Hutu Power

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Hutu Power is an Ethnonationalist ideology that advocates for Hutu supremacy in Africa and the extermination of the Tutsi and Twa people. Hutus who marry, befriend, or hire Tutsis are considered "traitors". The ideology led to the Rwandan Genocide, a genocide by Hutu extremists against the Tutsi in Rwanda, happening in the mid-90s[1].


Appearance of Hutu & Tutsi

From the 18th century, the Kingdom of Rwanda and the Kingdom of Burundi were established respectively. The Hutu became the core force of the Rwanda kingdom, and the kingdom of Burundi was established in the form of a Tutsi rule over the Hutu. In the 19th century, the German Empire conquered the Kingdom of Rwanda and Burundi, making it part of German East Africa. After World War I, it became a Belgian colony called Luanda-Urundi. Belgium's policy of preferential treatment to the Hutu of Luanda-Urundi was opposed by the Tutsi. Luanda-Urundi separated from Belgian rule and became independent as Rwanda and Burundi. After independence, civil wars in Rwanda and Burundi broke out between Hutu and Tutsi, respectively, resulting in genocide and rape. Rwandan genocide(Thousands of Hutu and Tutsi fled to the Democratic Republic of Congo during the incident)

Prelude to the Rwandan Genocide

The Hutu-ed government recruited and pressured Hutu civilians to arm themselves with machetes, clubs, blunt objects, and other weapons and encouraged them to rape, maim, and kill their Tutsi neighbors and to destroy or steal their property. The RPF restarted its offensive soon after Habyarimana's assassination.

The Rwandan Genocide and Propaganda

The Rwandan genocide was a massacre of Tutsi and 'moderate' Hutus by the Hutu-led Rwandan government, lasting 100 days from April 1994 to July 1994. In it, as much as 800,000 people were killed, and many more became refugees. It was primarily the result of long-standing ethnic tensions between the Hutu majority and the Tutsi minority.

Most of the victims were killed in their own villages or in towns, often by their neighbors and fellow villagers. The militia typically murdered victims with machetes, although some army units used rifles. The Hutu gangs searched out victims hiding in churches and school buildings and massacred them. Local officials and government-sponsored radio incited ordinary citizens to kill their neighbors, and those who refused to kill were often murdered on the spot: "Either you took part in the massacres or you were massacred yourself."

Organizers of the genocide used ideology to bring Hutu to fear and hate Tutsi. They then used the institutions of the state to transform the fear and hate into the myriad acts of hunting, raping and killing that made up the genocide. 

Among the false ideas drawn on by political leaders and propagandists backing Habyarimana were the following:

  • Tutsi were foreign to Rwanda and had no right to live there.
  • Despite the 1959 revolution, Tutsi continued to enjoy higher status and greater wealth than Hutu and were in some way responsible for continuing Hutu poverty.
  • Tutsi posed a danger to Hutu, who were always the victims, whether of Tutsi military power or of Tutsi cunning (use of their women to seduce Hutu, use of their money to buy Hutu), and so Hutu had a right and a duty to defend themselves.


The genocide ended when the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), led by Paul Kagame, took control of the country and ousted the Hutu government in 1994. Although the actual invasion started on 1990, there were several peace agreements, although all were fragile. In its aftermath, Rwanda faced immense challenges in rebuilding, reconciling communities, and bringing perpetrators to justice through mechanisms like the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) and local Gacaca courts.


10 Hutu Commandments

Hutu Power believes that every Hutu should believe in the 10 Hutu commandments which are.

  1. Every Hutu should know that a Tutsi woman, whoever she is, works for the interest of her Tutsi ethnic group. As a result, they consider any Hutu a traitor if they marry a Tutsi woman, employ a Tutsi woman as a prostitute, employ a Tutsi woman as a secretary, or takes her under protection.
  2. Every Hutu should know that our Hutu daughters are more suitable and conscientious in their role as woman, wife, and mother of the family. Are they not beautiful, good secretaries and more honest?
  3. Hutu women, be vigilant and try to bring your husbands, brothers, and sons back to reason.
  4. Every Hutu should know that every Tutsi is dishonest in business. His only aim is the supremacy of his ethnic group. As a result, any Hutu who does the makes a partnership with Tutsi in business, invests his money or the government's money in a Tutsi enterprise, lends or borrows money from a Tutsi, gives favors to Tutsi in business (obtaining import licenses, bank loans, construction sites, public markets, etc.) is a traitor.
  5. All strategic positions, political, administrative, economic, military and security should be entrusted only to Hutu.
  6. The education sector (school pupils, students, teachers) must be majority Hutu.
  7. The Rwandan Armed Forces should be exclusively Hutu. The experience of the October 1990 war has taught us a lesson. No member of the military shall marry a Tutsi.
  8. The Hutu should stop having mercy on the Tutsi.
  9. The Hutu, wherever they are, must have unity and solidarity and be concerned with the fate of their Hutu brothers this means that Hutu inside, & outside Rwanda must constantly look for friends & allies for the Hutu cause, starting with their Hutu brothers, They must constantly counteract Tutsi propaganda & that the Hutu must be firm and vigilant against their common Tutsi enemy.
  10. The Social Revolution of 1959, the Referendum of 1961, and the Hutu Ideology, must be taught to every Hutu at every level. Every Hutu must spread this ideology widely. Any Hutu who persecutes his brother Hutu for having read, spread, and taught this ideology is a traitor.


Economically, Hutu Power is anti-communist, although many of them are also again capitalism and favour state-run economics and markets.

Personality and Behaviour

Hutu Power is a ultranationalist and extremist person. He can seen be using chauvinist and genocidal language against Tutsi peoples. Hutu Power also can be portrayed as a Rwandan variant of Fascism. And also, he really hates Tutsi rolls.

How to Draw

The flag comes from the Coalition for the Defence of the Republic a Hutu Power political party that took role in the Rwandan genocide.

Flag of Hutu Power
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Split the ball into vertical thirds
  3. Colour the left red, the middle black, and the right yellow
  4. Draw the eyes, and you're done!
Color NameHEXRGB
 Red#E20212rgb(226, 2, 18)
 Black#202020rgb(32, 32, 32)
 Yellow#F9D302rgb(249, 211, 2)


Hutu Masters

  • Pan-Africanism - Africa is for us, and us only, not for colonialists! Still, kill the Tutsi.
  • Ethnocracy - You get me. However, instead of ruling over the Tutsis, why not just kill them?
  • Ethnonationalism - Double twice.
  • Mobutism - Thank you for allowing me to flee to Zaire after getting kicked out of Rwanda by those RPF rats.
  • Ultranationalism - HUTU POWER FOREVAH!
  • Kangura - 10 Hutu commandments.
  • Fascism - We may not 100% agree on everything, but your ultranationalism and views on ethnic minorities is based! I'm also called the Rwandan version of fascism.


  • Black Nationalism - Blacks rule Africa! But still kill those Tutsi demons, and STOP HATING ON ME!
  • African Socialism - Similar to the above, although most of us don't approve of the socialism. Some of you are based though.
  • Nazism - I"M NOT YOU! Though killing ethnic minorities and establish dominance for my people is based.
  • Capitalism - I may hate communism, but we are also not necessarily capitalists. Also, I redistributed land from Tutsi capitalists in order to favor the rightful Hutu majority!
  • Black Zionism - Wait what???????????? Still preferably to current day Israel to be honest tho.

Tutsi Scum

  • Tutsi Extremism - See? All Tutsis are racist terrorists!
  • Imperialism - White colonizer that left our country in shambles. You all work for and help the Tutsis, admit it.
  • White Nationalism - Really? Fuck you.
  • The UN - You supported the Tutsis and helped overthrow us!
  • Marxism-Leninism - I will stomp you out for good! Stealing land from rich Tutsi landlords is based though.
  • Zionism - Imperialist white oppressor that funded the Tutsis! No wonder he supports you.
  • Kabiliaism - You are in bed with the Tutsi!

Further Information


