Liberal Feminism
"I don’t want women to have power over men; I want them to have power over themselves."[6]
Liberal Feminism, also called Individualist Feminism, is a socially progressive, economically centre-right to centre-left, and a little on the libertarian side of the spectrum ideology that advocates that women should be allowed to maintain gender equality through their own actions and choices.
Liberal Feminism started in the late 18th century. Their goal was to gain women's suffrage under the idea that they would then gain individual liberty. Early liberal feminists had to counter the assertion that only white men deserved to be full citizens. Liberal Feminists such as Mary Wollstonecraft, Judith Sargent Murray, and Frances Wright advocated for women's full political inclusion. In 1920, after nearly 50 years of intense activism, women were finally granted the right to vote and the right to hold public office in the United States.
Civil Rights
Liberal Feminism wasn't very active for four decades after winning the vote until the 1960s during the civil rights movement. Liberal Feminists drew parallels between systemic race discrimination and sex discrimination. Groups such as the National Organization for Women, the National Women's Political Caucus, and the Women's Equity Action League were created at that time to further women's rights. In the U.S., these groups have worked for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment or "Constitutional Equity Amendment", in the hopes it will ensure that men and women are treated as equals under the democratic laws that also influence important spheres of women's lives, including reproduction, work and equal pay issues.
Modern Day
Liberal Feminism is the most popular version of Feminism in the USA today. Nowadays they mostly care about reproductive rights and abortion access, sexual harassment, voting, education, fair compensation for work, affordable childcare, affordable health care, and bringing to light the frequency of sexual and domestic violence against women. Their opponents have mostly been American conservatives who try to debunk feminist arguments such as the wage gap and arguments for abortion. Some black Feminists have also criticized them for having a "White Savior" complex.
The year 2014 gave birth to the "boss babe." It starts with the publication of Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg complimented with Beyonce's debut at the 2014 VMAs and Goldybox CEO Debby Sterling pushing for "women in STEM." Women's business clubs started to boom, and it created a space for women who sought to "pursue their projects and passions without having to be on their toes against sexual harassment." These various companies with female CEOs still replicated power and economic disparities inherent to corporate hierarchies, such as unwanted "friendly touching (grabbing butts and breasts") and denying them paid leave and access to healthcare, especially abortions. [7] On top of these scandals and the adoption of the term by MLMs in 2018, the term "boss babe" has largely been disgraced.
However, it retains the tropes of working hard to remain independent of (often objectively douchey) men through "the grind."
Strajk Kobiet (Women Strike)
The Women Strike were a series of mass-protests and political instability in Poland 2020-2021. They began because the PiS government banned abortion except in cases of rape. They, for 1 year, striked, weakening the Polish economy and having protests that peaked at 100,000 in Warsaw. The Women Strike was the leading organisation, but it was more of a confederation that united smaller organisations, parties and trade unions. The party that advocated for them most was the Left, which joined in the strike. However, communist and anarchist groups joined as well, like the Worker's Initiative. For the LGBT strikes, which were simultaneously happening and cooperating with the Strajk, there were two groups; Campaign against homophobia and Stop Bzdurom. The Women Strike advocated for pro-choice, but none of their goals were met as the authoritarian system would not listen.
Liberal Feminism doesn't have a clearly defined set of beliefs, which makes them more abstract. They value individualistic approaches to justice and societal structures instead of blaming inequalities on patriarchal gender relations. They can range economically and range on the statist axis but are always progressive and in the center quadrant.
Libfem is a stereotypical upper-middle class woman who has it easy in life, has some "questionable" views on men, hangs out with her sisters (except RadFem) and hates Bernie Bros and
She usually agrees with her sisters on a lot of topics (except for Radical Feminism). She hates Bernie Bros and Trump supporters because she sees them as supporting misogynistic men.
How to Draw
- Draw a ball
- Draw a pink female sign with the top circle filled in
- Draw 4 white lines diagonally from the bottom left
- Add a blue bow
- Add the eyes and you're done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
White | #FFFFFF | rgb(255, 255, 255) | |
Pink | #E12A6D | rgb(225, 42, 109) |
Libertarian Feminism - I'm not a big fan of the whole Egirl shtick, but she's still a good friend of mine who fights for women's individual rights.
Pacifist Feminism - She likes non-violent and reformist means of feminism. Also, she is a fellow whi- I mean, first-world feminist like me!
Islamic Feminism - Even if I'm not actually the biggest fan of Islam, seeing strong Muslim women is probably one of my favorite things! But why did you strip to your bikini? Don't you realize that you are caving into the Patriarchy because depictions of scantily clad/naked women is sexist?
Pink Capitalism - Yaas I love it when the girls and gays start businesses.
Progressivism - We need more women of color in politics to inspire little girls!
But why do you likehim so much?
Social Liberalism - Warren and John Stuart Mill good, Bernie bad.
Neoliberalism - Together we make Bernie bros & Drumpfsters squirm!
Glad we work together to evict homeless people in time for the LGBTQ+ parade.Third Way - Using female drones to fight against ISIS sexists sounds like a good idea.
Rockefeller Republicanism - Now THIS is a Republican I'd happily switch parties to vote for!
Bidenism - At least you're not Trump.
Harrisism - NICE! Wait, what? Why are you chill with those Bernie bros and ultraprogressives!!!
Liberal Socialism - The best socialist of all time!
Kinda Woke
Men's Liberation - At least you denounce toxic masculinity, but what do you mean "The future is female" isn't a good slogan for fighting against sexism? Also stop saying that average men under gender-inequality aren't more privileged than women. Quit mansplaining!
Conservative Feminism - You are okay I guess, but men and women are completely equal socially. Also, what do you mean by women could CHOOSE to stay in the kitchen???
Maternalism - I don't know, granny. Your opinions and recipes are both..... kinda outdated for me.
Thatcherism - MORE! NEOLIBERAL! FEMALE! PMs! Wait, why do you hate Feminism?
Neoconservatism - Bush was a flawed president but he at least allowed women in combat roles. AND he's not Trump.
Pinochetism - You're alright, but you would've been better if you had more female helicopter pilots.
State Liberalism - You're a great ally, but you scare me.
Fordism - Your soma makes me feel better after reading mean comments online but your totalitarian nature concerns me.
Nordic Model - You really love gender equality, but
him being such a huge fan of yours makes me suspicious...
Sexist Pigs
Patriarchy - My greatest enemy!
But when I sexually objectify men or criticize men on their appearance it's okay.Postcolonial Feminism - Stop calling me a "white-feminist", as if I care about the race! Why can't you just stop complaining and let me focus on REAL women's issues such as manspreading and fictional 2-D anime character boob sizes?
Radical Feminism - Calls me a fake feminist!
Marxist Feminism,
Anarcha-Feminism &
Luxemburgism - What do you mean having more women CEOs won't end sexism? Also, socialism is trash, and I don't want to work in the same place as men. Being a "welfare queen" under a progressive capitalist state is better than being a slave to commie states.
At least marxfem likes female pilots too.National Feminism - TERF without the mask.
Trumpism - Literally Thurmond! Harris will defeat you in the Elections!
Nazism - Literally Hitler!
Left-Wing Populism - Bernie bros are just misogynists that want to take away votes from female leaders!
Conservative Socialism - You know, you're actually kinda mean, and I don't like that.
Marxism–Leninism - Oh, shush! What do you know about feminism anyway? Your countries are all run by oppressive men and you restricted abortion rights!
What? The Soviet Union's first General Secretary was a woman and you had female pilots?Khomeinism - Woman, Life, Freedom! Psychopathic Mullahs that oppress and kill women for not wearing a veil
although I care more about First World women's issues than women's issues in Muslim Countries.Traditionalism - I'm more than a baby-making machine, ok? My body, my choice!
Christian Right - Another sexist bigot who also opposes my right to choose. I easily beat you in the VP debate, MY BODY, MY CHOICE!!!!!
Alt-Right and
Alt-Lite - That cartoon frog is sinister.
Reactionary Liberalism - Fake liberal who supports patriarchy.
Futurism - Why do you hate femininity and neoliberalism? We are the real future!
Clerical Fascism - Literally Gilead!
Satirism - Stop mocking me! Women have to deal with men spreading their legs in front of them on the subway and you have the AUDACITY to laugh at me for complaining about it?!
Criminal Super Rapist - GET. AWAY. FROM. ME.
Jihadism - My female pilots will obliterate your illiberal patriarchy from the sky
although I care more about First World women's issues than women's issues in Muslim countries.Showa Statism - Another illiberal patriarchy that enslaved women. Thankfully, it was nuked twice (shame the bomber was not female).
Ilminism - While you may not be as bad as
him (the bar is very low anyway), Illbe is full of annoying misogynists.
Avaritionism -
Her ex-boyfirend. Too many red flags, too much violence.
Further Information
- A Vindication of the Rights of Woman by
Mary Wollstonecraft | Audiobook
- The Subjection of Women by
John Stuart Mill
- The Feminist War on Crime The Unexpected Role of Women's Liberation in Mass Incarceration by Aya Gruber
- White Feminism: From Suffragettes to Influencers and Who They Leave Behind by Koa Beck
- Liberal feminism
- National Organization for Women
- The National Women's Political Caucus
- The Women's Equity Action League
- ↑ Kamala Harris's tenure as Attorney General of California
- ↑ Fact check: Kamala Harris has said she agrees with decriminalizing sex work
- ↑ Senator Kamala Harris Has Her Eyes Set On Wakanda
- ↑
- ↑ Note that while Leni has former ties to the Liberal Party of the Philippines (and her Vice Presidential Candidate, Francis "Kiko" Pangilinan is a member of the Liberal Party of the Philippines) and is by definition, both a Liberal and a Feminist. She differs from most Liberal Feminists in the sense that she opposes Abortion (albeit still remaining open to its legalization) and is more moderate on the issue of Divorce which remains illegal in the Philippines
- ↑ A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, Chapter 4, page 43
- ↑ [1] Summary from Koa Beck's White Feminism