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"The Industrial Revolution was a watershed in the history of mankind. Three forces – technology, economic organization, and science, in this sequence – each from separate and undistinguished parentage, linked up, inconspicuously at first, to form, hardly a hundred years ago, into a social maelstrom that is still engulfing new and new millions of people, in an irresistible rush."

Industrialism also called Productivism is a technological ideology that puts an emphasis on industrialization as one of the most beneficial stages of development for any given civilization. Industrialism is usually neutral on technological development outside of Industrialisation.


Industrialism came to be in the Industrial Revolution when society moved from a mainly agricultural economy to an industrialized economy. Starting in the early 1800s in the U.K., primarily in its textile industry, Industrialism in Europe and the Americas as the Industrial Revolution spread. Its focus on adopting industrialized techniques allowed Europe to rise to full dominance, and despite a later adoption, America also saw significant benefits from its adoption. While prominent in Europe, its influence fell after the two world wars as Europe began to move towards the first service economies due to more imports coming from the United States. However, its decline in Europe was not at its lowest until around the 1990s due to Chinese and other lesser developed countries producing goods at a cheaper rate than local factories can generally.

The 1900s saw its rise in the economy of the United States, as the United States was less affected by the world wars, meaning its factories were less damaged and its economy still running despite the war's devastation. This led to the opening of the US economy causing massive exports to the world as the US was its industrial background. This was until Richard Nixon met with Chairman Mao and worked out a deal where China would become the world's prime exporter of products. This transition was completed around the same time as Europe's transition to service economies, but it finished up more around the 2000s than in the 1990s.

Today, he is mainly struggling in the West as the factories close down and people move out of the region which once boomed under him due to environmental concerns such as air pollution and climate change. But Industrialism has since moved with Capitalism down to developing countries where industrialism is prominent, such as China, Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, and Nigeria.


Building factories and industrializing can lead to economic prosperity. Mass manufacturing of goods and products increased life expectancy and population growth. The wealth it generated slingshots the nations that have adopted it to the top of the world. As such he's trying to put factories on every street corner and get them as populated as possible.

How to Draw

Flag of Industrialism

Industrialism's design is based on the design of the LeftValues "Production" Icon.

  1. Draw a ball with eyes.
  2. Fill it with the color brown.
  3. Draw in black, the image of a Factory.
    1. Draw a horizontal rectangle.
    2. On top of the horizontal rectangle draw three spikes in the shape of right-angle triangles.
    3. Out of the spikes, draw one or two pipes.
    4. On the side of the factory draw one to three windows.
  4. (Optional) Draw a hat on the ball.

And you should be done.

Color NameHEXRGB
 Brown#A65E33rgb(166, 94, 51)
 Black#141414rgb(20, 20, 20)



  • Capitalism - He promotes me across the world! Until he promotes my annoying son of course.
  • Marxism - Great-grandfather of the above, and he needs me for his ideal society.
  • Marxism–Leninism - 5-year plans brought productivity never before seen in USSR!
  • Hoxhaism - You know how to effectively build industry in Albania!
  • Syndicalism - Unions are dependent on a stable place of work, and I need workers.
  • Climate Skepticism - Who cares if a few trees die? Gotta build yup the industry!
  • Neoconservatism - This war stuff makes a lotta money but your military industrial complex scares me.
  • Futurism and Reactionary Modernism - Finally someone who can appreciate the aesthetics of modernity and machines.
  • Bismarckism - Together, we made Germany what it is today.
  • Dengism - And together we made China what it is today.
  • Keynesian School - The way I can return to the West!
  • Trumpism & Bidenomics - Thanks for rebuilding me in America, although I would like some less regulations.
  • National Liberalism - Has been one of my greatest allies for so long, basically the above's policies to an extent.
  • Democratic Socialism - Tried to save me in the West, but it didn't work out.


  • Post-Industrialism - The kids these days I swear. Can't even handle a little bit of pollution anymore!
  • Fordism - An admirer of mine, but do you really need to worship me?
  • Xi Jinping Thought - Thanks for still being friendly with me but cut it out with the post-industrialisation.
  • Social Democracy - Sometimes you can help me, we are good pals in Germany, but in other countries such as Britain you aided those monetarist freaks in replacing me.
  • Eco-Nationalism - Pretty good in the West but keeps trying to stop me doing my job.
  • Classical Liberalism - A great ally in the past but free trade just makes me non-competitive nowadays.
  • Libertarian Conservatism - Thanks for scrapping all those pesky regulations, now gib tariffs.
  • Socialism of the 21st Century - Somewhat supports me but also likes all that green rubbish.


Further Information






  1. The Amazon Prime adaptation renames it to the Nazi American Reich or American Reich for short.