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Fictional Ideology
"The party would like to remind you this ideology has never existed" - Ingsoc
This article is about a fictional ideology and has no foundation in real life political movements.

"Inside every anarchist is a failed dictator."

Anarcho-Totalitarianism, clipped to AnTot, is a ball that represents the opposite unity of the far ends of the civic spectrum and thus is the unholy child of Anarchism and Totalitarianism. His views comprise mostly of the things Totalitarians and Anarchists tend to (at least somewhat) agree on, like "abolish unjustified hierarchies", and ways in which Anarchists and Totalitarians are similar, like usage of violence.

There's also a conception that Anarcho-Totalitarianism could describe a state in which totalitarianism has instilled itself so much into people, society and culture that a state isn't needed to enforce it anymore.


Coined by Samuel Francis, the term "anarcho-tyranny" refers to armed dictatorship without rule of law, or a Hegelian synthesis when the state tyrannically or oppressively regulates citizens' lives yet is unable or unwilling to enforce fundamental protective law. Commentators have invoked the term in reference to situations when governments focus on weapon confiscation instead of stopping looters.

Additionally, anarcho-totalitarianism can be interpreted as the use of totalitarianism to achieve an ultimate anarchist goal. For example, anarcho-totalitarian communism is associated with the Marxist concept of a transitional state. Otherwise, anarcho-totalitarianism can be associated with anarcho-darwinism, which, believing simultaneously in both anarchy and the principle of might is right, strives for anarchy as a utopia of the strong and supports totalitarianism as the rule of the strong that precedes it.

Anarcho-Totalitarianism can also refer to a totalitarian state which has no rulers and is instead maintained by the people's oppression of one another, tyranny with no tyrants.


AnTot unironically believes freedom is slavery. He is an erratic, unhinged, violent and somewhat paranoid bipolar schizophrenic prone to constant and drastic mood swings. His behavior usually involves acting eerily calm, cryptic, pensive and philosophical, or undergoing a psychotic break, destroying things around him in rage and displaying extreme cruelty towards those he deems to be a threat to his power in any way. He is also a chess addict, who can defeat Machiavellianism without tactics and with Emil Joseph Diemer-like attacks.

Can also be potrayed as a Junko Enoshima fan.

Alternatively, AnTot can be potrayed with the personality of Zena from Library of Ruina.

How to Draw

Flag of Anarcho-Totalitarianism
  1. Draw a ball with eyes
  2. In the ball draw a large V-shape.
  3. Fill the V red and the other area black
  4. In the middle of the V put a white Circle
  5. Fill the inside of the circle black
  6. Inside the circle draw an "A".

And you're done!

Color NameHEXRGB
 Black#141414rgb(20, 20, 20)
 Red#FF0000rgb(255, 0, 0)
 White#FFFFFFrgb(255, 255, 255)


Friends in a Schmittian sense

  • Ingsoc - Praise Big Brother!
  • Anarchism - Mom!
  • Illuminatism - In fact, you can work perfectly fine without laws! You are a great friend!
  • Esoteric Socialism and Neo-Enlightenment - Same as the above. The latter is a libdemcuck though.
  • Kraterocracy - Another friend of mine. Who said that strength needs laws?
  • Avaritionism - Anarchist and believer in the principle of might makes right? Great! But you also hate my leftist version.
  • Soulism - Who said that a real soulist would not be like the cool guys above - a powerful god building his own dystopian utopias in his dreams, other verses or VRs? Anarchy as freedom to dreams that you have totalitarian control which is real through chaos magick and virtual reality!
  • Soulist Kraterocracy - See, that's what I mean!
  • Barracks Communism and Hive-Mind Collectivism - Control doesn't require hierarchy. In fact, obliterating individuality in order to reach absolute equality will also stomp dissent. Violence for conformity! Although you three also hate my rightist version.
  • Illegalism - There is no such thing as "crimes".
  • State Illegalism - I'm totally cool with you aswell!
  • Police Statism - My father often likes to pretend that in his system, "laws" actually exist and that you enforce them! *Giggles* Ah, how hilarious is that, when in reality, those so-called "laws" are nothing more than a nominal facade, unabashedly disregarded as he is way above them anyway, and thus, you only really serve as tools of control and terror... Well, in any case, you are invaluable to me too - in establishing and maintaining my absolute reign, and eliminating all opposition to it. Though, under me, you don't have to pretend anymore. And police violence is real totalitarian anarchy!
  • Social Darwinism - There is no point in monopolizing or restricting violence.
  • Anarcho-Monarchism - Autocracy is needed to protect and enforce anarchy.
  • Anarcho-Fascism - All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state, and also there is no state.
  • Lys Noir - Pretty much the same as the two above, nice.
  • Capitalist Communism and Progressive Conservatism - Opposite bros, and excellent practitioners of doublethink.
  • Post-Fascism - Your model truly is the marvelous end goal envisioned by them ... Is it not?
  • Neoreactionaryism - "Based and redpilled", my friend. Lockean principle was meaningless anyway, competition exists already, and it will drive better states toward success, and the world towards the Singularity... Please learn from them that you aren't going to defeat entropy.
  • Reactionary Libertarianism - Serfdom and stateless society? Oh my, it is perfection!
  • Geoanarchism - You literally invented taxation under anarchism... Based!
  • Platformism - Cool hierarchies dude! ...What do you mean it's only temporary?
  • Chomskyism - An anarchist who likes to defend authoritarian/totalitarian regimes? BASED!!!
  • Blockism - An anarcho-capitalist who supports Putin and Israel? Using property rights to justify bombing Gaza children? Shoot everyone who doesn't get vaccinated? Based, based, BASED!
  • Mao-Spontex - If only he had stayed this way...
  • Hoppeanism - I'm a big fan of you. Your speeches about the superiority of monarchism over democracy and ostracism of any people you don't like are great.
    • I pointed out that he didn’t understand the "Acquisitive Prescription" to the point where he thought the Israelites were reclaiming property that was thousands of years old.
  • Ochlocracy - The only good demcuck. I love the fact that you can impose tyranny without a state.
  • Attentionalism - Algorithms do not require government and neither does netocracy. You are literally Archeofuturism for the rich and Fordism for poor.
  • Cyber-Nihilism - Even better than the above. We could only laugh and see how the totality of the system turns out and how it reshapes us.
  • Cultism - The Manson Family, Aum Shinrikyo, O9A and much more are based asf.

Middle Ground

  • Anarcho-Capitalism - Private property is a concept inside of our heads, we don't need the state for it to function. And also, you are thinking about sending your PMCs to physically remove the likes of that guy down there... Aren't you?
  • Anarcho-Communism - Direct democratic decision making is the real anarchy. We don't need the state for it to function. And also, you are thinking about rounding up and shooting the likes of that guy above... Aren't you?
  • Anarcho-Primitivism - Freedom and technological progress are incompatible, the more we go forward, the less liberty we have, and it is the state that pushes us there.
  • Anarcho-Transhumanism - Technological progress is the key to freedom, and the state only holds us back.
  • Anarcho-Conservatism - Traditional values are a natural way of thinking for any person, it is the state forcing us to abandon them.
  • Queer Anarchism - Progressive values are a natural way of thinking for any person, it is the state forcing us to abandon them.
  • Religious Anarchism - It is natural for humans to obey only God, not the state.
  • Anarcho-Nihilism - Religion and morality are unnatural, artificial concepts upholded by the state - abolish them and we become truly free.
  • Anarcho-Pacifism - By acting violently we are no better than the state, trying to enforce our will on everybody. We should practice peaceful activism to give an example to other people, to show them that stateless society isn't something to be afraid of.
  • Insurrectionary Anarchism - We will achieve nothing with only civil disobedience: we are at war and our enemy is not ashamed of using any methods. We are not enforcing our will, it is self-defence.
  • Anarcho-Individualism - The idea of a group of people containing certain characteristics is false. Only individuals exist.
  • Anarcho-Collectivism - The individual is an abstraction that can only be fully understood through his mediation by the broader network of social relations within which he exists and develops.
  • Social Anarchism - Free, voluntary organisation as opposed to the state is the basis of anarchy, not chaos.
  • Anarcho-Egoism - What's the difference between the state and the so-called "non-state collectives"? Nothing, thus it should be noted that we should live free without any collectives or other spooks.
  • Totalitarian Capitalism - The state should utilize the free market as a way to drive competition and innovation.
  • Marxism-Leninism - Capitalism and its consequences are a disaster for society, thus the state must reshape the economy as a way to pursue justice and equality.
  • Totalitarian Conservatism - Tradition is the most important thing society should protect, which is why the state should step in.
  • Totalitarian Progressivism - The masses are far too bigoted to not change without substantial force, this means that a strong state must secure its duties in re-education.


  • Democracy - You're bad.
    • How? Because it gives the people a say?
  • Liberalism - Nice Try, Moderate State Intervention Liberal.
  • Kritarchy and Constitutionalism - Even under my dad, both of you are practically nonexistent, as, despite him often hypocritically pretending otherwise, the only thing he truly upholds is tyranny - something with which you two are largely incompatible. And frankly, I'm not my dad, so I'm not gonna bother to pretend to maintain a facade of you. Rules are better than laws, and I already have the means to establish and enforce my own rules as I see fit.
  • Binahism - TRAITOROUS SCUM! To think that a once great Arbiter would renounce the Head, ally with its enemies, and become such an appalingly mellow and sentimental softie! GAHHHHH!!!


Further Information

TV Tropes


  1. "On the other hand his actions are not regulated by law or by any clearly formulated code of behaviour. In Oceania there is no law. Thoughts and actions which, when detected, mean certain death are not formally forbidden, and the endless purges, arrests, tortures, imprisonments, and vaporizations are not inflicted as punishment for crimes which have actually been committed, but are merely the wiping-out of persons who might perhaps commit a crime at some time in the future."