Marxist Feminism
Marxist Feminism is a culturally revolutionary, economically left wing ideology who focuses on women's emancipation, gender equality, intersectionality, and the liberation of women through feminism and socialism.
Most of the times, she is depicted as an Authoritarian Leftist, even though there are also non-Authoritarian types.
Socialist Feminism 
Socialist Feminism rose in the 1960's and 1970's as an offshoot of the feminist movement and
New Left that focuses upon the
interconnectivity of the
patriarchy and
Socialist Feminism is a two-pronged theory that broadens Marxist feminism's argument for the role of capitalism in the oppression of women and
radical feminist theory of the role of gender and the patriarchy. Socialist feminists reject radical feminism's main claim that patriarchy is the only, or primary, source of oppression of women. Rather socialist feminists assert that women are oppressed due to their financial dependence on males.
Marxist Feminism believes that the oppression of women is directly caused and reinforced by Capitalism in order to increase the exploitation of the working class. According to Marxist Feminists,
Patriarchy allows Capitalists to both keep female workers underpaid by threatening to replace them with "better working" men, as well as also more exploit male workers by threatening to replace them with "less demanding" women. So, by intentionally putting male and female workers at odds with each other bourgeoisie are preventing the proletariat from uniting against them.
MarxFem also argues that on top of the regular Capitalist exploitation female workers are also additionally exploited by domestic work (the so called "kitchen slavery"). So, in order to reach a true gender equality the burden of housework and caretaking should be taken away from women to collective social services, such as kindergartens, public kitchens, and public laundries.
Additionally, a lot of Marxist Feminists are opposed to family unit and the institution of marriage. According them, family was fundamentally created as a way to secure and reinforce private property rights, and marriage is a form of legalizing the woman's status as a property. As an alternative to family, Marxist Feminism advocates for sexual liberation and Free Love, while making raising children the responsibility of the whole community, rather than individual parents.
In MarxFem's view, one of the ways of achieving her goals is the creation of the special state-backed "Women's Committees", run by dedicated Marxist Feminists. Their role would be to directly promote and defend women's rights on the local and national level; propose and prepare gender equality related laws; and also agitate, educate, organise, and generally help working class women all across the country.
Marxist Feminism despises Bourgeois Feminism, saying that female Capitalists are oppressing the working women just as much as the male ones do. It also opposes
Radical Feminist idea that the social status of women is somehow linked to their innate biological qualities, arguing of it instead being the direct product of the class society.
How to Draw

The design of Marxist Feminism is a combination of the venus symbol (♀) to represent feminism and a hammer and sickle (☭) to represent Marxism. It uses a red and gold color scheme, which represents socialism.
- Draw a ball,
- Fill it with a purpleish dark blue
- In a redish pink, draw a hammer pointing down, and a sickle pointed up, made to look like the venus symbol (♀),
- Add the eyes,
- Add a stale red bow, and you're done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Purpleish dark blue | #3D3B6D | rgb(61, 59, 109) | |
Redish pink | #C94670 | rgb(201, 70, 112) | |
Stale red | #9A3737 | rgb(154, 55, 55) | |
Darker stale red (outline) | #361616 | rgb(54, 22, 22) |
Night Witches
Marxism - Working women of all countries, unite!
Leninism - Thank you for helping me liberating the Russian women, comrade!
Maoism - Women hold up half of the sky!
👏More👏Female👏Red👏Guards👏Marxism–Leninism - A revolution without a great brother and emancipation isn't a revolution, also he is the one who makes good food. Also, thanks for weakening the traditional family and promoting women in the labor force. Wait, why did Stalin criminalize abortion and not do much for women's rights?
👏More👏Female👏Soviet👏 Air👏Force👏Pilots👏Feminism - She is a great mother.
Council Communism - "Miracles of enthusiasm to stimulate the productive forces and alleviate working conditions can only be performed by the initiative of the workers themselves, provided it is not restricted and repressed at every step by a hierarchy of permissions and decrees"- Alexandra Kollontai, 1921.
Luxemburgism - A great feminist and Marxist!
Hoxhaism - Communist Albania was based.
Syndicalism - Lizzy Flynn was based, just make sure you let women be members of your unions.
Revolutionary Progressivism - Yes, this is how to achieve women's rights and gender equality!!
Anarcha-Feminism - You need a proletarian state to crush the patriarchy.
Conservative Socialism - I like your economic policies, but did you know that conservatism is oppressive? (But also Nostalgic for Communal Kitchens and Soviet Youth Leagues)
Boseism - You seem super based, but you were an axis collaborator.
Patriarchial sellouts
Liberal Feminism - One, she's a capitalist pawn, and two, I hate liberals, and three, no I don't want female drone pilots in anything
Except For the USSR and Socialist StatesCapitalism - You dirty pig! You make women get less pay!
Conservatism - Sexist pig.
Conservative Feminism - Fake feminist.
Maternalism - You are such a cringe. The woman can only be truly free when stereotypical families no longer exist!
Radical Feminism - "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman." - Simone de Beauvoir
Objectivism - "fEmInIsM iS cOlLeCtIvIsT" Yes and that's actually based.
Alt-Right Libertarianism, and
National Capitalism - Sums up everything wrong with the patriarchal capitalist system.
National Feminism - Wh...what?!? NAZI FEMINISM!!! The German Invaders must have discovered how we kept outnumbering them!
Patriarchy - The first class distinction.
Neoliberalism - Imperialist sellout who doesn't care about working women in their sweatshops.
Thatcherism - There is no such thing as "family": there's only society.
Manosphere - Filthy incel, probably just another Alt-Right Nazi. What in the absolute fuck is "Sexual-Marxism"?
Pink Capitalism - Fake and soulless progressive.
Pinochetism - "Get into the helicopter"? How about letting my squadron destroy them instead?
Nazism - Still salty about Night Witches? Ha, Get owned you think Women can't fight and get owned by them!
Libertarian Feminism - You claim to be a feminist, yet you uphold a system that oppresses women's rights by making them commodities for the system. Curious.
Mujahadeen - Patriarchal Reactionary.
The Soviets and the DRA have fought to save Afghan women from your patriarchy!
Further Information
- Love of Worker Bees by Alexandra Kollontai
- Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich
- Bait and Switch by Barbara Ehrenreich
- The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein
- No Logo by Naomi Klein
- International Socialist Conferences of Women Workers by Alexandra Kollontai
- The Social Basis of the Woman Question by Alexandra Kollontai
- Women Workers Struggle For Their Rights by Alexandra Kollontai
- The Autobiography of a Sexually Emancipated Communist Woman by Alexandra Kollontai
- The Soviet Woman — a Full and Equal Citizen of Her Country by Alexandra Kollontai
- Meat Market: Female Flesh Under Capitalism by Laurie Penny
- Women, Race and Class by Angela Davis
- Feminism and the Marxist Movement by Mary-Alice Waters
- Transgender Marxism by Jules Joanne Gleeson, Elle O’Rourke, and Jordy Rosenberg
- The Woman Question by Paul Lafargue
- Philisophical Trends in the Feminist Movement by Anuradha Ghandy
- The Emancipation of Women from the writings of V.I. Lenin
Online Communities
Alternative designs
Legacy icon
Legacy portrait
Legacy flag design