Known For
- About 20 art pieces and comics in r/polcompball, r/polcompballanarchy and r/polcompballart
- Art for some ideologies in the wiki
- That one person larping as a female on Discord
maybe Modding the hellhole that is PCB Bunkerdead, thanks a lot FdF
Early Internet
Being part of the then newly created Vietnamese upper middle class has its perks, and for Chara, it meant having access to the Internet as part of the privileged first quarter of the population. And Chara take advantage of it... by going online like most Western kids at the time with Flash games, old YouTube and Minecraft, but most notably Undertale, which he still enjoy, and used as his online name to this day (as the narrator and the first fallen human, Chara)
It was early 2019 and while wandering around on YouTube, Chara stumbled upon a video (now either deleted, unlisted or lost to time and Chara's frequent watch history wipes) about the Political Compass, and like the curious person he is, Chara dig deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole and found r/politicalcompassmemes, then still a relatively unknown subreddit. Chara became a frequent user from around June-July until December, when a small mixture of PCM and r/polandball started gaining traction
The Start of the Polcompball Journey
The exact date of Chara joining PCB will still be a mystery, but the earliest known activity within the subreddit happened on the last day of 2019 with this post riding on one of, if not the earliest trends of the subreddit's history about ideologies in history of a nation. And the first post that gained traction were posted in this era about Reddit's then new policy on upvotes, comparing them to Ingsoc (unfunny literally 1984 meme)
Interest Loss and Polcompball Interactive
Around May-June of 2020, Chara started losing interest on the subreddit and turn to OzymandiasFR's brainchild: Polcompball Interactive, which he quickly become an active member. He still posted (to r/polcompballanarchy exclusively) and commented, but in a lower frequency than before.
Polcompball Discord, Return to the Subreddit, begin editing and the Modern Day
With OzymandiasFR's blunder of starting a Civil War in Polcompball Interactive and the prolonged period of server inactivity, Chara turned to the Polcompball Discord (which Chara has been a member since February) to fill the gap, and started becoming a moderately popular user in #left-unity. At this point Chara also restarted making comics, with the first post being this. At the point of the collapse of the first Polcompball Discord, Chara slowly stepping into the brand new water of Wiki editing, of which he has contributed quite a bit. With a good percentage of his recent comics netting more than 1k upvotes and 2 of them got on the front page of Reddit, along with the rise to moderator status in both the Polcompball Bunker and the current Polcompball Discord and the connection of the Wiki, it seems like Chara has solidify himself as one of the most notable users of Polcompball.
The Future, and Beyond
Some of Chara's known projects include a Hearts of Iron 4 mod for the now reborn Polcompball Interactive, along with continuous comics and Wiki edits. But there is something Chara has always wanted: Solidify his position among the greats with a great comic series, and this may be the start of it. But to all the struggles, Chara always has one sentence to achieve his dream. "Stay Determined"
Chara's first post of Polcompball, riding the trend of ideological history of [blank]
Chara's second post (Note: Misunderstanding of politics then because of Jreg)
Chara's unpublished redraw of the second post 6 months after
Chara's 3rd post, first comic
Chara's 4th post, post-April Fools comic
Chara's 5th post celebrating r/polcompball reaching 20000 members
Chara's 6th post about the moderators of the subreddit
Chara's 7th post (part 1) during the uproar after the banning of furryposting, against StormTigrex
Chara's 7th post (part 2) during the uproar after the banning of furryposting, the antithesis of part 1, for StormTigrex
The updated version of part 1 of the 7th post, against Discord at the end of the original Polcompball Discord server
Chara's 8th post based on the posters of part 7 before it
Chara's 9th post about gaming
Chara's 10th post about the wackiest unity ideologies
Chara's 11th post based on a message in the original Polcompball Discord server
Chara's 12th post about conserving tradition (first comic to have a background)
Chara's 13th post based on a joke ship while being tired
Chara's 14th post illustrating an old rivalry in the post-apocalypse world (Contest)
Chara's 15th post about Technocracy's greatest fear (Contest)
Chara's 16th post (even though it was made before the 13th one) joking about the "transitionary state" (most upvoted personal comic to date)
Chara's 17th (and currently most controversial post) comparing progressivism then and now
Part 2 of the 17th post shows that Chara can criticize both sides
Chara's 18th post, being a fictional Tumblr askblog of the anarchists (in this case Ansynd and the eyepatch)
Part 1.5 of Chara's 18th post, being an encounter between h+ and Anprim, it was supposed to be filler for part 2 of the 18th post, which never came
Chara's 19th post, being in reference to the Gamestop stock rise in early 2021 which has been referred to as the 'Reddit Revolution', a rather silly name
Chara's 20th post, being in reference to Carl Sagan's propensity for cannabis
Chara's 21st post makes a comparison between the development of liberal thought and dementia
Chara's 22nd post (removed by moderators) which compares the antisemetic themes found in Karl Marx's and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon's work
Chara's 23rd post, being a comic to announce the end of the victorian contest on the subreddit.
Chara's 24th post shows an encounter between Technocracy and Kakistocracy
Chara's 25th post which is a reference to the Hearts of Iron mod 'Red Flood'