Reformist Marxism
"The aim of all socialist measures, even of those which appear outwardly as coercive measures, is the development and the securing of a free personality. Their more exact examination always shows that the coercion included will raise the sum total of liberty in society, and will give more freedom over a more extended area than it takes away."[6]
Reformist Marxism, also called Evolutionary Socialism,[7]
Marxist Social Democracy[8] or
Bernsteinism is a type of
Marxism which seeks to achieve communism through the use of
reformist means. Reformist Marxism is the precursor of modern
Democratic Socialism and
Social Democracy,[9] as well as
Liberal Socialism. Reformist Marxism today is practiced by the
Japanese Communist Party.[10]
The Original Communist Party of Australia was founded on the 30th of October 1920 by multiple Australian Communists. Although starting out as an Marxist–Leninist party, the party in its later years descended into
Reformist Marxism has its origins in the writings of Eduard Bernstein, who, while identifying with Marxism, felt that there were significant errors in Marx's writing, and often criticized significant parts of Marxist theory such as the idea of revolution to achieve a socialist society. His work would prove influential to later Marxist revisionists and what would later come to be known as
Social Democracy.
Japanese Communism is an ideology based off of the Japanese Communist Party. It is a form of Marxism with major influences from
Democratic Socialism and strong opposition to
Neoconservatism in Japan and a focus on maintaining Japan's national sovereignty.
United Kingdom 
The UK Labour Party was first formed on the 27th of February 1900 by the Labour Representation Committee (a pressure group that focused on workers' rights) and was initially socialist and the abolition of private property was included in the party's platform but by the 1940s, in accordance with many other
socialist political parties in Europe, the abolishment of private property was dropped from their party platform and they swiftly won elections after this. However despite this moderation many groups within labour have still claimed Marxist and Bernsteinist traditions such as
Bevan, Independant Labour and McDonnell these figures and party are often called in the UK "hard left" because of their often extreme beliefs.
Bevan was characterised by his strong support for continuing the mass nationalisations post world war two despite the large debt that was piling up, and his opposition to Gaitskell's efforts to remove clause four from the labour party constitution (defining labour as a socialist party). Independent Labour was a separate party but often affiliated with labour throughout the early 20th century (disbanding in the 1970s) they refused to abandon their Marxist routes like the larger labour party, members included the famous writer
George Orwell.
Starting under Harry Pollitt the
Communist Party of Great Britain and its successor the
Communist Party of Britain adopted a reformist stance of advocating for voting for the
Labour Party. They, following the beliefs of
Marx and
Joseph Stalin, believe that
socialism in the
UK is possible through elections.
Eduard Bernstein argued that Marx had been wrong in his economic predictions, but right in his approach to social analysis. He observed capitalism was not failing, so the best path for the working class was to work within the political system to alleviate capitalism's failings. He believed that a worker's revolution required capitalism's collapse. That collapse was not forthcoming which left the working class to use political power to alleviate its own situation.
How to Draw
The main design of Reformist Marxism, Bernsteinism uses a variant of the Social Democracy design. The white rose on the red background is replaced with a gold rose on a red background, as to evoke
- Draw a ball
- Fill it with red
- Draw a golden rose in the middle
- Add eyes and you're done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Red | #CD0000 | rgb(205, 0, 0) | |
Gold | #FFD800 | rgb(255, 216, 0) |
Japanese Communism
Another alternate design Polcompballers use for Reformist Marxism is the design of Japanese Communist Party, or Japanese Communism for short.
- Draw a ball
- Fill it with red
- Add a silver gear in the middle
- Draw a golden wheat in the middle of the gear
- Add the eyes (preferably slanted)
- Add a tan straw hat to the ball and you’re done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Red | #E3213C | rgb(227, 33, 60) | |
Silver | #BAE1E6 | rgb(186, 225, 230) | |
Gold | #F5AD00 | rgb(245, 173, 0) |
Marxism - A great social scientist but don't you understand that revision is the basis of science?
Iron Front - My son who hates authoritarianism like me.
Japanese Communism - My semi-successful Japanese variant.
Democratic Socialism - What I strive for.
Reformism - The best way to achieve socialism.
Steiner-Vallentyne School - My libertarian great grandson who may like markets but agrees with me in private property.
Liberal Socialism - Socialism is merely organized liberalism. Also thanks for stopping
him in West Bengal when I lost everything.
Left-Wing Populism - All people will benefit from socialism, not just the working classes!
Classical Social Democracy - I promise I am a social-democrat!
Keynesian School - A great way to build socialism, but we have to control deficits and inflation to prevent capitalists taking over.
Social Authoritarianism - Commander Noske, the time has come execute order 66.
Social Democracy - Great way of building towards socialism; the end goal is nothing, the movement is everything. However, nowadays, you are only interested in temporary fixes for capitalism’s problems while I wish to move past it.
Vaushism - You have some good views but uhhh, I'm not sure about your support for
him and you loving other weird stuff.
Eurocommunism - You finally understand me, took you long enough.
Centrist Marxism - Most of you literally are just me saving face with dad, but I cannot tolerate your revolutionary sentiments.
Syndicalism - Can be too revolutionary at times but trade unions are an essential part of establishing socialism.
Radicalism - Not
scientific nor Marxist but we did form an electoral alliance in Britain way back.
Bourgeois Socialism - Could've been a good ally like the above but the time passed for that.
Utopian Socialism - Contrary to what
they say, I am not utopian but you are a pretty good ally all things considered.
Imperialism - Bringing civilization and progress to backward non-class-conscious peoples is based... but can you actually uplift and enlighten them instead of just exploiting them?
Chavismo - You are technically a form of me but uhh, I always have considered myself "democratic" which you are certainly not.
Third Way - Keeping socialists in government is based, but don't lose sight of that precious vision of tomorrow.
Fiscal Conservatism - I might use some of your ideas to stay in government, but your capitalist thinking will never take back our nation!
Trotskyism - I hate Leninists but your critiques of Stalin are actually pretty spot on, I do like Militant Tendency and Socialist Alternative too.
Lassallism - Too authoritarian and deviates from true socialism, but did still start this movement in Germany so I have to give you some credit.
Zyuganovism - It's good you finally abandon the revolutionary part and now participate in elections (even though they are rigged)[11] but you very militarist especially in
Spartacism - Erbert was justified in crushing your revolt, cry about it.
De Leonism - Stop calling me evil!
Libertarian Marxism - He goes on about how "the working class cannot use the existing state machinery to establish communism".
Social Liberalism - I am the real representation of workers, you will always be for the bourgeoise.
Bismarckism - Got some right ideas, but I'll never forgive you for trying to suppress my party.
Showa Statism - A bloodthirsty merciless conqueror, and a bloody hypocrite to boot!
Anti-Japaneseism - Believe it or not you can denounce Japanese imperialism without this insane racial self-hatred. Seriously, you're not well.
Hindutva - Hope you like losing, hindu fash. Even if I lost everything in West Bengal, the
TMC was able to stop you.
Japan LDPism - A literal Neo-Showaist even though you won the latest election you also lost your majority.
Sorelianism - Yes, I’m a political optimist, and? You’re just a psychopathic quasi-anarchist who has an obsession with violence.
Anarcho-Communism - You're just a bomb-throwing utopian, who thinks you can build socialism by destroying the only institution that can provide it.
Classical Liberalism - Bourgeoisie thinking.
Leninism - You claim to hate anarchists, yet your idea of destroying the bourgeois state is no different from theirs.
Marxism-Leninism - F*ck off, Tankie! Also I'll never forgive you for what you did to Czechoslovakia!
Maoism - Your "cultural revolution" was nothing more than pure genocidal insanity!
Pol Potism - See? That's what I meant above!
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism - You too!
Prachanda Path is extremely based though.Hoxhaism - And you also.
Italian Left Communism - You hated the United Front for bringing me in, you like authoritarianism, you hate revisionism, and your entire ideology revolves around a proletarian revolution. You're literally
Leninism but worse!
Dengism - Communist in name only! The treatment of Hong Kong and Uyghurs have NOTHING to do with socialism!
Neoconservatism - I just wish you'd finally stop that militarization and leave Okinawa.
Impossibilism - Yes, it IS possible to peacefully reform capitalism!
Khrushchevism &
Brezhnev Doctrine - As much as
they claim that we are the same. You are authoritarian scumbags who crushed me in
Hungary and Czechoslovakia
. Plus many of your supporters would oppose
Gorbachev later on.
Further Information
- Eduard Bernstein
- Revisionist Marxism
- Reformist Socialism
- History of the Social Democratic Party of Germany
- Japanese Communist Party
- French Communist Party
- Communist Party of Australia
- Communist Party of Brazil
- Communist Party of Spain
- John McDonnell
Credit: u/u/AYYYYYYY1W, Source
Credit: u/Keyjoard249Russia, Source
By NR34.
By AquaHeart
- ↑ To Orthodox Marxists, human emancipation within Communism is equal to Humanistic society. From that point of view, revising the theories of Marx to be more humane technically isn't Humanist.
- ↑ Bernstein never identified as a Zionist, believing assimilation to be the answer to the "the Jewish Question", but post World War I his attitude toward Zionism became considerably more sympathetic.
- ↑
- ↑ M. Hrushevsky was a founder of Greater Ukraine idea.
- ↑
- ↑ Evolutionary Socialism, Chapter 3
- ↑ Evolutionary Socialism (1899), Eduard Bernstein
- ↑ Lenin Rediscovered: What Is to Be Done? in Context, pdf p.495 and pdf p.660 by Lars T. Lih
- ↑ The Quest for Evolutionary Socialism: Eduard Bernstein and Social Democracy by Manfred B. Steger
- ↑ How the Japanese Communist Party Developed Its Theory of Scientific Socialism by Tetsuzo Fuwa
- ↑