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"A nation, therefore, has no right to say to a province: You belong to me, I want to take you. A province consists of its inhabitants. If anybody has a right to be heard in this case it is these inhabitants."

Separatism, also commonly known as Secessionism, is a form of Nationalism that seeks to establish a nation, country, sovereign state, or government that is separate from an already existing nation and exists to serve as the nation, country, government or sovereign state of a specific group. It is an incredibly broad ideology that believes that minority groups in a society are at risk of losing identity. Groups such as linguistic, ethnic, cultural, religious, tribal, racial, ethnolinguistic, gender, and even political groups concentrated in an area that is controlled by an 'oppressive' nation, whose governance or majority populace is not belonging to the minority group of the area, should be separated, the land containing the minority should be able to have their own nation. This is the principle of self-determination that Separatism vehemently supports.


Separatism has, in theory, existed for as long as civilization. Independence movements and separatist revolts have been around since the dawn of humanity. The most notable separatist movement was the American Revolution from 1775-1783 as it marked the first time a European colony successfully separated from it's master, starting the Age of Revolution.

Two decades before the American Revolution started, another somewhat successful separatist movement happened in 1755 in the form of the Corsican Republic, which declared independence from the sea-faring Republic of Genoa. It lasted until 1769 when Corsica was invaded and annexed by France.

In 1860, South Carolina declared independence from the United States. Several other states did the same in 1861, later creating the Confederate States of America. CSA was crushed a few years later in 1865.

From 1917-1922, around the First World War, many separatist movements and revolutions happened across Europe. Countries like Finland , Poland (which had seized to exist in 1795, restored 122 years later), Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania (all of which separated from the Russian Empire), Yugoslavia (which formed from parts of Austria-Hungary), Bavaria (separated from Germany but rejoined), and many others had appeared on the European map. These nations had their roots in Ethnonationalism, Cultural Nationalism, Socialism and similar socio-political movements.

Simultaneously (1917 to 1918), Ukraine People's Republic, Belarus People's Republic, Crimea , Alash, and several Caucasian nations had proclaimed their independence from Russian Empire as well, but their attempts to remain sovereign were crushed by the RSFSR, which became the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1922.

In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed and was formally dissolved in December. In the aftermath, several new nations were formed, including 15 countries which had constituted the core republics of the union. As nationalistic sentiments grew, many separatists within the new nations took to the opportunity, causing chaos in regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Georgia, Nagorno-Karabakh in Azerbaijan, Transnistria and (partially) Gagauzia in Moldova, Chechnya and Dagestan in the Russian Federation for many years to come.

In 2014, Separatism caused a war in Ukraine. It started with the annexation of Crimea by Russia, but then spread to the eastern Donbass region with the self-proclamation of the Donetsk and Luhansk "People's Republics". There were attempts to proclaim similar separatist entities in Kharkiv and Odesa regions, but they were unsuccessful. Despite countless evidence of Russian military fighting on the separatist side, Russian officials denied any involvement in the war until a full-scale Invasion occurred in 2022 following Russian recognition of both self-proclaimed republics. As of January 2024, apart from Donetsk and Luhansk, sections of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia oblasts are de facto incorporated into Russia after several referendums, all of which were internationally recognized as illegitimate. An eastern part of Mykolaiv oblast, which borders Kherson, was also claimed by Russia.

In 2017 and 2018, the 'Unite the Right Rally' and 'Unite the Right Rally 2' occurred. The events were mainly organized by White Nationalists and Neo-Nazis, but importantly included Neo-Confederate separatists.

Regional Variants

Assyrian Nationalism

Assyrian nationalism is an ongoing secessionist movement that has been active since the 19th century as a form of indigenous nationalism. As they are descendants of the Assyrian empire that ruled over part of the Middle East from the 25th century BC to the 7th century BC. The Assyrian homeland is mostly based in northwestern Iraq, but also may include northeastern Syria, northwestern Iran, and southeastern Turkey.


While being a form of Pan-Nationalism (see: Pan-Nationalism#Berberism), Berberism is also separatist as Berbers have no sovereign state and must separate from another entity to get it. Berberism has been primarily adopted by Tuaregs who have revolted in Libya (Second Libyan Civil War) and Mali (Mali War). Berberism has also been the reason for the creation of entities like Azawad.

Berlin Secession

Berlin Secession was a historical separatist ideology in Berlin from 1898-1913. It was an art movement created in 1898 within the German Empire by Berliners in response to art restrictions placed by Kaiser Wilhem II. The restrictions were removed by the Kaiser in 1913, causing the demands for an independent Berlin to die out.

English Nationalism

English Nationalism, also known as English Democratism, refers to the separatist movement in England that wants to make England a separate country than the United Kingdom. English Nationalism can also be described as Irredentist in regards of some Welsh counties that the English Democrats seek to give to England.

Kabyle Nationalism

While having some relations to Berberism (because Kabyle are a Berber ethnic group), Kabyle Nationalism is a separatist political ideology that seeks for the Kabyle people to separate from Algeria and form their own nation called Kabylia.


Euroscepticism is a political position involving criticism of the European Union (EU) and European integration. It ranges from those who oppose some EU institutions and policies, and seek reform (Eurorealism, Eurocritical, or soft Euroscepticism), to those who oppose EU membership and see the EU as unreformable (anti-European Unionism, anti-EUism, or hard Euroscepticism).

The main drivers of Euroscepticism have been beliefs that integration undermines national sovereignty and the nation state,that the EU is elitist and lacks democratic legitimacy and transparency, that it is too bureaucratic and wasteful, that it encourages high levels of immigration, or perceptions that it is a neoliberal organisation serving the big business elite at the expense of the working class, being responsible for austerity and driving privatization.

Hard Euroscepticism

Hard Euroscepticism is a political movement that opposes EU membership. It believes that the EU undermines national independence and is undemocratic. The main difference from Soft Euroscepticism is that Hard Euroscepticism believes that the EU cannot be reformed due to the fact that the Treaty of Rome (which created the EEC, the precursor to the EU) can only be amended by a unanimous decision from all member countries, which they believe impossible. Advocating for leaving the EU is often associated with right-wing/far-right politics, though it's also a position taken by many leftist politicians. Some notable hard Eurosceptic parties include the Brexit Party, the UK Independence Party, Alternative for Germany, and the National Rally.

Neo-Bourbonism/Kingdom of Two Sicilies Nationalism

Neo-Bourbonism (Italian: Neoborbonismo) is a form of nostalgia for the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. The term was coined in 1960 was born with the creation of the autonomist movements in Italy and underwent a considerable surge in popularity in the years around 2011, coinciding with the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy. The Neo-Bourbonist movement is supported by small political movements, amateur websites and prolific pseudo-historical publications, leading the Italian newspaper Corriere del Mezzogiorno to speak of "neo-Bourbon revanchism, in vogue in recent years, ...".

Cape Independence

The Cape independence Party (abbreviated as CAPEXIT) is a independentist South African party that wants to create the Cape Republic fully within the borders of Western Cape, but also within parts of Northern Cape and Eastern Cape provinces. Its political program has three main tenets: Cantonal political system, semi-direct democratic electoral system and the economic system of Singapore. Other policies include: strong borders, stricter immigration policy and death penalty for murders and rapists.

Taiwanese Separatism

The Taiwan independence movement is a political movement which advocates the formal declaration of an independent and sovereign Taiwanese state, as opposed to Chinese unification or the status quo in Cross-Strait relations.

Personal Tendencies


Burrism is the ideology and set of beliefs and actions representing former American vice president Aaron Burr. He was most well known for a duel in which he mortally wounded fellow politician Alexander Hamilton, and for him attempting to secede and form his own nation in what is now known as the Burr Conspiracy. Burr's political beliefs were generally Democratic-Republican and anti-federalist, but he was also anti-slavery and feminist.

Personality and Behavior

Separatism is portrayed as patriotic and overzealous, but towards the nation that they believe should separate, not the nation that currently controls his land. They are quick to criticize anyone who suggests that their land is a part of another nation or that they citizens are citizens of a 'foreign' country. For example, they display a behavior akin to what Québécois nationalists would do if someone called them Canadian, or what a Catalan nationalist would do if someone called them Spanish, or if someone suggested that Québec was simply a province of Canada or if someone called Catalonia a region of Spain. Or even if someone said Kosovo is Serbia or said that Kosovars are Serbian. Separatism would become extremely aggravated in such scenarios.

Other than that, they get along with ideologies that want to form separate nations for their groups. This ideology often discusses self-determination and how it is a human right.

How to Draw

Flag of Separatism
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. The ball will be split vertically into two hemispheres/sides.
  3. One will have a flag facing away from the center and the same style as Nationalism.
  4. The other side should have the same flag facing away from the center, but with the colors of Nationalism swapped, having an orange flag on black.
  5. The flag poles should touch the bottom of the ball, and notably be separate from each other.
  6. Add the eyes and you're done!
Color NameHEXRGB
 Orange#FF9800rgb(255, 152, 0)
 Black#141414rgb(20, 20, 20)




  • Nationalism - Stop trying to assimilate minorities and make sure groups stay separate! We need every group to be of utmost importance to their own nation, but not trample over others so they can have their own self-determination too.
  • Irredentism (when it’s for his nation) - I honestly don’t know. Revenge against the invaders is based, but you’ve taken this to a whole other level.
  • Aliyevism - I will NEVER forgive you for Artsakh however the Iranian variants see you as a great alternative after they leave from Iran.
  • Globalism - Stop it with all that unity stuff, nations should be separating and getting independence! Although... sometimes we might need economic and military help across the world to do it.
  • Cosmopolitanism - You're right in some ways, we should have no group ruling over other minorities. And we should acknowledge each nationality's equal right to have their own nation. But Pan-Nationalism is the worst! I will respect other nationalities from afar, not meld with them!
  • Progressivism - Well, supporting minority groups is based, but the only right that matters is their right to form their nation and have independence! Other than that, don't tell our new independent nations how to behave, they don't need to be progressive, they'll use self-determination to forge their own path.
  • Traditionalism - Protecting my peoples traditions are a good idea, but why can we not work with other independence activists of other lands if they support our fight for self-determination?
  • Tridemism - Well I do like how you want to officially separate from the evil PRC, but you also occupied the land of the Taiwanese and want to form "One Big China", and that's... hella cringe.
  • Radical Feminism & MGTOW - I mean, I don't know about full on gender separatism but whatever floats your boat, I guess?
  • Anarcho-Individualism - The fight for self-determination from the oppressive majority and against assimilating for being different is based. But you might need to sacrifice some of your personal autonomy in order to unite with like-minded individuals to truly be free.
  • Anarcho-Collectivism - You see how the power of the collective can get things done when people work together, but you might also force various diverse peoples to integrate or assimilate for furthering the good of the collective rather than for minority groups. Which goes against true self-determination of diverse peoples.
  • Religious Nationalism - Both our liberator and our oppressor, forcing faith on other diverse peoples beliefs is wrong. But fighting to protect our faith from said religious fanatics isn't.
  • Homofascism - Your supporting of imperialism and racism against minorities is a huge red flag. But a gay-ethnostate was a pretty based idea.
  • Pan-Nationalism - Trying to unite nations and countries into less rather than separating them into more is absolutely despicable. Although you might be needed to ensure various diverse minority groups get their self-determination from an oppressive outsider, but still.
  • European Federalism - My British, French and Greek variants really hate you however the scottish variants within Britain see you as a good alternative after they have separated from the UK, so I am really really confused.
  • Federalism - Autonomy? How about independence already? At least you allow some liberty to the minority groups.
  • American Model - Free the 13 colonies from Britain! *later* Free Hawaii, Alaska, Texas, California, Puerto Rico, etc. from AmeriKKKa!
  • Jeffersonian Democracy - I like how you imply that secession is constitutional and influenced the Confederates and- WAIT WHY ARE YOU ARRESTING AARON BURR!?


  • Interculturalism - I will not assimilate!
  • Anationalism - C'mon, why do you gotta give anarchists a bad name? You are THE WORST of the anarchists.
  • Irredentism (when it’s against his nation) - One of my arch-nemesis, tries to reverse my progress of getting people independence! Stop conquering those poor minorities, they deserve their homeland too!
  • Imperialism - Extremely glad that you're era of rule is over, this should never even be thought of! Subjugating those poor minorities is the opposite of giving them freedom to have their own nation! What I helped you get into power NOOOOOOOOOO!!!
  • Jingoism - Now this is just sick, you've gotta respect people's right to self-determination, to each nation, their own!
  • Ultranationalism - Wanting independence, being proud of your nation and sharing its identity is good nationalism, but you want your national group to trample over all the others, not cool, the worst nationalism.
  • Dengism - Red fascist and Chinazi who wants to assimilate the occupied territories of Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Manchuria and NK. You will fall!
  • World Federalism - This is what I fight against! One world government is a literal hell on earth.
    • Isn't a united world better than a divided one?
  • Universal Monarchism - DEATH TO THE FOREIGN EMPEROR!
  • Illuminatism - This is where a one-world government inevitably leads us!
  • Hive-Mind Collectivism - I thought He was my greatest fear... Guess I was wrong. Now excuse me while I have a panic attack.
  • Titoism - Balkanization go brrrrr.
  • Zionism - One day, I'll kick your fucking ass out of Palestine, so Palestinians will live in peace!
  • Civic Nationalism - The type of country that you want is idiocy, a country that deteriorates the identities of all people who live there, a country that needs to be torn apart, a country that I would never want to be part of. It's useless that you look at me like that, you don't scare me, libtard. You, at this moment, look like him to me, cuck. And stop calling me a traitor, moron!
  • Neo-Ottomanism, Turkish Idealism and Kemalism - #FreeKurdistan!
  • Milosevicism - FUCK OFF, KOSOVO IS ALBANIA!

Further Information



Related topics



Examples of separatist movements

Online Communities


References and notes

  1. The CIS has been potrayed as very incompetent in most Star Wars media
  2. Supporting Russia to invade Ukraine, TPNPB-OPM condemns America and Indonesia
  3. This is a Taiwanese Joke
  4. Many Neo-Bourbons are sympathizers or even supporters of the post-1861 Brigandage in Southern Italy
  5. The movement is mostly supported by pseudo-historic myths and theories
  6. Many Neo-Bourbons argue that the Kingdom of Two Sicilies was one of the most advanced and developed countries in Europe at the time.
  7. According to certain Neo-Bourbons, the United Kingdom supported the Italian Unification to get rid of the "powerful and threatening" Kingdom of Two Sicilies
  8. Medieval Northumbria included parts of southern Scotland, including Edinburgh. NIP does claim the High Peak District of Derbyshire and has welcomed other parts of the UK to join Northumbria if they wish. Some also wish for Northumbria to be annexed by an Independent Scotland.
  10. "Givi" was an ethnic Georgian
  12. Taiwanese nationalism is in-part rooted in the non-Chinese ethno-cultural identity of the island's indigenous peoples. Most Taiwanese nationalists today however, support a form of civic/cultural nationalism inclusive of Taiwanese descended from mainlanders.
  13. There is a visible minority of LGBT fascists (particularly femboys) in the far-right south movement.
  14. There are a lot of people of Ukrainian descent in the south, especially in Paraná and the northern region of Santa Catarina. While there is certainly quite a few people of Russian descent in this region, a good majority of the Slavs there are either Polish or Ukrainian, with Russian coming in third place, albeit not as numerous. As a result, especially since the invasion in 2022, a large minority of Brazilians who are still in tact with their Ukrainian heritage have grown to become anti-Russia, with some of them even thinking that Russians aren't true Slavs and that they're "inbred Mongolian Asiatic hordes". This is especially true with the white nationalist/alt-right movement in Brazil.
  15. The American globalist project is clear: they want to import 20 million non-EU citizens into Europe, they want to destroy the very idea of Europe by guaranteeing their own interests through the economy
  16. he use images from the right-wing populism like the "gay lobbies", but also with a left-wingish oratory ("Lumpenproletariat", "capital"). Furthermore, he declared (privately) that he's more of a leftist than a rightist, despite his retoric
  17. The Great Trial That Tested the Constitution’s Treason Clause
  18. Forget Hamilton, Burr is the Real Hero
  19. Burr-Hamilton Duel
  20. Arron Burr: Forgotten Feminist
  21. [1]
  22. The Amazon Prime adaptation renames it to the Nazi American Reich or American Reich for short.
