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Mariateguism is an ideology based around the theories and beliefs of José Carlos Mariátegui, a Marxist philosopher who founded the Peruvian Communist Party. Mariategui's ideas can be described as a synthesis of Marxism-Leninism and Indigenism. Mariategui's ideas have influenced many Peruvian and Latin American left-wing movements and organizations, such as the Shining Path and the Ethnocacerist movement.


The Martieguist movement was founded as a result of its founder, José Carlos Mariátegui, visting Germany during the Spartacist uprising in 1919. He studied Marxist theory in Italy, gaining the belief that fascism can be stopped if socialist forces avoided contradictions.

Mariátegui was arrested during a 1927 anti-communist trial, but his sentence was later changed to house arrest. A year after this, he would found the Peruvian Socialist Party, a Marxist-Leninist party which claimed to combine the former ideology with Latin American values.

Mariátegui sent delegates in order to propose his ideology to the Third International in 1929. His ideology was accepted, despite the congress initially disagreeing with his support of Indigenism. Despite his ideology being accepted by the Third International, Mariátegui had doubts about the PSP being affiliated with the orgnization. In April 1930, Martigeui would pass away aged 35. The Peruvian Socialist Party would be renamed to the Peruvian Communist Party.

After Martigeui's death, democratic socialists and social democrats would join the PCP. In 1930, the PCP was banned by the government due to two uprisings. The party was unable to participate in elections due to this ban, and this supported Manuel Prado Ugarteche's candidacy.

The PCP moved away from its vangardist goals in the 1940's as Manuel Odría's military dictatorship repressed the organization. In the 1960's, Maoist and Guevarist factions grew inside of the PCP, causing splits inside of the party. This would eventually culminate in a pro-Soviet faction splitting away from the PCP, and the Maoists formed the the Peruvian Communist Party - Red Flag party.


Vision of Peru

The conquest not only split the history of Peru, but also its economy. Before the Spaniards arrived, there was a quite solid indigenous communal economy. Material well-being existed thanks to the collectivist organization of Inca society. This organization had enervated the individual impulse and at the same time developed the habit of obedience to social duty.

The conquest established a feudal economy. The Spanish did not seek to develop a solid economy but only to exploit natural resources. In other words, the Spaniards were not formed as a colonizing force (like the English in the United States), but rather constituted themselves as a small court, a bureaucracy. This system determined the republican economy.

The economic policy of the Spanish Crown prevented the emergence of a bourgeoisie in the colonies. These saw independence necessary to ensure their development. Independence is then decided by the needs of capitalist development, in that sense, England played a fundamental role in supporting the nascent American nations.

For Mariátegui, the gamonal inevitably invalidates any law or ordinance protecting the indigenous or peasant. Against the authority of the landowner sustained by environment and habit, the written law is powerless. The mayor or the municipal president, council or city council, the judge, the corregidor, the inspector, the commissioner, the collector, the police and the army are enfeudados to the great property. «The law cannot prevail against the gamonales. The official who persists in imposing it would be abandoned and sacrificed by the central power, near which the influences of gamonalism are always omnipotent, acting directly or through parliament, both ways with the same efficiency.

It is important to clarify the solidarity and commitment to which the regional gamonalismo and the central regime have gradually reached: "for all the defects, for all the vices of the central regime, the gamonalismo is responsible and supportive." The gamonal is a piece in the structure of the centralized administration: he is the local head of one of the political parties with national influence and is the fundamental link in the chain of one of the many clients of the political system. The central power rewards the gamonal by allowing him to enjoy innumerable contracts and alcabalas and currently, by leaving in his hands the royalties produced by the exploitation of natural resources by multinationals and innumerable contracts to complement them. Under these conditions, any decentralization ends with the essential result of an increase in the power of gamonalism.

Guano and saltpeter played a fundamental role in the development of the Peruvian economy. These products quickly increased the wealth of the State, since industrial Europe needed these resources to maintain its agricultural productivity, products that Peru had a monopoly on. This wealth was squandered by the Peruvian State. But it allowed the appearance of commercial and banking capital. A capitalist class began to be constituted, whose origin was found in the old Peruvian aristocracy. These products also allowed the consolidation of the power of the coast, since until then, mining had shaped the Peruvian economy an Andean character. In short, guano and saltpeter allowed the transformation of the Peruvian economy from a feudal system to a capitalist system.

The new nations sought to develop trade. Latin America sold its natural resources and bought manufactured products from Europe, generating a system that mainly benefited the European nations. This system allowed development only to the Atlantic countries, since the distances were enormous for the countries that were on the Pacific coast, as in the case of Peru. Peru, on the other hand, began to trade with Asia, but did not achieve the same development as the Atlantic countries.

In addition, with the War of the Pacific, Peru lost guano and saltpeter. But this war also meant the paralysis of all national production and trade, as well as the loss of foreign credit. Power temporarily fell into the hands of the military, but the Lima bourgeoisie soon regained its function. The Grace Contract was proposed as a measure to get out of the crisis. This contract consolidated the British predominance in Peru, by granting the railways in concession for a period of 66 years.


Since his return from Europe, Mariátegui subscribed to Marxism , in the Leninist version of the Third International, finding remarkable similarities with the thought of Antonio Gramsci, especially with regard to the importance of the cultural superstructure not as a mere "reflection," but from the assessment of its revolutionary potentialities to generate counter-hegemony. Fruit of this notion was his theoretical magazine Amauta and the revolutionary organ Labor, which was closed by the Leguía regime. A tireless critic of the reformism of the Second International and of social democracy, Mariátegui is considered the first Marxist in Latin America, by emphasizing the role of the indigenous masses as the continent's authentic "proletariat" and proclaiming the need for socialist revolution, influenced by the radical syndicalism of Georges Sorel.


Mariátegui argued that fascism was not an "exception" in Italy or a "cataclysm", but an international phenomenon "possible within the logic of History" of the development of monopolies in imperialism and its need to defeat the struggle of the proletariat. He saw fascism as big capital's response to a profound social crisis, an expression that the ruling class no longer felt sufficiently defended by its democratic institutions, for which it blames all the ills of the country before the masses, to the parliamentary system. And he bet on the revolutionary struggle, unleashing the cult of violence against the new order of the fascist state, conceived as a vertical authoritarian structure of corporations. Mariátegui glimpsed how the triumph of fascism was inevitably destined to exacerbate the European and world crisis.


How to Draw

  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill the ball with black
  3. Draw the symbol in red
  4. Add the eyes and you're done
Color NameHEXRGB
 Black#141414rgb(20, 20, 20)
 Red#ED1C24rgb(237, 28, 36)



  • Marxism - My father.
  • Indigenism - The indigenous peoples must be liberated from imperialism for the same reason why the working class must be liberated from capitalism.



Further Information




