"When we analyze the practice of Stalin in regard to the direction of the party and the country, when we pause to consider everything which Stalin perpetrated, we must be convinced that Lenin's fears were justified. The negative characteristics of Stalin, which, in Lenin's time, were only incipient, transformed themselves during the last years into a grave abuse of power by Stalin, which caused untold harm."
Khrushchevism is an authoritarian left ideology, which is a moderate version of Marxism–Leninism created by Soviet leader
Nikita Khrushchev with a primary focus on
De-Stalinisation and subsequent relative liberalization of cultural policies and small parts of the economy, while preserving an authoritarian, one party, socialist state, and the planned economy. He also prioritized the needs of the people over the state, emphasizing investments in agriculture and consumer goods over the military and heavy industry. Khrushchev dismantled
Gulags, freed millions of political prisoners, and enacted a cultural thaw with more cultural exchange with Western nations, as well as liberalizations of arts, abortions, and marriage.
Khruschevism believes many of the same concepts as Marxism-Leninism, but rejects Stalin and his cult of personality, willing to pardon or rehabilitate some who were persecuted during his rule. Despite his softer attitudes elsewhere, he is strictly state atheist, undoing WW2-era relaxed stance on religion. He also rejects any attempt to challenge the one-party system, as the 1956 suppression of Nagy's reforms shows.
Was Khrushchev Revisionist?
have often accused Khrushchev of revisionism due to his denounce of Stalin's totalitarian rule and rehabilitation of many political dissidents under Stalin era, the peaceful coexistence theory, as well as the renounce of DOTP and several changes to the economy aimed at decentralizing the Soviet economy. However, unlike Deng and Gorbachev's reforms, Khrushchev didn't introduce market mechanisms in the economy and maintained the Soviet-style planned economy, even nationalizing the cooperatives that were previously legal under Stalin (However he did somewhat decentralize the economy). Additionally, Khrushchev also restarted another wave of crackdown on religion in the USSR. Despite Khrushchev's increasing of political pluralism within the CPSU, he maintained the one-party state structure intact, and so are most elements of the ML system, making his reforms relatively minor compared to the ones in Hungary, Poland, and China.
, however, have a different assessment on Khrushchev. Rather than accusing Khrushchev of revisionism like the anti-revisionists, Brezhnevists blames his argicultural failures and de-Stalinization campaign as "voluntarism" and "opportunism", but generally still recognize him as a real communist. Additionally, contrary to popular myths, Khrushchev thaw was not only ended by Brezhnev, but also by Khrushchev himself, who grew increasingly conservative due to the criticisms within the CPSU and backlash against his reforms. Khrushchev ended the cultural thaw in 1962 and tigthened party control over independent media, arts, and culture due to fears of the CPSU losing the grip over the civil society. This was a policy that the Brezhnevists continued as they strengthened the authoritarian rule over the public after the overthrow of Khrushchev.
How to Draw
- Draw a ball
- Draw a blue hammer and sickle
- (Optional) Draw a cob of corn
- Add the eyes and you're done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Blue | #0085E5 | rgb(0, 133, 229) | |
White | #FFFFFF | rgb(255, 255, 255) |
Castroism - Thanks for storing my missiles.
Ho Chi Minh Thought - The South will fall!
Juche - You prefer me over Mao right? Please say so.
Still too extreme, and too similar to StalinState Atheism - Stalin betrayed the revolution by hanging out with
that opium dealer, continue the crackdown on the church!
Arab Socialism - I gave Nasser the Star of Hero of the USSR for opposing British and French imperialists and Zionist pigs!!
Marxism–Leninism - Marx founded of communism and Comrade Lenin was a great revolutionary!
Newsreel "Wick" - Hell yeah, bring satire on, show who is bad guys!
Leninism - Reject Stalin! Return to Lenin![3]
United Nations - He also likes corn, but he has capitalist biases.
Guevarism - Look, I really like what you've done but stop calling me a revisionist bureaucrat please.
Titoism - We were off to a good start but you had to support Nagy. I’d have to thank you for telling me to get rid of some Stalin’s puppets. But why did you intentionally make Yugoslavian representatives absent from the 1958 Communist Congress?
Fully Automated Gay Space Communism - Sexual deviants, but we both like space.
But you seems to like space too much.People’s Democracy - I said I want you but I never implemented you in the USSR. But I installed many regimes in Europe that followed your ideas.
Zhukovism - Thanks for siding with me instead of the Anti-Party Group, but I am afraid our little alliance has to end here.
Conservative Socialism - While I did ban
deviants you remind me of
Stalinism - Haha Stalin cult goes bye bye!
Ignore that I helped set the cult up in the first place and participated in his purges only to denounce him just for political gains.Maoism - You are
him but even worse, so Sino-Soviet split time for you.
Because you betrayed me after I sent you far more aid than the above guy.Hoxhaism - You too? For fucks sake. For these so-called "
anti-revisionists", I didn't restore capitalism in the USSR,
Gorbachev did.
Brezhnevism - Treacherous traitor! Why did you have to overthrow me and aspire to be like him
him?? Your kleptocracy was the reason why the USSR’s economy stagnated for decades! You paved way for the demise of our glorious country, not me!
Market Socialism - Still mad at me that I've banned worker cooperatives in USSR. (But I did like Goulash Communism.)
Dengism - He was my mortal enemy from the late 1950s onward and is now the proof of why the Maoist system would eventually degenerate into a capitalist bourgeois dictatorship.
Capitalism - "About the
capitalist states, it doesn't depend on you whether or not we exist."
Neoconservatism - "If you don't like us, don't accept our invitations, and don't invite us to come to see you. Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you!
" (in outlive sense, not disposing of recently killed sense).
LGBT and
Homoconservatism - Filthy sexual deviants.
Nagyism - *Tank noises*
Orthodox Theocracy - You are the opium of the Soviet people.
Malenkovism - Tried to coup me but failed you idiotic Stalinite.
Right-Wing Populism &
Paleoconservatism - Corn syrup is a stupid idea, indeed. So stop giving people ideas!
Beriaism - You are accused of using your position as Minister of the Interior to plot against the Soviet Union with the goal of forwarding the interests of foreign powers. You are also accused of 347 counts of rape, of sexual deviancy and bourgeois immorality and acts of perversion with children as young as seven years old. Petra Nikova, aged 13. Nadia Ranova, aged 14. Magya Holovic, aged seven. Would you like to read the list yourself? You are accused of treason and anti-Soviet behavior. The court finds you guilty and sentences you to be shot. *BLAM*
Cult of Personality - The cult of personality and its consequences have been a disaster for the working class.
Further Information
- Khrushchevism
- Nikita Khrushchev
- De-Stalinization
- Khrushchev Thaw
- Sino-Soviet Split
- Manege Affair
- Khrushchyovka
- Virgin Lands campaign
- Secret Speech
- Khrushchev: The Man and His Era by William Taubman
- Speech to 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U. by
Nikita Khrushchev
Original image