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"[W]e have an opportunity for the intellectual clarification of those who seek to have the fundamental ideals that we consider for our project; that is, a chance for improvement for those who walk with the principles, as we like to substantiate, of order, from truth, from wisdom and from freedom. For those who become enthusiastic about our ideas and proposals, may this be a cradle of knowledge and a corner of lights in the search for a new future: a New Enlightenment for these new times."

Neo-Enlightenment or Neoiluminismo an Economically Far-Right (he follows a mix of the non-ancap branch of the Austrian School of Economics and New Neoclassical economics), libertarian, and culturally varied ideology.



Neo-Enlightenment philosophy is generally recognised as following four principles:


The Truth is a criterion and an objective, in which you use to judge all facts and phenomena according to the rules of thought, as highlighted by Kant.


Order, in this case, refers to multiple related elements that form a coherent and structuring set. The order guarantees balance, but it is important to remember that this type of order is not intentional, as Hayek explains.


He has Liberty as the basis for his ethics, morals, and politics.


Wisdom encompasses practical and theoretical aspects of human reason, dealing with the quality of following principles linked to rationality in praxis, and also refers to the abstract and procedural capacity that remains consistent, that is, surrounded by logic. Kant in his first two Critiques perfectly exemplifies what this motto encompasses: the detailed - critical - dissection of theoretical reason and practical reason.






Neo-Enlightenment is usually portrayed as analyst, but also may be portrayed as PIA owner or university professor. He is well-spoken (just like Neoliberalism), but can be passively agressive. Unlike other libertarian ideologies, he can approve pro-big business and pro-globalisation policies.

Stylistic Notes

  • He argues a lot with ancap about taxation.
  • He's very formal and often speaks with corporate jargon.
  • He reads as much theory as a Italian Left Communism does. (What can create strange interactions between them due to their agreement on many things)
  • He's usually complaining about stuff.
  • Thick Brazilian Accent.
  • Can be portrait as Jetstream Sam cosplayer in comics.
  • The main frenemy of Reactionary Modernism.
  • Always sits on xanax and sedatives (As every respectable office worker)
  • Seems to act inadequate next to every left-wing or third-positionist ideology.
  • Obsessed with flashlights and everything, that creates light.

How to Draw

Flag of Neo-Enlightenment

The design for Neo-Enlightenment ball is based on the symbol of the neoiluminismo movement.

  1. Draw a blue (#1f2135) ball with sunglasses.
  2. Draw in gold, a circle which has a torch rod inside it.
  3. Around the circle, in the same colour, two crossing olive leaves.
  4. Beyond the circle, in the place corresponding to the torch rod, draw a fire.

And you're done.



Agents of uncertainty

  • Autarchy - No, Mises was NOT pro-you fully. But you know, if you worthy to have your own nation...[10]
  • Neoreactionaryism - My opposite (except we do both like Kant, Jouvenel, Nietzsche, imperialism , cameralism and Austrian school of economics). Ah merda we are quite similar...
  • Reactionary Liberalism - Weird, but acceptable nonetheless.
  • Reactionary Libertarianism - Same as above.
  • Fourth Theory - Fellow Heideggerian, but your economics are considered invalid and unefficient by Experts™.
  • Frankfurt School - Come on, bud, I am your friend!
  • Steiner-Vallentyne School - Fellow Analytic Philosopher, BUT regulations are bad in ANY form. Ahem, where is my sedatives, I feel myself more aggressive with you.
  • Technoliberalism - Needs improvement.
  • Reactionary Modernism - Only good reactionary, but you should play less games and read more. I still will have sword fight with you next Monday, after finishing my quarterly report.
  • Avaritionism - When I said that market is chaos, I DID NOT MEAN THIS! takes sedatives Maybe I will be better version of you, when I will be back.
  • Keynesian School - You did a good work, but you need to go. The future of laissez-faire is closer, old man.
  • Objectivism - Fellow fan of classical liberalism and Aristotle, but stop lying about Kant!
  • Existentialist Anarchism - Post-Leftie anarchist, but Camus was kinda based.
  • Obamaism - Handled the economic crisis but then made many awful decisions...
  • Trumpism - "The opposite of this is now the conservative government of Donald Trump, whose program is essentially right-wing: organizing immigration, increasing the role of the private sector by cutting taxes and thus creating more jobs, in addition to fighting corruption. Here we see a good example of a political zigzag in a developed country, which, as I understand it, is responsible for the dynamic balance that determines the way in which a democratic system can reorganize relations between classes without resorting to the violence of totalitarianism. The left and right programs correct each other, one might say, “dialectically."[11]
  • Classical Conservatism - Thanks for Scruton, but you are too old for your times.
  • Central Banking - Well, I wrote some support on you... [12] But it is the end that justify the means.

"Read later"

  • Marxism–Leninism - Abhorrent and unbased.
  • Counter-Enlightenment - Meh. Do everybody a favor already and shove those torture tools of yours up your ass, you repulsive, backward, medieval subhuman. If you don't do it, then I'll just slowly and agonizingly burn you alive with a super-powerful light projector. Tasting your own medicine is great, isn't it?
  • Anarcho-Capitalism - Mises was critical of any and all anarchism and taxation isn't theft, for God's sake. Also, stop making videos making fun of me (I'm talking about you, Fhoer).[13]
  • Hoppeanism - DEBUNKED. CONSIDERED WRONG. AND I MEAN ABSOLUTELY WRONG. But honesty only good thing about you is that you ostracize socialists from your society which is based.
  • Christian Anarchism - The Bible defended the existence of state and government, stop misinterpreting it.[14]
  • Corporatism - Corporativismo mata!
  • Protectionism and Isolationism - A terrible idea...
  • Tokugawa Shogunate - And this is an example of the above.
  • George W. Bush - Iraq War was a huge tactical and humanitarian catastrophe.[15]
  • Yeltsinism - Now this is an example of failed privatisation.
    • / Ah, yes, ‘failed’. Not fundamentally wrong nor forced upon the Russian people by a bunch of bourgeois outsiders.
    • Does it matter? It is awful anyway.
  • Putinism, Juche, Ho Chi Minh Thought, Castroism - Socio-economic anomalies and failed systems.[16]
  • Totalitarianism - This is horrible, doesn't matter if left or right.
  • Planned Economy - Economic totalitarianism that failed really badly.
  • Anarcho-Communism - Which naive idiots believe that was even possible? Do this person even read any economics book in his whole lifetime?
  • Fully Automated Gay Space Communism - Even more utopian and daydreaming naive data set than anarchist retard above.
  • Soulism - Wow. You are even worse. This naive guy still thinks, that his "real knowledge" is not an illusion, created by me, splendid [17].
  • Marxism - If only I had time traveling device, so I can prevent birth of this person. Seriously, your legacy is a messy garbage that ruined millions of lives. But now I have adapted and assimilated your children, and THERE. IS. NOTHING. YOU. CAN. DO!
    • Assimilated? You are lying to yourself. A spectre is haunting Europe (and the world), and there is nothing YOU can do to stop its progress.
  • Fascism - Twin brother of the above who is just as nihilistic and awful.
  • Nationalism - Another example of political suicide, just like them.
  • Socialism - Anyone who believes in such crap should be ridiculed and mocked by every possible way, cause how absurd and inefficient it sounds.
  • Reactionaryism - Imagine unironically believing that oppressive backward shitholes of the past were better. Sorry, but my corporate mercenaries will easily bomb the fuck out of your primitive bumfuckistan into lifeless wastelands. Cope, seethe and sneed about it.
  • Cultism - I'M NOT HIM, FOR GODS SAKE! Stop associating me with this person, you goddamn leftist populists!
  • Left-Wing Populism - Yes. I'm talking about you, paranoid leftie.
  • Right-Wing Populism - And that's why democracy must be private.
  • Liberal Socialism - Liberal... Socialism? Sounds oxymoronic.
  • Communalism - Ladies and gentlemen, we found him. A literal incarnate of inefficiency and ignorance.
  • Italian Left Communism - I have enough xanax to debate days with you and win in the end.
    • How will you win when you can’t even get a proper website address? I suppose you could get that on the free market .
    • Aren't you paying for YOUR website address? How communist this action is. . Anyway, we both can agree that MLs are idiotic idealists. Also your thoughts on nationalism are splendid.
    • Wait, what? Thanks, I guess.
  • State Socialism - Your existence is proof why leftism is a wrong path and leads to misery.
  • Reactionary Socialism - Hahaha, look at this big flashlight, it will be the last thing you saw. Ok, but if being serious, I simply did what he did again. Rebuild liberalism!

Further Information




  1. "The second type of intellectual suicide is political suicide. A person who finds no meaning in his existence seeks meaning in political ideologies, so that there is a goal that comforts him, even unconsciously. No matter how obvious the contradictions of the ideology or political movement adopted by the individual, they do not deny it, but accept it as the only way to remain comfortable in their own existence. Very vivid examples are: communism, socialism, fascism, nationalism, anarcho-capitalism, etc."Source
  2. "As Camus himself later explained in "The Rebel", communism and fascism are to blame for this atrocity; they are brothers, children of the same nihilism." Source
