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"I find money some way or other goes very fast. But I think I can reflect it has been spent with satisfaction and to my own honour."

Plutocracy is a form of government that is controlled by the rich and wealthy, and as such is almost always right-wing to far-right economically and statist to authoritarian on the civic axis. Plutocracy comes from capitalist theory, believing in a system based on wealth and rule by the upper wealthy class.


Although this is a hypothetical system, there has been systems similar to Plutocracy has been practiced in some instances, such as the Roman and Mali Empires to more modern examples, such as London, or the Trump-era United States.

Some people (mostly Leftists) consider Liberal Democracy to be a form of Plutocracy, because any person who wants to become president needs to become widely popular among people, which requires to start multimillion advertisement campaign.

Personality and Behaviour

Plutocracy is very greedy and mostly hangs out with authcap and corporatocracy. It worships Mansa Musa and hates the poor.

How to Draw

Flag of Plutocracy

The colors of this ball is referenced after the colors of the US dollar bill

  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill it with grayish-green color.
  3. Draw a greener circle in it.
  4. Draw a dollar sign inside the circle with a lighter shade of green.
  5. Draw the eyes.
  6. Give it a monocle.
  7. Give it a top-hat.
  8. Finish!
Color NameHEXRGB
 Greyish-Green#D4D4CCrgb(212, 212, 204)
 Sea Green#93B2A0rgb(147, 178, 160)
 Turquois#A9D3BDrgb(169, 211, 189)


Upper class

Middle class

  • Democracy - Take my corrup- lobbying money & do what I say!
  • Feudalism - Too old-fashioned for my liking.
  • Rockefeller Republicanism - Oh boy, Rockefeller family!
  • Aristocracy - The nobility is usually rich, but what is this "honor" crap?
  • Ceremonial Monarchism - You usually live fancily as I do, but you sadly don't have any real power.
  • Objectivism - Also opposes those annoying parasitic p**r, but too libertarian.
  • Avaritionism - Ummm... We don't need to kill the poor, who will do the dirty work?
    • Machines, son! Also, you're a statist who has loads of fancy things to steal.


  • Ergatocracy - Maybe if you pulled yourself by your bootstraps you'd be on my level by now. But who am I kidding? I never worked a day in my life, HAHA!
  • Strasserism - The "(((Banker)))" you are looking for is him!
    • Well, you two are related so what do you expect?

Further information



Online communities



  1. Laws prohibiting alcohol only apply to Muslims; non-Muslims, especially tourists, are allowed to drink there.
  2. Rape victims in Dubai
  3. While there's no clear estimate of how much Jiang's net worth was at any given time since Chinese officials aren't obligated to disclose their wealth, Jiang allowed billionaire and private business owners to join the CPC.