French Fascism

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"I was with you in the days of glory. At the head of the Government, I shall remain with you during the days of darkness. Stay by my side."

French Fascism was a prominent culturally right and nationalist ideology that came after the 1940 German Invasion of France rallying several ideas such represented in movements such as the PPF, the RNP, the PNC and the Mouvement Franciste.

Révolution Nationale

The Révolution Nationale was the official ideological program promoted by the Vichy Regime (the “French State”) which had been established in July 1940 and led by Marshal Philippe Pétain. Pétain's regime was characterized by anti-parliamentarism, personality cultism, xenophobia, state-sponsored Anti-Semitism, promotion of Traditional Values, rejection of the Constitutional Separation of powers, and Corporatism, as well as opposition to the theory of class conflict replacing the Old Republic by a more Authoritarian One.

Fascist Parties

Under the Vichy Regime, several political parties such as Doriot's PPF, Deat's RNP, and Clémenti's PNC expressed their support to the Vichy Regime by claiming any of them to represent ideals represented by the Révolution Nationale, despite their support for Marshal Pétain they were differing themselves from Philippe Pétain by having close ties to Fascism in contrast to his Stratocratic Policies who were more close to a form of Authoritarianism than actual Fascism.


World War II

Chief of State standard of Vichy France

At the beginning of WW2 France was invaded by Nazi Germany. The Nazis overpowered the French and took over the country; the third republic was eventually dismantled when Marshal Phillipe Petian signed an armistice with the Germans, creating the French State (commonly called the "Vichy Regime" or "Vichy France" after seat of government in city of Vichy) with Pétain as it's chief of state. After a short struggle, Pétain would go on to establish an authoritarian government that strongly Regulated the Economy and abolished many Liberal Policies, increasing control over things like media, promoting Anti-Semitic and Anti-Communist views. During Post-WW2 times, many collaborators were tried. Some, like Laval and Darnand, were executed, while others, like Petain, got life sentences.

Vichy France was mainly a puppet state; the country was not in full control of Germany. French opinion on the Nazi-instated regime was initially positive. The public slowly turned negative when Germany was started to lose the war, and conditions in France began to worsen. During the occupation, a resistance movement led by Charles de Gaulle combated Vichy France outside the country in its colonial possessions, like French Gabon. Eventually, during the invasion of Normandy and liberation of France, a new government called the "The Free French Provisional Government of the French Republic" was installed by de Gaulle and his supporters - the Vichy regime ceased to exist.

Modern Times

The Front National, formerly led by Jean-Marie Le Pen (now renamed to The National Rally) was largely seen as a neo-fascist party. Not helped by the fact that many Third-Position groups that had ties to the party or that Le Pen himself alluded to denying the holocaust multiple times. Recently in the 2010s. Ever since Le Pen's daughter Marine Le Pen took over as leader, the FN has been trying to rebrand itself to look more presentable. While still keeping it's highly nationalistic views on immigration and Islam, with Marine even going so far to kick her own father out of the party.

How to Draw

Logo of the PPF
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill it in red
  3. Draw a white hexagon
  4. Inside the hexagon, draw a blue plus
  5. Draw blue parenthesis on the edges of the plus
  6. Draw in the eyes.

You're done!

Color NameHEXRGB
 Blue#002654rgb(0, 38, 84)
 White#FFFFFFrgb(255, 255, 255)
 Red#CE1226rgb(206, 18, 38)



  • Militarism - Maréchal, Nous Voilà! Devant toi le Sauveur de la France !
  • Ethnonationalism - French Pride is Eternal !
  • Corporatism - You helped me a lot with your reforms.
  • Reactionary Feminism - My Regime protected and gave more rights toward womens than under the Previous Republic.
  • National Conservatism - "Travail, Famille, Patrie!" (Work, Family, Homeland!)
  • National Agrarianism - A Nation with no Agricultural Policies is like an empty shell of land.
  • Social Darwinism - Hard times creates strong mens.
  • Reactionary Modernism - I do represent the French Reactionary Modernist version of it after-all.
  • Francoism - We had good relations and you tried to save me when I got jailed after the War.
  • İttihadism - The Armenian Genocide was not a serious case and it will never be, and most Armenians who fought against me were generally Bolsheviks and Antifas.
  • American Model - Before and during the War, I have always seen America as a friendly country toward France, you had contact with some of my Officials by recognizing me as the Real France instead of De Gaulle, you only had to recognize him when my Regime had fallen, despite all of that most of my followers supported NATO during the Cold War against the Warsaw Pact.
  • Salazarism - Same as above, I considered you as a brother to me and yourself wanted me to stay in power since I'm the Real France and was fully aware that if it wasn't for the De Gaulle my Regime would have still existed were Vichy France would have been pretty similar to the Estado Novo.
  • OAS - An Organization created by people who were formerly supporting me and wanted to maintain the French Colonial Rule in Algeria and even possibly in Western Africa.
  • Totalitarianism - The State needs to be strong in order to protect our Revolution Nationale!


  • Classical Fascism - Compared to what most people might think, Vichy France is not a Fascist State if we are speaking to the Révolution Nationale Project, but I still had followers agreeing with you too despite myself not being a Fascist but more of an Authoritarian Conservative.
  • Nazism - The Charlemagne Schutzstaffel was absolutely based but I refuse to make France fully submitted to you and I will never forgive what you did in 1942 even if some people claiming to support me are liking your ideology.
  • Orléanism - Henri d'Orléans liked me more than this guy who claimed to represent him, you had to made yourself distant after the War tho.
  • Roman Catholicism - France is undeniably a Catholic Country we should seek to preserve, but don't think I'm gonna make France a Theocracy because I'm not him.
  • Integral Nationalism - Vichy France isn't a puppet state! But some of my followers agreed with your ideals.
  • National Syndicalism - I repeat, we are NOT a puppet state, wait why are you pointing guns at me!
  • Capitalism - The Révolution Nationale is staunchly opposed to your Economic System, but we still need you in Government when he's useful to us.
  • Le Penism - You were a good successor up until you kicked your father out of the party and tried to rebrand yourself to look "democratic".
  • Neosocialism - You may have been useful sometimes, but you are a Jacobinist version of Fascism in this country who's simping for socialism and the jacobin heritage.
  • Integral Neo-Darwinism - A Neo-Gaullist lib that likes Petain and national sovereignity.
  • Showa Statism - We were allies during WW1 way before my main existence in power, but you took Indochina from me ![4] Even though it's me who gave it to you because you forced me to
  • Zemmourism - An alternative to Le Pen and very similar to the above but you are one of (((them))).
  • European Federalism - A Europe united by heritage? BASED! Most of my followers are supporting but just stop with the (((liberalism))) and you're good to go.


  • Jewish Theocracy, Freemasonry, and French Communism - Invalid for France!.
  • Jacobinism - Your revolutionary ideas of liberty, equality, and fraternity have destroyed the french national of all of its glory. Now with that liberal crap out of the way we will rebuild France greater than what is once was! under german supervision
  • Socialism - You're just that Marx guy, aren't you?
  • Zionism - REDACTED

Further Information






  1. The Vichy government rejected the French revolution and was opposed to its ideals. However, they’re not a reactionary movement Unlike the Napoleonic empires or the Restoration of the nineteenth century, Vichy was not counter-revolutionary in the sense of desiring a return to a monarchical order. Rather than a pre-revolutionary past, it called upon a mythic past rooted in ethno-nationalism, a past that hinged upon the notion that there existed an “eternal France” laying dormant, simply waiting to be rediscovered. This vision of the past, a past barely grounded in historical fact, owed itself greatly to the proliferation of fascist-style leagues in the decades before the war, which had encouraged rightists to “furnish themselves with a specifically anti-republican vision of French history with which to change the present and the future.” In this regard, it is clear that Vichy was no counter-revolutionary conspiracy; rather, it was the result of the collision of rising authoritarian currents, a loss of faith in democracy during the interwar period, and the shock of losing the war so suddenly.
  2. The Ideological Concept of the Révolution Nationale was mainly about supporting a new Republic with Marshal Pétain as the main ruler, creating an alternative regime disowning things such as Freemasonry, the Old Motto (Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité), and both Neo-Jacobinist and Neo-Girondinist Influence.
  3. Under the Vichy Regime, Pétain generally spread Christian Values throughout the Révolution Nationale Progam while keeping a certain Secular Policy against other religions who are not representing Catholicism who was supported by a part of his followers.