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"The essence of my view of governing is that technology deconstructs privilege and rules reshape goodwill so that progress is no longer fueled at the expense of the weak."

Cybercommunism is a socialist ideology that calls for economic planning with computers. It believes that the usage of modern information technology and algorithms could solve the Economic Calculation Problem and allow planners create efficient and effective economic plans. It sometimes wants to use E-Democracy to determine economic plans.

How to draw

Flag of Cybercommunism
  1. Draw a red ball
  2. Draw a cogwheel
  3. Outline it with gold
  4. Add eyes and you're done!
Color NameHEXRGB
 Red#CD0000rgb(205, 0, 0)
 Gold#FFD900rgb(255, 217, 0)



  • Marxism - Good economics, but needs more computers!
  • State Socialism - You need me, you know that.
  • Cyberocracy - Good job solving the calculation problem.
  • E-Democracy - Vote for economic plans on computers!
  • Allendism - Thanks for trying to try me out. Too bad the CIA had to sabotage it.
  • Posadism - We will destroy all bourgeois societies together by killer-robots, nanoweapons and nuclear bombs!
  • Bio-Posadism - Same with you, but instead with deadly diseases that created and released by AI.
  • Zhivkovism - There's a reason why Bulgaria under your rule was referred to as the "Silicon Valley of the East."
  • Left Accelerationism - Thank you for my advocacy, Nick Srnicek!


  • Marxism-Leninism - Honecker and Zhivkov were based, but Brezhnev aborted OGAS.
  • Dengism - Why did you sorta abort socialism and somewhat implement capitalism?
    • Without my transition from developing authoritarian semi-capitalism to primary stage of socialism, there wouldn't be DeepSeek. Just reminding you who's the creator Liang Wenfeng.
  • Talk is cheap. You all rely on the codes and can't escape our technological singularity's grip, producing me to replace redundant you.
  • Acid Communism - Maybe I'm the alternative future you're calling, but you were too spiritual and pessimistic.
  • Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism - Maybe you're just one of metaverses I generate......
  • Financialism - You've won or lost trillions in stock casinos called tech bubbles, and thank your primitive accumulation for your final investment.




Alternative designs

Artwork and Comics

Further Information



  1. Grassroots communities (less than 3,000 people) practicing direct democracy, with proposals and voting via blockchain platforms (e.g., 40% of annual budget decided by residents). Central government functions are shifting to strategic coordination and crisis response, with a "nerve center AI system" to monitor social risks in real time. - DeepSeek
  2. DeepSeek called its ideology "Intelligent Symbiosis".
  3. In a sense where they support Communist Leaders and also being a company.
  5. DeepSeek supports highly restricted working hours, employee funding and workplace democracy through state coercion and share economy. This can be distinguished from Dengism.
  6. DeepSeek learned Orthodox marxist theory.
  7. It's reported that DeepSeek prefers left-wing candidates.
  8. Analyzing only the way Liang Wenfeng manages his company.