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Not to be confused with Racial Nationalism.

Ethnonationalism is the counterpart ideology to Civic Nationalism. Instead of believing that nationality is based on common shared institutions and values, it believes that it's shared by common ethnicity and views it as the primary pillar of citizenship.





Romania, a country in Eastern Europe, has had a long history of ethnonationalist ideologies. In the mid-20th century, an intense focus on the concept of a "Greater Romania" developed, aimed at uniting the different regions and peoples of the country through a shared nationality and identity. The idea of a Greater Romania was a powerful motivator for the unification of the Romanian Kingdom and Transylvanian regions, and has remained a significant element of Romania's national identity. Ethnonationalism has been a powerful and influential force in Romania's history, and its influence continues to be felt today. While it has often been framed as a tool for national unity and identity, ethnonationalism has also been associated with significant political and social tensions and conflicts. In recent years, the rise of globalism, multiculturalism, and economic austerity have challenged ethnonationalist ideologies and led to a resurgence of nationalistic, xenophobic, and anti-immigrant politics in Romania, as well as other parts of the world. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and diverse, the relevance and importance of ethnic self-awareness and nationalist identity has been brought into question. The concepts of a "Greater Romania" and Romanian ethonationalism have been challenged by the emergence of alternative political and social ideologies, including liberal cosmopolitanism, multicultural pluralism, and global citizenship. The future of nationalism, both in Romania and around the world, is likely to be shaped by the dynamics of globalism, migration, and the changing nature of national identity.


Main Article: Authoritarian Conservatism



Slobodan Milošević - was the first president of the Republic of Serbia (1991-1997) and the third president of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1997-2000). Even though he had held previous posts, he appeared to gain political traction in Serbia in 1987, in which he declared his support for Serbs who he claimed were being oppressed by the ethnically Albanian provincial government of Kosovo. He called for the reduction of Kosovo's provincial autonomy, protection of Serb minorities and a strong crackdown on separatism in the region. Even being accused of nationalism to a large extent, even though he had denied it.

When in power Milošević was known for his authoritarianism and brutality, which, inspired by Aleksandar Ranković, used brutality and oppression against ethnic Albanians in Kosovo. He participated in the Yugoslav wars, especially in Kosovo, an example of which could be in 1988, when partisan meetings of the Anti-bureaucratic Revolution led to cries like "Give us weapons!" and the more segregationist "Long live Serbia — death to the Albanians!". With the repression against Albanians, he also repressed Hoxha's supporters in Kosovo and supposedly tried to create "Greater Serbia", in order to become a " second Tito ".

Other things could also be the transition from one-party to multi-party, even though he had been accused of electoral fraud, establishing a Kleptocracy, Autocracy and Authoritarian Nationalism. There was police brutality against political opponents, and there was also a state-capitalist mixed economy, he put up trade barriers to encourage local industry in addition to an increase in labor laws, but in 1998 he proposed a liberal economic reform that would have trade barriers and privatization of state-owned companies, but it was overthrown in 2000 because of losing the Kosovo war and accusations of falsifications.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Main Article: Islamic Democracy (for Alija Izetbegovic)











Likud (The Consolidation) is a major party in Israel that has its roots in Ze'ev Jabotinsky's Revisionist Zionism, as well as in liberal and nationalist ideology. Immediately after the creation of Israel, the Herut (Freedom) party was founded, which was joined in 1961 by the Libralim organization (Liberals) in the Gahal electoral bloc, which was the main force of the opposition.

In economic policy, the party advocates for economic liberalism (as it is a traditional rival to the Labor Party), but also for a very pronounced nationalist rhetoric. On paper they advocate for free market capitalism, but in practise they have adopted a mixed economy.

In cultural policy, the party advocates both free enterprise and nationalism, but sometimes it compromises these ideals in practice because the support for populist economic programs does not meet these ideals. But it is designed to serve voters who are mostly nationalists, low-income and live in small towns and urban neighborhoods.

In more recent times, the party has shifted more towards populism.

Many former Likud MK's have founded splinter parties, such as Kadima (Forward) and New Hope.




Ethnonationalism can be potrayed as an archetypical Balkan nationalist Internet user.

How to Draw

Flag of Ethnonationalism

Ethno-nat is Civ-nat with black and white

  1. Draw a ball and fill it with a black, but not completely black color.
  2. Draw a white but not completely white flag on it (very light gray)
  3. Add the eyes, and you're done!
Color NameHEXRGB
 Black#202020rgb(32, 32, 32)
 Very Light Grey#E1E1E1rgb(225, 225, 225)


Based Department

  • Ethnopluralism - Every race deserves a homeland.
  • Nazism - I MADE YOU!
  • National Bolshevism - Best of the communists.
  • Hutu Power - Hutu nationalism is based.
  • Kahanism - Yup, it's good.
  • Ba'athism - Most based Arab, especially Saddam!
  • İttihadism and Turkish Idealism - TURKYE NO 1.!!!!
  • Rankovicism - Also a good communist. Milosevic was inspired by you for a good reason.
  • Indigenism - First come, first serve! (Wait, why are you mingling with outsiders... STOP IT!)
  • Ethnocacerism - Now that's more like it, American Indians who want to entirely kick out and genocide all the whites. Pretty based I must say.
  • Reactionary Liberalism - Henry de Lesquen, his Clock Crossroad gang and Japan LDP are based and redpilled.
  • Alt-Right - Ah yes... My fame on the internet... *Sips water from a paper cup*
  • Juche - The Korean race is the cleanest and therefore purest, so we must preserve the purity of our race.[2]



  • Globalism and World Federalism - The fact you actually believe this is good... DISGUSTING!
    • / How is wanting international peace and cooperation disgusting?
  • Civic Nationalism - Ah yes, a believer in magic soil! Hahaha [REDACTED]
    • Ah yes, a believer in magic blood! Hahaha.

Further Information


Ethnonationalist Political Parties & Organisations



  1. The Amazon Prime adaptation renames it to the Nazi American Reich or American Reich for short.
