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Cameralism (Cam) is an authoritarian, economically centrist, and culturally right-leaning ideology which is the German child of Mercantilism. Cam believes in an economy that is centralized in such a manner that it creates the largest amount of profit for the state. In order to achieve independence of self-sufficiency, to create material prerequisites for achieving the universal, spiritual good.

In relation to Cameralism in the German language nowadays the term Kameralwissenschaft (Cameral Sciences) is usually used to refer to the administration of the state.


Cameralism was born in 18th century Germany to Mercantilism, as a way to deal with different conditions of much of northern and central Europe as compared which Mercantilism wasn't suited to as much as those of Western Europe. Cameralism grew out of the relatively backward economic, social and political structure of Germany, which was a result of the Thirty Years' War (1618–1648). The economic crisis that followed was also a consequence of the deep political split in the state. Cameralism suggested organizing public administration on a functional basis, that is, each institution had to be in charge of its own special area of ​​government. The central link was financial institutions, which were clearly divided into bodies involved in collecting funds, bodies that concentrated these funds and disbursed them for expenses, and, finally, bodies that maintained independent financial accounting and financial control.

All institutions had uniform principles for the form of various types of documents, approved rules for the “movement of papers,” their accounting and circulation in the bowels of the office. F. L. von Seckendorff first wrote about it in his famous work “The German Princely State” in 1656. His ideas were developed by prominent theorists of mercantilism J. Becher, F. Gernig and W. Schröder, who saw the state as the main engine of economic development. They considered the state to be something like an “economic partnership” in a society divided into classes, which was called upon to take care of increasing the population and its well-being.


Cameralism’s beliefs can be described in 3 words. These would be Cameral, Oeconomie, and Polizei. Cameral is the science of public finance, administered for the state’s benefit. Oeconomie designates all that encompasses the relationship between the state and society at large with the goal of achieving certain outcomes (much like Corporatism). Finally, Polizei represents the study of policies the government can enact.


Cam is a rather precise and bureaucratic person.

How to draw

Flag of Cameralism
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Divide it into three horizontal stripes; white in the middle and black on the top and bottom.
  3. Draw a black state building in the middle.
  4. Draw the ball wearing a crown.
  5. Add the eyes and you're done!
Color NameHEXRGB
 Black#141414rgb(20, 20, 20)
 White#FFFFFFrgb(255, 255, 255)
 Grey#676767rgb(103, 103, 103)




  • Capitalism - You should be serving the state.
  • Reactionary Socialism - You have good ideas but stop hating on enlightenment economics. They are not that bad, barring free trade.
  • De Francism - Unusual how your economic model transformed into me with Solano López.
  • Nazism - Please get away from me.



  1. Cameralism borrowed bureaucracy of China.

Further Information




