Anarcho-Naturism (AnNat) is an extremely progressive political ideology that advocates for social nudity and the abolition of the state. It also believes in Veganism,
Environmentalism, Free Love,
Feminism and
Modern AnNaturs also promote a rejection of the artificiality of an 'Industrial Mass Society' in favour of a stateless ecologically-based society.
Many anarchists provided the early thought of the Anarcho-Naturist movement, including that of Henry David Thoreau,
Leo Tolstoy,
Henri Zisly and
Élisée Reclus.
Anarcho-Naturism was popular in many Anarchist communities in Great Britian in the 1920s, with their followers "Shocking the
Conservative residents of the area with their shameless nudity".
In Spain, many Anarchist groups part of the Republic before the Civil war took up forms of Naturism. Notable examples include the 'Sol y Vida' association and the C.N.T influencer Isaac Puente who sold 100,000 copies of his book 'El Comunismo Libertario y otras proclamas insurreccionales y naturistas' ('Libertarian Communism and other insurrectionary and naturist proclaims') which is considered the de facto Anarcho-Naturist manifesto. The book had heavy Anarcho-Communist influences.
Anarcho-naturism advocates vegetarianism, free love, nudism, hiking and an ecological world view within anarchist groups and outside them. Anarcho-naturism also promotes an ecological worldview, small ecovillages, and most prominently nudism as a way to avoid the artificiality of the industrial mass society of modernity. Naturist individualist anarchists see the individual in their biological, physical and psychological aspects and try to eliminate social determinations.
Personality and Behaviour
AnNatur is very laid back and open about himself, and is often seen hanging out with fellow leftist Anarchists. He has somehow understood the Anarcho-Primitivist language and hangs out with him too.
He also regularly has orgies.
How to Draw

- Draw a ball,
- Draw a line in green diagonally through the ball,
- Fill the space above with the same colour,
- Fill the other half white,
- Add the eyes and you're done!
- (optional) Add a black censor bar or leaf on the bottom of the ball.
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Green | #32C86E | rgb(50, 200, 110) | |
White | #FFFFFF | rgb(255, 255, 255) |
Eco-Anarchism - We both love the environment, Anarchism and nature!
Anarcho-Primitivism - We both reject technology and love John Zerzan!
Veganarchism - Save the animals!
Soulism -
Orgy buddyProgressivism - Socially accepts me!
Anarcho-Communism - You accepted me into your communes and taught me a lot.
Anarcho-Individualism - Individual choice!
Queer Anarchism - Free love!
Primalism - Nude like me.
Neoluddism - Me but applied to technology and industry.
Anarcho-Syndicalism - I like you but why did Dogloff say all those mean things about me?
Conservatism - Maybe you're hiding your dick for a reason?!? But thanks for conserving some concepts of my religion.
Anarcho-Nihilism - Why are you so depressed? Go naked and enjoy life!
Fordism - Totalitarianism and capitalism? I want no part of this!
except the part about orgies
Jewish Theocracy &
Christian Theocracy &
Islamic Theocracy - I hate Abrahamic religions!!!
Stratocracy - You want me to wear armor? Nakedness forever!!!!
Nazism - You banned me! 1933 NEVER FORGET!
Further Info
Legacy design. Note the brighter green.
Legacy flag design
Previous image
Alternative designs
Adamite Theocracy
Adamite Theocracy (alt)