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"Atomic war is inevitable. It will destroy half of humanity: it is going to destroy immense human riches. It is very possible. The atomic war is going to provoke a true inferno on Earth. But it will not impede Communism."

Posadism is an authoritarian and economically left ideology based off the ideas of J. Posadas. He's the "crazy cousin" of the leftist family, and holds very unorthodox views. He holds the belief that socialism can only be achieved after the collapse of society after a global nuclear war.

He also believes that socialist alien civilizations with advanced technology exist, and will help humanity rebuild earth into a utopia after the nuclear collapse and that humans can communicate with dolphins and probably other animals too, saying that work in the area would lead to "the harmonization of human relations with nature".

Other beliefs he holds include a fervor for water birthing and the belief that humans will ultimately end up reproducing asexually "like amoeba", curing "miserable, abominable sexual excitement", however, many Posadists argue against the latter.


Life of J. Posadas

In the 1930s, he worked as a shoemaker and organized a union of shoemakers and tanners in the city of Cordoba. During this period, he stood as a candidate in the provincial elections in Buenos Aires from the Socialist Workers' Party. He then joined the Revolutionary Socialist Party, which joined the Fourth International in 1941.

Leader of the Latin American 4th International

Posadas became the leader of the Latin American Bureau of the Fourth International, and under his leadership the Trotskyist movement began to spread throughout the region. The Trotskyists were particularly influential among Cuban railway workers, Bolivian miners and agricultural workers in Brazil.

In 1946, the Revolutionary Workers' Party was created. When the Fourth International split in 1953, Posadas and his supporters supported Michel Pablo and the International Secretariat.

Breakaway from the 4th International

However, by 1959, relations between the Latin American Bureau and the International Secretariat were quite tense. The complaints against the international leadership were that they were not confident enough in considering revolutionary prospects. There were also differences in approaches to nuclear war. Posadas believed that a nuclear “war-revolution” could “lead to the death of Stalinism and capitalism,” and that nuclear war was inevitable and desirable for the formation of a socialist society. Posadas and his supporters, largely concentrated in Argentina, broke away from the ISFI in 1962.

Cultism in the Fourth International Posadist

In recent years, Posadas has been involved with various esoteric ideas and has written about communications with dolphins and human life underwater.

Since 1968, Posadas has also become famous for his theories regarding UFOs. He believed that the existence of UFOs confirmed the existence of socialism on other planets, that only a socialist society could create the technologies necessary for interplanetary travel. In his brochure “Flying Saucers, the Movement of Matter and Energy, Science and Socialism,” Posadas reflected that UFOs would not stay on Earth for very long because:

 “capitalism is not interesting to UFO pilots... They are also not interested in the Soviet bureaucracy, since it is not has no prospects."                             J.Posadas


Nuclear War towards Communism


Extraterrestrials in Space



Posadism has an eccentric personality, he is a self-described "ufologist", claiming to have been possibly abducted, and may or may not have regular sexual relations with dolphins (which he vehemently denies). He is extremely high on basically every stimulant imaginable 90% of the time. He is a conspiracy theorist through and through, and his paranoia will often get in the way of logic, especially when aliens are involved. He also has an impulse disorder related to explosions and will bomb things regularly for the fun of it. He can also be found reading and sometimes watching The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, watching Star Trek, and listening to space rock groups. He is considered as retarded and rejected by everyone.

How to Draw

Flag of Posadism
  1. Draw a red ball.
  2. Draw a yellow circle on the red ball.
  3. Draw a black nuclear symbol inside the yellow circle.
  4. (Optional) On the Nuclear symbol draw things relating to Aliens, Dolphins and Trotskyism, the placement doesn't have to be specific.
  5. Draw eyes.
  6. (Optional) Draw alien antennae on it's head.



☊⍜⋔⍀⏃⎅⟒⌇ (Comrades)

⎎⍀⟒⋏⟒⋔⟟⟒⌇ (Frenemies)

  • ⋔⏃⍀⌖⟟⌇⋔ - “Means of interpretation superior to Marxism will arise, not because Marxism is incorrect, but because humanity will reach a better understanding. The dialectic will be part of some superior tool. All these people who accept the existence of flying saucers do so without the impulse or the will to develop scientific understanding, but simply because they are obliged to recognize a real event for what it is.” -J Posadas
  • ☊⏃⌇⏁⍀⍜⟟⌇⋔ - We helped you in Cuba [3], but why did you ally with tankie?! You also denounced us at the 1966 Tricontinental Conference. Also, didn't you kill Guevara?! YOU [Censored] WE WERE SO CLOSE TO A FUTURE SOCIALIST UTOPIA BUT YOU HAD TO CANCEL THE NUKES REEEEEEEE
  • ☍⍀⎍⌇⊑☊⊑⟒⎐⟟⌇⋔ - Same as above but you really terrify those Yankee imperialists with the Tsar Bomb.
  • ☌⍜⍀⏚⏃☊⊑⟒⎐⟟⌇⋔ - At least you gave us Chornobyl, a sample of the posadist utopia.
  • ⍀⟟☌⊑⏁-⍙⟟⋏☌ ⌿⍜⌿⎍⌰⟟⌇⋔ - Annoying right-winger... who likes cults and lizard conspiracies??
  • ⏃⎐⏃⍀⟟⏁⟟⍜⋏⟟⌇⋔ - Psychopathic capitalist... That wants nuclear war? What?
  • ⟊⟟⋏☌⍜⟟⌇⋔ - Reactionary useful idiot, that can be used for accelerating status quo system towards world war 3.

⟒⋏⟒⋔⟟⟒⌇ (Enemies)

Due to being a post-apocalyptic ideology, a lot of ideologies have negative views on Posadism, including most leftist ideologies. This hatred is mutual, because of culturally noveltist views this ideology hates mainstream leftists for not being progressive enough.

  • ⏃⋏⏃⍀☊⊑⍜-⌿⏃☊⟟⎎⟟⌇⋔ - Doesn't want nuclear war, cringe.
  • ☊⏃⌿⟟⏁⏃⌰⟟⌇⋔ - Getting in the way, hopefully, that it nukes itself, so the revolution starts.
  • ⋔⏃⍀⌖⟟⌇⋔-⌰⟒⋏⟟⋏⟟⌇⋔ - No, you are not a true communist, if you were you won't worship Stalin! You killed my father, and you're just as bad as the guy above. Not to mention you accused me of opportunist aggression near Guantanamo Bay. You also didn't try to nuke the capitalist world, instead doing some "proxy war" nonsese.
  • ⍀⟒⏃☊⏁⟟⍜⋏⏃⍀⊬⟟⌇⋔ - Look at this fool. His stone castle couldn't survive a single conventional air bomb, much less a nuclear one. And he does not even have knowledge of TNT. What an easy target.
    • - Say that again and I'll pull a 40K on you xenoid scum!
  • ⋏⟒⍜☊⋏⌇⟒⍀⎐⏃⏁⟟⌇⋔ - I don't like his economics, but at least is pretty good at bringing the world to the brink of nuclear war. And GET THE F**K OUT OF LATIN AMERICA!
    • - I will not disappear as long as there are commie terrorists like you on Earth. Ready your ass for bombing, pinko motherf**ker.
  • ⟒⋏⎐⟟⍀⍜⋏⋔⟒⋏⏁⏃⌰⟟⌇⋔ - Haha nuke go boom. Actually, a nuclear winter can reverse global warming
  • ⟒⌇⍜⏁⟒⍀⟟☊ ⎎⏃☍⟒ ⌇⍜☊⟟⏃⌰⟟⌇⋔ - STFU and GTFO, lizards. Your extinction is near, green skinned reactionaries. Prepare to be nucleary probed!
  • ⌿⏃☊⟟⎎⟟⌇⏁ ⎎⟒⋔⟟⋏⟟⌇⋔ - Too bad, your cottages are very fragile targets. Next time build a better one, Ok sis? *Scooby's laughs in distance*
  • ⟒⌇⍜⏁⟒⍀⟟☊ ⎎⏃⌇☊⟟⌇⋔ - Cope, seethe, L, touch grass and KYS pleiadean simps. Your world is already over, and now prepare to be exterminated for new Grey communist future!
    • - Nu-uh, Pleiadean's have anti nuke technology. Without your nukes you're nothing!
    • - Wrong, the Grey's have nuclear weapons that are resistant to Pleiadean anti nuke tech. Grey Future is inevitable!
    • - Neither the Pleiadeans or the Greys can combat Reptilian tech! We have had 440 Million years to develop! We have survived the Silurian extinction, do you think nukes or the Pleiadean fleet can stop us?
  • ⋏⟒⍜⌰⟟⏚⏁⏃⍀⎅ - If honestly, I rather live in post-apocalyptic wasteland communities, that this awful bourgeois status quo society. Please, go away and never come back after.

Further Information



Online Communities




  1. J. Posadas had led 'revolutionary morality movement' to ban any sexual intercourse that is not aimed at reproduction. J. Posadas argued that sexual intercourse will be replaced by technology after communist system is achieved.
  2. He was expelled from the Revolutionary Labour Movement
  3. https://www.marxists.org/archive/posadas/1960/06/cuba.htm