National Primitivism
This article is about a fictional ideology and has no foundation in real life political movements.
National Primitivism, also known as NazPrim, is a culturally far-right, authoritarian, economically centre ideology. NatPrim believes that the advancement of technology has led to the degeneration of society and his people's culture. NatPrim seeks to see his nation return to pre-industrial levels of technology, and depending on how extreme they are, they will seek to revert to pre-agricultural levels of tech.
The German expression was coined in the late 19th century, in tracts espousing racialism/racism and
romantic nationalism. It produced a regionalist literature, with some social criticism. This romantic attachment was widespread prior to the rise of the
Nazis. Major figures in 19th century German agrarian romanticism included Ernst Moritz Arndt and Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl, who argued that the peasantry represented the foundation of the
German people and
Ultranationalists predating the
Nazis often supported
country living as more healthy, with the
Artaman League sending urban children to the countryside to work in part in hopes of transforming them into
Wehrbauern (lit. "soldier peasants").
Richard Walther Darré popularized the phrase at the time of the rise of
Nazi Germany in his 1930 book Neuadel aus Blut und Boden (A New Nobility Based On Blood And Soil), in which he proposed a systematic
eugenics program, arguing for selective breeding as a cure-all for the problems plaguing the state. In 1928, he had also written the book Peasantry as the Life Source of the Nordic Race, in which he presented his theory that the alleged difference between
Nordic people and
Southeastern Europeans was based in the Nordic people's connection to superior land. Darré was an influential member of the Nazi Party and a noted race theorist who assisted the party greatly in gaining support among common Germans outside the cities. Prior to their ascension to power, Nazis called for a return from the cities to the countryside. This agrarian sentiment allowed opposition to both the middle class and the aristocracy, and presented the farmer as a superior figure beside the moral swamp of the city.
The doctrine not only called for a "Back to the Land" approach and re-adoption of
"Rural Values", it held that
German land was bound, perhaps
mystically, to German blood.
Peasants were the
Nazi cultural heroes, who held charge of German racial stock and German history—as when a memorial of a medieval peasant uprising was the occasion for a speech by Darré praising them as a force and purifier of German history.
Agrarianism was asserted as the only way to truly understand the "Natural Order".
Urban culture was decried as a weakness, labelled "asphalt culture" and partially coded as resulting from
Jewish influence, and was depicted as a weakness that only the
Führer's will could eliminate.
The doctrine also contributed to the Nazi ideal of a
woman: a
sturdy peasant, who worked the land and
bore strong children, contributing to praise for athletic women tanned by outdoor work. That country women gave birth to more children than city ones was also a factor in the support.
Carl Schmitt argued that a people would develop laws appropriate to its "Blood and Soil" because authenticity required loyalty to the Volk over abstract universals.
Neues Volk displayed anti-Semitic demographic charts to deplore the alleged destruction of Aryan families' farmland and claim that the
Jews were eradicating traditional
German peasantry. Posters for schools depicted the flight of people from the countryside to the city. The German National Catechism, German propaganda widely used in schools, also spun tales of how farmers supposedly lost ancestral lands and had to move to the city, with all its demoralizing effects.
He is an experienced soldier and a peasant lives with his peasant gf wife and 15 kids on the countryside. He is incredibly ripped due to constant hardwork though he is also frequently ill because of a lack of medicine to deal with his illnesses. He is also a prolific user of slavery, with them being either
Jews or
How to Draw
- Draw a ball with Eyes
- Make it Green
- Draw a swastika in a black square
- (optional) add a spear
Nazism - Daddy!
Eco-Fascism - Mommy please, I want to see my friends!
Fascism - Fascism Forever!
Except for the modern weaponry.Traditionalism - Justified my existence.
Esoteric Fascism - Blut und Boden!
What do you mean that Ancient Aryan Civilization was advanced even by modern standards?Volkism - You have been a great source of inspiration for me, especially with the Artaman League.
Reactionaryism - RETVRN!
Archeofuturism - The only Tech Freak I love. Primitivist and far-right? Based!
Confederalism - A fellow Soldier-Farmer who makes slaves out of the Untermenschen? Extremely based.
Neoluddism - The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the Aryan Race.
Anarcho-Primitivism - Respect the hustle, but please abandon the Jewish system of anarchism.
Nazi Transhumanism - Futurist weirdo, but at least you have the same ideas on race and the state.
Conservatism - Too liberal, but good direction overall.
Primalism - When I said to be primitive, I didn't mean full-on animal.
National Agrarianism - You too agree that our nation must be based on us Farmers who will defend it from the Untermenschen, but you laugh at me for eating meat that isn't farm-raised.
Hydrarchy - He isn't modern, but he isn't primitive.
Classical Conservatism - This could work.
Odalism - You are so damn close to being my friend, why can't you see that
those Asiatic hordes don't count as Europeans?
Anarcho-Transhumanism - Literal opposite.
Fully Automated Gay Space Communism - Technology? Communism? Gay People? GRRRRR...
Anarchism - I tell you to go primitive, you refuse.
Anarcho-Egoism - Same with you, then you call me a spook.
Progressivism - Embrace tradition.
Soulism - "Anti-Gravity Grenades"? Nah.
Revolutionary Progressivism - Fuck off.
Futurism - Wow imagine this ideology actually existing!
Scientocracy - My science is better. Unga unga!
Libertarian Transhumanism - You're like AnH+ but less stupid.
Socialist Transhumanism - We're not doing this today.
Transhumanism - I didn't know this cuck actually existed.
Post-Humanism - Literally all I have to do is starve you from electricity.
Post-Leftism - Looks like an absolute shithole.
Anti-Fascism - You're as bad as
Revolutionary Progressivism.