the real threat to liberty.
  • Third Way & Liberal Socialism - At least you too are honest that liberalism and socialism are the same, but you too are some of the most spiritually damaging ideologies ever.
  • Totalitarianism - Very cursed! Democracy and limited government art blessed.
  • Left-Wing Populism - Curse thee for trying to ruin society with thine cultural marxist policies! CURSE THOU LULA!
  • Marxism - Absolutely wretched.
  • Cultural Marxism - I shall decapitate with my sword these Post-Modern Neo-Marxist Chaos Dragons!
  • Socialism - He's corrupting our society and destroying our freedom and liberty!
  • Protectionism - Free international trade is a key liberty, actually.
  • Distributism - Peasant Commies with crosses.
  • Christian Socialism - Actual communists with a crosses.
  • Christian Communism - Honest commies with a cross.
  • Marxist Feminism - Lilith incarnate!
  • Peronism - Thou hath managed to revert Argentina from a first-world realm to a third-world realm!
  • Chavismo - Literally Venezuelan Lenin. The smell of sulfur thou claimed to feel at the UN was actually coming from thee.
  • Jacobinism - A seed of evil, fortunately, I removed thy jaw.
  • Bonapartism - We hath created the directory to stop illiberal despots and Jacobin madmen. Thou both ruined our heritage and became an absolutist.
  • Josh Shapiro Thought ( Mastriano POV) - I will never forgive you for stealing the elections from me.
    • - You were not even close to winning the election you lost by nearly a million.
    • - CURSE YOU!!!!


Further Information


Note: This is a general list of parties and people who hold mostly traditionalist social views and support liberal democracy (mostly) and/or economics. How reactionary they really are is variable and debatable.









  1. Thermidorian Convention is considered a center party
  2. On the Ordonationalist Political Party: The French National Front and Hungary’s Fidesz, Dorit Geva
  3. Kast Party is said to be by many on the youtube right nothing more or less like the UDI in the past, same happens in Spain with VOX and PP
  4. Although Lesquen has made anti-Semitic comments, such as saying that the "judeovirus" is worse than COVID-19, he praised Benjamin Netanyahu as one of the 12 national-liberal governments, and factions of his party have expressed support for Zemmour. Lesquen has said he isn't an anti-semite but an asemite.
  5. [1]
  7. Bolsonaro defended the sterilization of poor people to combat crime and poverty
  8. Jair Bolsonaro and Gulf states: a jewel of a friendship
  9. Bolsonaro praises Pinochet's dictatorship in Chile
  10. [2]
  11. [3]
  12. [4]
  13. Critical Age Theory
  14. Gerontocracy Versus Western Civilization
  15. A nationalist who actually cared about the well being of his own country would basically open the borders to guest workers and make all Americans live like kings. But despite what they say, that’s not what “nationalism” is. It’s an ideology for the small and fearful.
  16. Nationalism is another form of identity politics. A substitute for a healthy and meaningful personal life.
  17. The problem with nationalism is that it rarely ends up actually benefitting the nation.
  18. Populism Makes Worse People
  19. 1. As a fellow Palestinian American, it's depressing how much Ayman Mohyeldin's sense of self seems to depend on what the media calls the Nashville bomber. Last few days, he's tweeted more about this than everything else put together. Identity politics makes you neurotic and sad.
    2. Israel Must Crush Palestinian Hopes
  20. Towards an Enlightened Centrism
  21. Hitler, Demi Moore, and Other "Pedophiles"
  23. The arguments against incest seem problematic given current discourse. 1) the disgust argument could also be used against homosexuality, etc. 2) the genetic argument is eugenics. How does someone who believes consent overrides disgust and opposes eugenics support banning incest?
  24. "I’m also more anti-crime than my readers, favoring the death penalty, shooting fleeing felons, and mass incarceration. But also more pro-freedom in terms of plastic surgery, transhumanism, and a free market in human organs."
  25. The Reactionary Case for Democracy
  26. The Invisible Graveyard of Crime
  27. Fatherhood as Practicing Virtue
  28. I explain why the US will provide aid to Ukraine forever as long as it's willing to fight and why I'm becoming a feminist who believes in respecting women and protecting their rights.
  29. The Last Aristocrat and the Riff-Raff Revolution
  30. Black Guy Hitting on Girls (BGHG)
  31. I’m no longer a transphobe. @BriannaWu helped me understand.
  32. Why I Used to Suck, and (Hopefully) No Longer Do
  33. Shut up About Race and IQ
  34. Why I Oppose Eugenics
  36. O único erro do Marechal Tito foi morrer
  37. Só há um caminho
  38. [5],
  39. [6], BFM-TV (French).
  40. [7]
  41. [8]
  43. The Internet Versus Sweetbaby Inc (And The Journalists)
  44. "Gamers" Are The Biggest Threat to American Society
