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Not to be confused with Kahanism.

They're lying bastards. Jews were always lying bastards throughout their history. They're a filthy, dirty, disgusting, vile, criminal people.

Jewish Nazism or Judeonazism (also known as Zio-Nazism) is a term for any ideology that seeks to synthesise elements of Jewish identity with Nazism. It occupies a largely similar space on the compass as Nazism, being economically third positionist and extremely authoritarian, in addition to being culturally far-right. It is most notably used to represent the Association of German National Jews which was a group of Jews in Weimar Germany that sought the complete assimilation of Jews into German culture and ethnicity.

Due to Nazism's anti-Semitism being its most notorious element, Judeonazism is considered as highly contradictory by pretty much everyone and the concept is usually used for shock humour. It is most often used to represent the ideology of Jewish nazi collaborators or anti-semetic Jews.

History and Conceptions

Jewish Collaborators

Before or during The Holocaust (1941-1945) there were Jewish Collaborators along with organizations that helped Nazi Germany or make Jewish life a little bit worse. For example, the Judenrat/Jewish Council was an administrative agency created by the Schutzstaffel on September 21st, 1939 during The Invasion Of Poland (1939). The Judenrat has its own police force called The Jewish Ghetto Police, but they didn't have official uniforms and only carried batons. Members of this force were killed by the Nazis from 1942 until 1943. There are Jewish prisoners that worked with the Nazis called Kapo who were supervisors of forced labour along with carrying out administrative tasks. The idea was created by the Nazis who want to turn victim against victim.

Jewish Soldiers

There are Jewish Soldiers in the Wehrmacht or Waffen SS who joined into battle for the German Fatherland because they think of themselves as Ayran or some Nazi Officials who pretended these soldiers were Ayran as well. The most famous Jewish Soldier that fought for the German Fatherland is Werner Goldberg, who had a Jewish father and was conscripted to join The Invasion Of Poland (1939) along with many other battles, but after The Invasion Of France (1940) he was dismissed because he was mixed race and after World War 2 (1939-1945) he became a member of the Christian Democratic Union.


The Nazi Jewish Councils, or Judenräte, were administrative bodies established by Nazi Germany in Jewish ghettos across occupied Europe during World War II. These councils were composed of Jewish leaders and were forced to implement Nazi policies within the ghettos. The Judenräte were a central part of the Nazis' system of controlling and exploiting Jewish populations, and their role remains one of the most controversial aspects of Holocaust history.

However, there were also several instances of these 'Jewish councils' defying Nazi orders.

Association of German National Jews

The Association of German National Jews was founded in 1921 by Max Naumann (1875–1939) who called for the elimination of Jewish ethnic identity through assimilation by opposing to Zionist Groups and Eastern European Jews. This Jewish Group has supported Adolf Hitler and National Socialism while also supporting another nationalist political party called The German National People's Party. Max Naumann was chairman of this group since the year 1921 to 1926 and again in 1933 to 1935 when it was declared illegal. Max Naumann was later arrested by the Gestapo and died of cancer in 1939. Even this group was fighting against the Jewish Boycott Of German Goods. There was another Jewish group that shows sympathy to National Socialism, and it was called The Followers Of German Jews which was founded by Hans-Joachim Schoeps, but the group was disbanded in 1935.

Judaised Hitlerism

"Judaised Hitlerism" (Polish: Hitleryzm Zażydowany) was a term coined by the Polish historian Feliks Koneczny (1862-1949). Koneczny was notable for his theory civilisations, according to Koneczny a civilisation was a society distinguished by a system of ethics and law. Koneczny also said that, despite the Nazis' anti-Semitism and devotion to Aryanism, the Nazis implemented a system of law and ethics characteristic of the Jewish Civilisation, which was a system in which ethics are derived from law.

Israel's Patrol 36

There was a Neo-Nazi gang in Israel called Patrol 36 that was based on Russian immigrants who had Jewish blood. The founder of this gang was Erik Bunyatov who was born in 1988. Patrol has existed from 2005 until September 9th, 2007 when eight gang members are arrested by Israeli authorities for attacking Africans, Asians, Homosexuals, Drug Addicts & Haredi Jews. There are videos of the attacks in a short documentary.


Bobby Fischer

Bobby Fischer, born March 9th 1943, was a Chess Grandmaster and the eleventh Chess World Champion. A child prodigy, he won his first of eight US Championships at the age of 14. After a 1975 feud between him and the FIDE, he disappeared. During this time, reports of his erratic behavior began popping up. He would reemerge in 1992 to win an unofficial rematch with Boris Spassky. The match was held in Yugoslavia which lead to a conflict with the US Government, who threatened Fischer because he had gone into Yugoslavia despite the sanctions against the country. The US eventually put down an arrest warrant on Fischer. Fischer subsequently lived as an emigre until 2004 when he was arrested in Japan and was held for several months for using a passport that the US had revoked. While in Japan, he married the President of the Chess Association of Japan, Miyoko Watai. He was eventually let out when he was granted Icelandic citizenship under a special act of the Icelandic Parliament, he lived in Iceland until his death in 2008.

Fischer is highly controversial because of erratic comments he made throughout his life which included Holocaust denial, outright Anti-Semitism, support for 9/11, and more. These comments have made him popular among the Alt-Right online, with them often quoting him and posting memes of him pointing out how he had the best pattern noticing ever and blamed literally everything on the Jews. [6]


Ssethtzeentach, also known as Ogutu M'Beke is a relatively popular youtuber who reviews games he likes. His humor is extremely distinct and is the pioneer of a kind of ADHD-edited style of comedy for which he is rightfully popular for. In his work he includes a large amount of tongue-in-cheek far right humor, including overt and covert antisemitism, references to ZOG, Kali Yuga, Hyperborea, Yakub and the nation of Islam, conspiracies and more... while also being of Ashkenazi descent himself. In his review of Crusader Kings 2 while covering the jewish loans and expulsion mechanic he says "Don't feel bad about it [expelling jews for money], we've been expelled so many times you really won't hurt our feelings if you do it again".

Other parts of his humor are explicitly degenerate so to speak, references to Gachimuchi, esoteric sexual fetishes with him playing and reviewing several games related to said content. Despite his online persona, in real life he passed medical school with a masters in cancer immunology and immunotherapy, holding a lecture on the topic in one of his streams. While for most of his online time, he tried to remain anonymous, there are a few things that are known about his life: his family's background in the Russian Empire as landlords in Belarus is one of the details we know, funnily enough. We also know he is a rootless cosmopolitan, having moved around several countries in his childhood and adult life, of which the known ones are Israel and England.

Salomon Klass

Salomon Klass (April 17, 1907 – March 22, 1985) was a Finnish Army captain renowned for his service during World War II and his steadfast Jewish identity. Born in Helsinki to a family that had relocated from Latvia, Klass joined the White Guard militia, rising to company commander. Facing increasing antisemitism, he moved to Palestine in 1935, joining the Irgun underground movement.

With the onset of the Winter War in 1939, Klass returned to Finland, commanding a company defending Maksima Island on Lake Ladoga. He sustained a severe head injury in February 1940 but resumed service later that year to train conscripts. During the Continuation War, he led the Infantry Regiment 11's First Company in the Kiestinki sector, operating alongside German forces. Despite daily interactions with German soldiers, Klass openly maintained his Jewish identity.

In recognition of his bravery, the Germans nominated Klass for the Iron Cross, an honor he declined due to his Jewish heritage. Instead, he received the Finnish Order of the Cross of Liberty, 3rd Class. After the war, Klass emigrated to Sweden, engaging in the fur trade and authoring his memoirs titled Minnen från Vinterkriget och Fortsättningskriget 1939–1945.

Abraham Gancwajch

Abraham Gancwajch was a Jewish journalist and prominent Nazi collaborator during World War II, notorious for his activities in the Warsaw Ghetto. Born in Częstochowa, Poland, Gancwajch began his career as a journalist and editor in Łódź. He later moved to Vienna, Austria, where he reported on Jewish affairs for the periodical Gerechtigkeit (Justice). Expelled from Vienna around 1936–1938, he returned to Poland, establishing a reputation as a teacher and Zionist journalist with notable oratorical skills.

Following the German invasion of Poland, Gancwajch emerged in Warsaw as a refugee from Łódź, claiming connections to the German Sicherheitsdienst (SD). In December 1940, he founded the Group 13 network, a Jewish collaborationist organization in the Warsaw Ghetto, often referred to as the "Jewish Gestapo." Gancwajch advocated for collaboration with the German occupiers, believing it was essential for Jewish survival. His stance and actions, including attempts to usurp Adam Czerniaków as head of the Judenrat, were met with outrage and condemnation from the ghetto residents.

How to Draw

Flag of Jewish-Nazism
  1. Draw a cube.
  2. Fill the cube in with blue
  3. Draw white circle in the front
  4. Add the symbol of Raëlism (Star of David with a Swastika)
  5. Draw the eyes, voila you are finished.
Color NameHEXRGB
 Blue#0035B9rgb(0, 53, 185)
 White#FFFFFFrgb(255, 255, 255)
 Black#202020rgb(32, 32, 32)


Is sad that his father, National Socialism, won't accept him. He is often very suicidal and used as a useful idiot. Also has anger issues.



  • Fascism - He's like papa National Socialism but without the anti-Semitism, which I have mixed feelings about.
  • Austrofascism - Pretty similar to above but please be less anti-nazi nonetheless thanks for the help.
  • Showa Statism - He's pretty cool and he gives my friends a nice safe home.
  • White Guilt - Fellow self-hater but for different reasons.
  • Hungarism - Good Nazi pal!
  • Alt-Right - Finally, a fellow hater of Juden that accepts me.
  • White Nationalism - Another fellow hater of Juden according to his profile, Jared Taylor is gigabased.
  • British Fascism - Another hater of Jews, and he accepted John Beckett, Beckett is gigabased too.
  • Strasserism - Anti-Semitic like me but not too anti-Semitic to accept me. Based!
  • Cultural Nationalism - I admire German culture.
  • Death Worship - Suicide is based.
  • Mediacracy - Werner Goldberg was a great role model because he entered in the Reich Labour Service, joined the Wehrmacht and staring in a poster as an ideal German Soldier even though he was dismissed.
  • Positive Christianity - Thanks for reforming Christianity into a complete gentile religion so nobody can be closed-minded Zionists.
  • Corporatism - It was an alternative to Jewish capitalism and Jewish bolshevism. But to be honest due to what Marx said about Jews, Communism doesn’t sound so bad!
  • Jihadism and Khomeinism - Free Palestine from Zionism.
  • Volkism - I like your amazing culture and maybe I can join in with you.
  • Integral Neo-Darwinism - The only good liberal.
  • National Democracy and Korwinism - Poland is definitely based.
  • Paleoconservatism - Nick Fuentes, Pat Buchannan Paul Edward Gottfried, Marjorie Taylor Greene, etc... are extremely based.
  • Molyneuxism - Heil Ancapia! Molyneux is also of Jewish-German descent.[7]
  • Zelenskyism - Believe it or not, I'm pro-Ukraine. Heil Azov Regiment!
  • Breivikism - A white nationalist Norwegian who accepts us and doesn't like disloyal Jews.
  • Zhirinovskyism - R.I.P., you were Jewish who's loyal to mother Russia.
  • Inquisitionism - Torquemada was a converso.


  • Nazism - WHY CAN'T YOU ACCEPT ME?! (At least you accepted Dr. Bloch and a few others)
  • National Capitalism - Same as above, at least Kissinger worked with Videla, Banzer, Barbie, and Stroessner.
  • Jewish Theocracy - Not all National Socialists are Aryan gentiles some of them are Jewish so search it up on Google because there is proof out there.
  • Sternism - You are the right kind of Zionist to create a nation and join The Axis Powers but I think Communism is not a form of Fascism to use.
  • Kahanism - Has the right idea but doesn't realize it's us that's the problem.
  • Spencerism - Gigachad white Zionist! Wait, what do you mean that you have renounced white nationalism, Zionism and the Alt-Right?!
  • Marxism - You may be the founder of (((Communism))). But you made really based takes with your manuscript “On the Jewish Question” although I didn't truly understand it.
  • National Bolshevism - Like the above but better! But I’m still confused why you don’t accept me as well! At least you accept Marx!
  • Alt-Lite - Decent but not racist or anti-Semitic enough. And most of you are pro-Zionist. Owens, Loupis and PJW are based though.
  • Anti-Japaneseism - We have something in common, but why do you hate him so much?
  • Satirism - Hey hey people, Sseth here. Stop comparing the nation of Israel to Nazi Germany just because it has policies that are discriminatory towards a certain group of people. For example Palestinian Arabs and real Jewish-Nazi would hang out with these people instead of killing them like those Zionist supremacists.
  • Homofascism - You are me but gross and narcissistic.
  • Esoteric Fascism - This is so epic when you are mixed with Paganism, Hinduism & Buddhism.
  • Black Zionism - Maybe Israel would be a country but in a different form.
  • Bismarckism - Danke for creating the German Empire. I have a gift for you when we Jews fought against America, Britain & France. OPENING GIFT But still, you are not nearly anti-Semitic, nationalist, and authoritarian enough.
  • Feiglinism - Too Zionist.
  • Zemmourism - Moderate and French version of JewNazCap.
  • Bibism - Zionist but if they compare his party with the NSDAP, there must be something good in it. He also admitted the fact that the Nazis initially didn’t want to genocide the Jews and only wanted to deport them until an A*ab advised so. But you are trying to take over the world so gfy!
  • Sargonism - "Jewish people, unfortunately for them, have got to drop identity politics. I'm sorry about the holocaust, but I don't give a sh*t."
  • AfDism and Neoconservative Nazism - Mixed bags. On one hand, some of you don't like Jews so much, but on the other hand, some of you are Zionists.

The (((Problems)))

  • Zionism - Filthy Jude, I may share blood with you, but I dare not recognize you. Why do some people think that you are me?
  • Religious Zionism - Your ego is too big for me and the entire world to handle.
  • Labour Zionism - A filthy Jude, and a commie? May your blood spill on the streets.
  • Bundism - You are ruining the Germanic Language and supported that guy to make the world worse even though you are anti-Zionist. At least some of you such as Norman Finkelstein and JVP support them.
  • Anti-Fascism - Wait, if you gonna punch for me being Fascist who is a Jew, does that mean you are Anti-Semitic?
    • No, I won't bother fighting someone who would commit suicide anyway.
  • Progressivism - There is something wrong with you, rather than something wrong with me. At least you condemn Zionism.
  • Leninism - You are making me hate myself more and you let that P3dostache Georgian Socialist destroy The Thousand Year Reich.
  • Trotskyism - Maybe there will be real justice if the Schutzstaffel did kill you instead of the NKVD.
  • Luxemburgism - I will never date a Jew.
  • Esoteric Socialism - You used me for your evil plans even it was exposed.
  • Black Nationalism - No, I don't want that even if he wants to be a member of Patrol 36.
  • Jewish Anarchism - Don't resist just accept the fact that you are going to die.
  • Marxism-Leninism - Cheater! One day you will be exposed for your rigged matches!

Further Information






  1. "The Jews have been hardened against Christ, against decency for thousands of years... They're gonna have to be annihilated, Eugene"
  2. His family were German-Jewish landowners in Belarus who lost everything in the revolution and got deported to Kazakhstan, from where they went to Israel and eventually England
  3. He passed medical school with a master's in cancer immunology and immunotherapy. This is also an explaination as to why he's so degenerate and unhinged
  4. Played up for comedy but everyone is in the know that he is into some things
  6. Literally everything.
  7. "My mother was born in Berlin in 1937 to a pretty Jewish clan, and this was, of course, pretty much the worse time you could pick to be born and the culture you could choose to be born in."
