Pacifist Feminism

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Pacifist Feminism is a non-quadrant feminist ideology, she advocates for pacifism and full equality between men and women. It can be traced back to the 19th centaury with organizations such as Association internationale des femmes and later Woman's Peace Party, established in January 1915. It was also eventually picked up by Wiccan community with goddess movement and traditions such as Reclaiming.

Pacifist Feminism is known for seeking peaceful resolutions. However her unwillingness to take action can bother her sisters quite a lot, as PacFem would rather perform a ritual or cast a spell than get into an argument with anyone.


Feminist pacifism can be traced back to the 19th century, but compared to other relevant topics of the time, pacifism was not a main priority of the women’s movements before World War I, and interest in pacifism varied from country to country. Before 1914, women were already playing an active part within the peace movements, but feminist pacifism as an individual branch of the international women’s movement only came to life when a minority faction of the women’s movements opposed World War I.


Enthusiastic about flowers and plants, and will always suggest using them to solve problems or to protest.[1]

Can often be stereotyped/strawmanned as a 15/24-year-old possibly lesbian white girl and is largely isolated from actual pagan communities. She also may be friends with libfem since they are both first-world feminists who tend to use the same social media sites and promote peaceful reform to feminism.

How to Draw

Flag of Pacifist Feminism
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill it with white.
  3. Draw a Venus Symbol with dark grey or black.
  4. Add tree lines in the circle, symbolizing pacifism.
  5. Give her a black witch hat. Bow is optional, but it's a nice addition.
Color NameHEXRGB
 White#FFFFFFrgb(255, 255, 255)
 Black#1E1E1Ergb(30, 30, 30)




  • Radical Feminism - Can you stop being so radical?! Also stop appropriating my witch aesthetic. Nice book though.
  • Postcolonial Feminism - I tend to st- I MEAN "borrow" a lot of her indigenous traditions, but she calls it "Colonialistic" and thinks I am just a LARPing white girl who is stealing from her culture when I am not!
  • National Feminism - sigh Look... We both like women's rights, but you are militaristic and fascist! Minimum moderate a little!
  • Marxist Feminism - Fellow feminist, but what's up the whole "Revolution" thing?
  • Conservative Feminism - Another fellow feminist, but why do you hate trans people and hang out with that warmonger so often?
  • Libertarian Feminism - Fellow feminist, but what's up the whole "E-girl" thing? Also, why do you like firearms so much?
  • Capitalism - Stop trying to sell sages at Sephora.
  • Paleoconservatism - Not a very pleasant fellow, but hey, he also opposes the hawks and wants to defund the army.
  • Nordic Model - I hope you will rethink your decision to join the warmongers, but we are still cool otherwise. Thanks for the Nobel Prize by the way.


Further Information


