Utopian Socialism

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"If we lived in a state where virtue was profitable, common sense would make us saintly. But since we see that avarice, anger, pride and stupidity commonly profit far beyond charity, modesty, justice and thought, perhaps we must stand fast a little, even at the risk of being heroes."

Utopian Socialism clipped to UtSoc is an umbrella term for any type of socialism which rejects Marx's concept of 'scientific socialism' and material dialectic. Utopian Socialism isn't necessarily 'utopian' in the common sense, (although it oftentimes can be), and may involve a varying degree of pessimism about the nature of humanity. Henri de Saint-Simon, Charles Fourier, Robert Owen, and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon are examples of socialist theorists who were regarded by Marx and Engels as Utopian Socialists.

An instance of Utopian Socialism was that practiced by Robert Owen, who believed in creating Socialism by renting a plentiful area of land to establish said ″socialist utopia″ where everyone can redistribute the means of production in peace through class collabration, including the bourgeoisie who would willingly give up their wealth to live in the utopia.


Bourgeois Socialism

Bourgeois Socialism or Conservative Socialism was a term used by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in various pieces, including in The Communist Manifesto. Conservative socialism was used as a rebuke by Marx for certain strains of socialism, but it has also been used by proponents of such a system. Bourgeois socialists are described as those that advocate for preserving the existing society using various means to only eliminate perceived evils of the system. Conservative socialism and right wing socialism are also used as a descriptor, and in some cases as a pejorative, by free-market conservative and right-libertarian movements and politicians to describe more economically interventionist strands of conservatism. The Marxist view is such that the bourgeois socialist is the sustainer of the current state of bourgeois class relations. In the Principles of Communism Engels describes them as "so-called socialists" who only seek to remove the evils inherent in capitalist society while maintaining the existing society often relying on methods such as welfare systems and grandiose claims of social reform.  Opinions vary as to whether if bourgeois socialist is actively protecting or intentionally excusing the current order, but the common thread is that they are in objective fact preserving it. Rather than abolishing class divisions, they wish to simply raise everyone up to be a member of the bourgeoisie to allow everyone the ability to endlessly accumulate capital without a working class. In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels use philanthropists, monks ("temperance fanatics") and reformers as examples of this type of socialist that they saw as opposed to their own aims. In expressing its views on the subject, Marx explicitly referenced Pierre-Joseph Proudhon's The Philosophy of Poverty, stating the following about bourgeois socialism:

The Socialistic bourgeois want all the advantages of modern social conditions without the struggles and dangers necessarily resulting therefrom.

Bourgeois socialists are considered as working for the enemies of communists by preserving the society that communists seek to overthrow thus Engels claims that communists must continuously struggle against them.

Utopianism (Thomas More)

Utopia is a satirical novel written by Thomas More. It tells a story about an island kingdom named Utopia and its inhabitants. On the island, the towns are made to have roughly equal populations. If any imbalance in population is detected, then the town’s population deviation is spread among the other towns. If there are too many people on the island, then those extra people will have to go to the mainland.

In the novel, people do not use locks for their doors. Additionally, houses are considered to be the common property of everyone in Utopia. In accordance with this belief, every 10 years, the citizens of Utopia rotate the ownership of their homes.


"Main Article: Mutualism"



Fourierism refers to the socio-economic and political philosophy developed by French social thinker and utopian socialist Charles Fourier in the early 19th century. Fourier proposed a system called "harmony" that aimed to create an ideal society based on cooperation, equality, and the satisfaction of human desires.

Fourier believed that the industrial revolution and the prevailing capitalist system led to social inequality, exploitation of workers, and the suppression of individual freedom. He argued that these issues could be resolved through the establishment of intentional communities known as "phalanxes," where individuals would live and work together in harmony.

Key principles of Fourierism include:

  1. Social Harmony: Fourier believed that society should be organized to satisfy the diverse needs and passions of individuals. He emphasized the importance of social cooperation and the pursuit of collective happiness. Fourier proposed a system where people would engage in a wide range of productive activities, known as "series," based on their interests and abilities.
  2. Attractive Labor: Fourier emphasized the idea of "attractive labor," where individuals would have the freedom to choose their work based on their passions and preferences. He believed that by aligning work with personal interests, productivity and happiness would increase.
  3. Phalanxes: Fourier proposed the creation of self-sustaining communities called phalanxes. These phalanxes would consist of around 1,620 people and would be organized around a common goal of economic cooperation and shared resources. Fourier envisioned these communities as places where individuals would live, work, and socialize together, sharing both the labor and the benefits of their collective efforts.
  4. Phalanstery: Fourier also designed a physical structure called the phalanstery, which would serve as the central building for the phalanx. It would provide housing, communal spaces, and facilities for production, education, and leisure activities. The phalanstery was designed to maximize social interaction and facilitate the harmonious functioning of the community.

Fourier's ideas were influential in the development of utopian socialist thought and influenced later movements, such as early cooperative movements and experiments in communal living. While Fourier's specific vision of phalanxes and phalansteries did not gain widespread acceptance, his ideas contributed to the broader discourse on social and economic reforms.


Utopian Socialism usually does not analyse any ways of getting to his goals, or achieving them. Instead, he imagines his idea of a perfect society, usually based on some sense of morality or justice.


Acts like a hippie. Loves the Beatles, especially John Lennon. Very peaceful and hates conflict.

How to Draw

Flag of Utopian Socialism
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Color it red
  3. Draw a yellow circle in the centre
  4. Slightly off the circumference of the circle, draw 8 yellow wide triangles pointing outward, making the rays of a sun
  5. Add the eyes and you're done!
Color NameHEXRGB
 Red#ED1F29rgb(237, 31, 41)
 Yellow#FFF200rgb(255, 242, 0)



  • Socialism - My beloved son, though I'm quite scared of most of your more modern children.
  • Philosophical Anarchism - Godwin was pretty great wasn't he?
  • Left-Wing Populism - Socialism is great for all of the people, we all should live in harmony together.
  • Young England - Young England was pretty cool.
  • Bismarckism - Pretty much my German variant.
  • Conservative Socialism - My conservative variant. It is totally possible to have conservatism, liberal reformism, and socialism in the same movement!
  • Chartism - Long live the Chartists!
  • Abolitionism - Most of my early theorists supported you too! However the book Utopia had slavery themes.
  • Religious Socialism - Many religions criticize capitalism!
  • Market Socialism - Owens was really cool.
  • Syndicalism - Using unionization and strikes to achieve socialism? Based!
  • Mutualism - My anarchist variant.
  • Lennonism - Thanks for the great song!
  • Lassallism - An alliance between workers and aristocrats/the state to beat liberalism to death sounds great.
  • Social Authoritarianism - A great way to combat individualism and promote the common good.


  • Yellow Socialism - Compromising with capitalists is great and all but do you have to be so reactionary?
  • Liberal Socialism - Why do you call me naive and narrow-minded, my son?
  • Anarcho-Individualism - You are my son through Proudhon, but you are really selfish.
  • Monarcho-Socialism - You are technically a form of me, but I would rather a republic or commune.
  • Juche - Same as above. My modern version, but you're really wacky.
  • Reactionary Socialism - Compromising with the nobility is great, but that's a bit much.
  • Moderatism - Compromise is good, but why are you so pro-status quo??
  • Reformist Marxism - Peace and working with all of society is good, but socialism isn't just for the working class.
    • Socialism is only in the working class's interest, as the others all benefit from continuing oppressive systems of power.
  • Third Way - I like how you make socialism appeal to the middle class, but then again, the middle class for you is just a professional and well off working class.
  • Distributism - Another middle class socialist? Based, wait you aren't a socialist? Why not?


  • Capitalism - Maybe you can just... like, go away?
  • Marxism - A materialist idiot who tried to discredit me by creating "Scientific Socialism". Also, your way of revolution is just violent and impossible! Although I rooted for one of your grandchildren during the Vietnam War.
  • Italian Left Communism - Ultra-marxist who never shuts up about the same guy above... my god.
  • Scientocracy - Ruined socialism. But Saint-Simon was an intellectual
  • Neoconservatism - Please stop being mean to people for being socialist? Pretty Please?
  • Classical Liberalism - You've destroyed all of our communities and are so mean, please just go away!

Further Information






Bellamyite Movement








  1. Early socialists rejected an independent conception of liberty, opposed to the social, and also despised equality, as they considered, as Fourier, that one had only to orchestrate individual discordances, to harmonize them, or they believed, as Saint-Simon, that equality contradicted equity by a brutal levelling of individualities. Utopian socialism thus only valued fraternity, which was, in Cabet's Icarie the sole commandment.[1]
  2. William Godwin was an early Socialist and a proto-Communist, with his thought largely influenced by Socialism writings of Robert Owen and Charles Fourier.


  1. [1]
  2. The Letters of Tim is a possible reference to the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
  3. Thomas More himself wasn't a socialist, but the world he describes in his satirical work "Utopia" is.

