Not to be confused with
"It takes no compromise to give people their rights. It takes no money to respect the individual. It takes no survey to remove repressions."
Progressivism is a culturally left ideology, rooted in Hegelian philosophy, which holds that the betterment of society can be attained by the destruction or dismantling of oppressive or repressive traditions and advancements in science, technology, and social organization; adherents believe that the ideal state for mankind is either inevitable or ought to be reached by choice. Those who fit into the latter but support violence or a top-down iconoclasm to achieve this are
revolutionary progressives. Progressivism also refers to, especially on this website,
Social Progressivism.
Progressivism is usually heavily associated with centre-left to left-wing politics, although in theory, it can align itself with any economic and civic system as shown by ideologies like Pink Capitalism or
The progressive ideology on this wiki represents the general social position of progressivism as whole, similar to how the page for conservatism is inclusive of all conservatives, from
socialists to
liberals. Progressive-leaning individuals, schools of thought and parties that encapsulate much more than solely social progressivism are delegated to pages which better represent their views as a whole (for example,
Brianna Wu is represented on the page for
social democracy, though she is a progressive herself) just as how
Rishi Sunak and
Donald Trump aren't put on the conservative page but rather
conservative liberalism and
right-wing populism.
The United States 

United States 
In the United States, Progressivism exists in the form of
Sandersism. Sandersism first came around as an ideology in 1972 when Bernie Sanders ran for senator of Vermont under the Liberty Union Party, but lost the vote. He ran for Governor of Vermont as well in the same year but also lost. Bernie Sanders did later become senator of Vermont in 2006 and still has been the senator of Vermont to this day, but is now under the
Vermont Progressive Party (but somewhat independent) rather than the Liberty Union. Though he is still part of the
Senate Democrat Caucus and runs for president as a
Democrat. His runs for president in 2016 and 2020 put the term 'democratic socialism' into mainstream American political discourse, although his economic policies which more resemble that of
Social Democracy, with him heavily citing the
Nordic Model as an inspiration, makes his classification as a democratic socialist debatable but makes him more of a social democrat.
Congressional Progressive Caucus
The Congressional Progressive Caucus is the most left-leaning faction in the
Democratic Party. The founding CPC members were concerned about the economic hardship imposed by the deepening recession and the growing inequality brought about by the timidity of the Democratic Party response in the early 1990s. On January 3, 1995, at a standing room only news conference on Capitol Hill, they were the first group inside Congress to chart a comprehensive legislative alternative to U.S. Speaker Newt Gingrich and the Republican Contract with America. The CPC's ambitious agenda was framed as "The Progressive Promise: Fairness".
Vermontese Progressivism
Vermontese Progressivism is based off of the beliefs of the regional Vermont Progressive Party, a left-wing political party active in the U.S. State of Vermont. On social issues it advocates for social justice, the
end of systemic racism,
gender equality,
LGBT rights, disabled rights, easier immigration, and an open and inclusive society. As for economics, it supports left-wing policies such as progressive taxation,
universal healthcare, free education,
housing for all, and
small, local cooperatives as opposed to multinational corporations. It also supports
combatting climate change, including a transition to renewable energy. As for foreign policy, it supports diplomacy and pacifism, and
opposes interventionism.
Social Justice
Social Justice is justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society. Although not directly tied to social progressivism, social justice is a form of economic progressivism that supports the creation of
social safety nets,
environmental justice, and
regulation & taxation for equal opportunity to advocate for gender, ethnic, social equality and justice for the physically and developmentally disabled. Because this is a form of economic progressivism, it can be practiced by both socially progressive and socially conservative ideologies, such as social democracy which social justice is one of the main principles of, or Christian democracy.
Social Progressivism
Social Progressivism is a socially constructivist view of society which advocates for the progression of morality and scientific advancements based off of science and philosophy rather than things like religious dogma. Socially progressive ideals include things like: Legalization of same-sex marriage, cultural tolerance, religious tolerance, LGBT rights, feminism, ect.
Cultural Progressivism
Cultural Progressivism is a form of progressivism that is focused on progressing societies identities and advocating for the equal protection of people for things like disability, sexual orientation, gender, ect. Cultural progressivism differs from cultural liberalism because cultural liberals do not favor things like identity politics to advocate for the rights of minority groups.
Economic Progressivism
Economic Progressivism, or Fiscal Progressivism, is a political and economic philosophy incorporating the socioeconomic principles of social democracy and political progressivism. Economic Progressivism is rooted in social justice through improving human conditions via
government regulation and spending, progressive taxation, economic interventionism, nationalization of some key industries, wealth redistribution, investment in infrastructure, the establishment of a social safety net, free education, expansive social programs, universal public services, expansion of workers rights, and
social welfare. Economic Progressivism differs from social market capitalism to socialism, and critiques
capitalism in ways such as: market fundamentalism, wage slavery, "socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor" as well as rugged individualism.
Religious Progressivism
Religious Progressivism, also known as Religious Modernism, is a form of progressivism that justifies progressive ideals based on theology. These ideas themselves are almost always rooted in philosophical religious humanism as a justification. It supports things like abortion rights, LGBT rights, feminism, and other liberal ideals using religions as justification.
Progressive Atheism
Progressive Atheism, also known as Progressive Secularism, is a form of progressivism that justifies ideologically progressive ideals based on secular reasoning's, or is just an atheist who holds progressive ideals.
Progressive Christianity
Progressive Christianity is the ideological justification of progressive ideals based on theological Christianity, and Christian humanism.
Progressive Islam
Progressive Islam is the ideological justification of progressive ideals based on theological Islam, and Islamic humanism.
Progressive Liberalism
Progressive Socialism
Progressive Socialism is a variant of socialism that wants progressive reforms to establish worker ownership over the means of production in some form. This can be seen in ideologies such as Democratic Socialism or
Liberal Socialism. Progressive socialism expands general socialist theory to emphasise the importance of black, gay, female, trans or intersex etc etc liberation as opposed to sole focus on worker liberation prated by the
Old Left. Due to the importance of combatting toxic symbols of masculinity like violence and war, authoritarian structures and peer pressure many progressive socialists are extremely
What is and isn't considered progressive is highly debatable, however, some ideas that are generally regarded as progressive include LGBT+ rights, feminism, multiculturalism, open borders, legalization of abortion, secularism, racial equality, drug decriminalization, religious tolerance, sexual liberation, and more. It is important to note that while all of these ideas are generally regarded as progressive, one does not have to support all of these ideas to be progressive, and conversely, one can support some of these ideas and not generally be regarded as progressive.
Intersectionality is the idea that oppression based on identities mutually enforces each other. For example, they believe that a Black woman might face discrimination from a business that is not distinctly due to her race (because the business does not discriminate against Black men) nor distinctly due to her gender (because the business does not discriminate against white women), but due to a combination of the two factors.
This concept is criticized through the counter-concept of "Oppression Olympics" in which identities are constantly mashed up to find the single most oppressed individual there is, causing an endless downward spiral of wokeness. Another criticism of the concept is that it is not clear what identities count, with memes about various groups being included as oppressed such as landlords or gamers.
Whig Historiography
While not exclusive to cultural progressivism, Whig historiography is the justification for much of progressive doctrine. Whig historiography sees history as the progression to the point of ever greater equality and liberation. In this view, there is no such thing as repeated cycles, only obstacles to inevitable progress.
Progressivism can sometimes appear rather alien but is really chillaxed when you get to know him. He loves weed but isn't too annoying about it. He likes following trends in social media, especially when it comes to international issues. He supports freedom and equal rights for everyone, with a particular emphasis on women and minorities, and is a strong advocate for social justice, willing to seek changes to end any issues deemed to be hurtful, hateful, bigoted and problematic.
How to Draw
Main Design
- Draw a ball
- Color the ball with acid green
- Add a black umbrella in the middle
- Add the two eyes and color them white
You are done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Acid Green | #49DB0B | rgb(73, 219, 11) | |
Black | #141414 | rgb(20, 20, 20) |
Atom Design

- Draw a ball
- Color it with purple
- Add a black atom symbol in the middle
- Add eyes, colored white
You are finished!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Purple | #9C28B1 | rgb(156, 40, 177) | |
Black | #141414 | rgb(20, 20, 20) |
Friends of equality
Anarcha-Feminism - Slay, quee- uh... anarch?
BLM - Never Forget George Floyd! They were fiery but mostly peaceful protests!
Civic Nationalism - A really respectable kind of nationalism.
Left-Wing Nationalism - Habash was right. #FreePalestine
National Progressivism - And here's the best form of Nationalism!
Radicalism - All men are born equal and shall reach his emancipation.
Democratic Confederalism - Support Rojava!
What do you mean homosexuality is a disease? And Kurdish women have low IQ!!Democratic Socialism
- Don't care about that whole Socialism thing, but keep pushing those reforms!
Liberal Socialism - An improved form of DemSoc, you are more committed to advancing society than SocLib.
Pink Capitalism - As the consumers modernize, so should the businesses!
Enlightenment Thought - My ideas can be traced back to here!
Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism,
Social Libertarianism and
Libertarian Feminism - Freedom, Liberty, and Equality!
Indigenism - Fuck Christopher Columbus! Take back your land! Down with the Dakota Access pipeline! #LANDBACK
Kemalism - Good job at modernizing Turkey and abandoning the outdated Ottoman customs.
Wait, are we the elites? If so, then I don’t like you, but I don’t think we are.Feminism - Fight for gender equality!
MORE EXPLOITATIVE FEMALE CEOS!!!!Men's Liberation - Besides women, men are also victims of inequality! Reforms should be made to equalize both genders.
Multiculturalism - Respect all cultures! DIVERSITY!!!
No you can't go to Martha's vineyard!Reformism - Social change is a part of evolution.
Republicanism - A way better alternative than monarchy.
Secularism - Very agreeable, separation of the church and state is very necessary!
Social Democracy - My kind of democracy!
Social Liberalism - One of my oldest friends, and my favorite kind of liberalism!
Technoliberalism - You're pretty chill; we agree a lot.
Scientocracy - I F#!&ING LOVE SCIENCE
Unless it hurts me!!!! Time to teach thosescience-deniers
a lesson on vaccines and gender!
Twitter - Our praxis to promote social change
and cancel our opponents.Transhumanism - I appreciate that you want to improve humanity.
Mandelaism - Good job at ending apartheid in South Africa.
Acid Communism and
Agorism - Weed/cocaine/[insert drug] LMAO.
Soulism - Optimistic friend, that sometimes talks very weird things.
Spiritual hedonism in lucid dreams without any physical limitations and zero side-effects? Sounds good, but I just stick with material ones.Bundism - Fellow opponent of antisemitism, but unlike
him, you don't try forcing your religion and culture on others, and embrace being the diaspora (meaning more diversity).
Universalism - YES! Everyone matters equally, no matter who or where they are! Can we please have this instead of everyone just winging it? #JusticeForAll
Liberalism - You're keeping my beliefs going!
Why do people call you a "leftist" whenthey exist?
Neoliberalism - People like to tell me he’s basically the devil, but I honestly can’t see anything I genuinely don’t like about him. Your much more conservative beginnings in the 80s were obviously pretty cringe though.
Bidenism - Better than Trump, I guess... Also, let's not forget that you were racist in the past. And quit giving money to Israel and funding their war of extermination.
It's so over...Third Way - I like your social policies, but why did you ever think it was a good idea to help
him invade Iraq?
Civil Libertarianism - Smoking weed together is fun and all and we both love freedom, but you should realize the importance of social justice. You also whine about me supposedly doing "cancel culture" and your semi-automatic rifles scare me.
Nationalism - I understand National sovereignty is Important to you, but you are sometimes too Self-Centered. At least unlike
him, you don't embrace Xenophobia.
Socialism - Noble ideas but Social Democracy is my type of "socialism" among in the west.
Libertarianism - We both smoke weed, but he can be very right-wing.
Queer Anarchism - Don't care about the whole anarchism stuff, but LGBTQ+ rights!
Anti-Fascism - Appreciate the enthusiasm, but don't you think you could tone it down a bit? Why do you need to indiscriminately beat potential fascists up when we can remove actual fascists from politics using rules such as German 86a?
Jacobinism - Can you not cut people's heads off for 5 seconds? Geez man, lay off the megalomania. Then again without you Europe wouldn't been what it is today.
Futurism - What even are you supposed to be, some fascist or something? Wait, YOU ARE A FASCIST! You aren't??? Ok, I think my brain is starting to hurt.
Marxism–Leninism - He really wants to get along with me but why spill so much blood? Your attempts at establishing your ideology were all failures.
Maoism - Even though you were progressive for your time, even giving women near equality, the cultural revolution was too extreme; you really didn't have to go after a bunch of things that weren't doing anything wrong other than being "old".
I'll still take you over Dengism though.Ho Chi Minh Thought - I initially supported you against
neocon, but you later became friends with him and now you are culturally conservative.
Guevarism - I mean I don't care much about you or your movement but I might wear you on my T-Shirts to piss off the
Neo-Marxism - Some of your thinkers have good theories on social inequality, but
/pol/tards use you as an insult against me.
Christopher Lasch is megacringe, though.
Interculturalism - Very tolerating to the co-existence of different cultures, perhaps you're often a bit too focused on assimilation and don't really pay attention to issues like racial equity that much.
De Francism - You have some cool ideas, but you shouldn't force them on people.
Enlightened Absolutism - I'm glad you support progress, but absolutism is bad.
Yangism - You were kinda cool until you made that tweet supporting Israel...[3]
Radical Centrism - I wouldn't really call you a 'crypto-conservative' like some other people, just pretty misguided.
National Liberalism - Can you cut it out with Islamophobia? Also stop making fun of me and hanging out with
all the time please. BTW
DPP from Taiwan is based AF.
Revolutionary Progressivism - We agree on almost everything, but revolution is never the answer. Also, your strong sympathies for
that idiot is rather troubling.
I will still downplay your riots as mostly peaceful protests.Progressive Conservatism - I understand not all traditions are inherently bad, but you just come off as a self-contradictory fence-sitter most of the time. You're really cool when it comes to indigenous and other minority groups though.
Liberal Conservatism - I appreciate that you want to withdraw from the rest of your clan but at the end of the day, you still don't care as much about innovation as we do.
Conservative Feminism - Feminism is based, but how can you be a conservative? I'm confused, what about the historical relations of women under Patriarchy?
Homoconservatism - At least we both want LGBTQ+ rights. But aren't you kinda contradictory?
Thanks for your help in the fight for gay rights, but you've got to understand that Islam is a threat to the LGBTQ community. Also, please tell
your child to stop supporting Hamas.
Tridemism - Based for getting rid of the outdated Qing and foreign imperialism, and modernizing China. Chiang and his
white terror were horrible, though. You are too conservative nowadays, and I'll always choose the
DPP over you!
Free Syrian Army - I supported you back in 2012 in overthrowing
Assad, such a shame many of you got corrupted by
these guys
and hate
him. But at least
some of your factions are still based though.
- I told you! They are Jihadi CIA Agents working for Turkey and Saudi Arabia to violently regime change Syria through a colour revolution into a Islamic State and build a US-Owned Oil Pipeline from Saudi Arabia to Turkey! And were planning to backstab the Kurds all along!
- Yeah, and you were also on RT when you said that...
Postgenderism - Calm down buddy. Non-binary people deserve our respect no doubt, but your idea of just completely abolishing the concept of gender feels pretty idealistic and misguided. A whole lot of people like being seen as a man or a woman, and there isn't anything wrong with that.
Archeofuturism - *visible confusion*
Sanationism - You were really progressive for your time but I'm not a fan of repressive autocracy neither Hitler flirting with you.
Social Authoritarianism - You're
them but with authoritarian tendencies. Thaksin, Long, and Atatürk were good, but that sexist scumbag Lukashenko needs to go.
State Liberalism - No, I don't want more transgender drone pilots.
Fordism - What's so dystopian about this?
Relativism - Ugh, you and your 'cultural/individual contexts'. I get it, but some things are just wrong! Genocide isn’t just a ‘different perspective’! #NotAllOpinionsMatter
Post-Modernism - Chill with your skepticism! I get that everything's subjective, but can we just agree on some basic human rights?? Let’s not get lost in the sauce.
Alt-Right - Chud scum. Get off of the computer and go take a shower for once.
Alt-Lite - Not as bad as the guy above you, nonetheless you're a very annoying teenager who's edgy for the sake of being edgy.
Reactionaryism - Look forward, not back. Also, your Obscurantism was a terrible idea.
Traditionalism - C'mon man! It's 2025! Get with the times already!
Classical Conservatism - Go away, old man! You're no longer in your prime!
Conservatism - You cause stagnation and discriminate against others in your attempt to reverse the march of history.
Wait, we had ason?
Conservative Liberalism - I hate Prager and Peterson.
Conservative Socialism - Eww, socialism is definitely not always good. And please stop calling everyone you disagree with a radlib.
Reactionary Socialism - Ah yes... Because reactionary traditions, feudalism, anti-feminism and banning same-sex marriage are the most left-wing ideas in history.
Right-Wing Populism &
National Conservatism - Wow, just wow. You elected a convicted rapist and pedophile into office. You're actually getting on my nerves!
Neoconservatism - Some folks are born made to wave the flag, They're red, white, and blue And when the band plays "Hail to the Chief", They point the cannon at you, Lord, It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no senator's son, son, It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no fortunate one.
At least you also hate Russia, China, and Iran, albeit for different reasons. Also, there are some of us who are friendly with Russia, China, and Iran while being Anti-Zionist like the ANC and The Squad.Authoritarian Conservatism - You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling!
Paternalistic Conservatism - ***** ***!.
Though the Pope and Quakers are pretty decent.Absolute Monarchism &
Monarcho-Fascism - The worst kinds of monarchy. REFORM OR ABOLISH THE MONARCHY!!! #ขีดเส้นตายไล่เผด็จการ #หยุดคุกคามประชาชน #ยกเลิก112
Khomeinism - As much as I hate absolute monarchs, even the Shah was still better than you.
Some of us do support your moves in Israel, though.Black Islamism - Look, I'm all for religious freedom and minority rights, but this is just stupid.
Brazilian Integralism - Cry harder, green chicken.
Gerontocracy - If you dislike social justice activism then OK BOOMER, you're no longer in your prime!
Bernie is cool tho.Tatmadawism - You are a Muslim Murderer that is friends with
other Muslim Murderers. #StopRohingyaGenocide
Chinese Theocracy - The cycle of dynasties is over.
Juche - Totalitarian scum who isn't even trying to hide his reactionary views anymore.
At least we both hate Zionism and the US's intervention in the Vietnam War.Xi Jinping Thought - Intolerant Han supremacist and Chinazi. Chen Quanguo is the worst of the CCP.
Some of us think it is racist to call/compare you to Winnie the Pooh though.Welfare Chauvinism - Ethnocratic Social Fascism, welfarism at its worst.
Fascism - Stop bringing up that Mussolini quote and that Black Mussolini meme, you can't convince me you're not racist, because actually, you are!
Clerical Fascism - Easily one of the worst fascists.
Esoteric Fascism - Sick weirdo!
At least we both celebrate 420 but for completely different reasons.National Primitivism - Yet another sick weirdo! You're like everything I hate jeez.
Anarcho-Fascism - Fascists believe in the strangest things.
Homofascism - You must be a very conflicted individual. I pity you.
Stransserism - Not only do you suffer from gender dysphoria, but you also suffer from political and ideological dysphoria. I pity you too.
Eugenicism - Ableist and pseudo-scientific monster!
But we used to be such close friends.Francoism - YOU WILL NOT PASS!
Hoppeanism - Not cool, dude.
Crusadism - I'm thankful that the Catholic Church (for all its flaws) is no longer this crazy.
Jihadism - This is not the type of Islam I want.
But some of us may sayHamas is a positive force against the genocide on Palestinians.
Zionism - Just because I stand against antisemitism and because some of you are pro-LGBTQ doesn't mean I support your quasi-theocratic apartheid state[4], or genocidal wars against Palestinians for simply following the
"wrong" faith or speaking the
"wrong" language. At this point, you're just like
this madman.
Though some of my variants are Zionist, but we don't talk about that.Ba'athism - Of course, that doesn't mean the Assadist state is any better for fighting any of the two above. It is such a shame that the rebels became corrupt tyrants themselves because they were absolutely justified to take you down for all the horrible you've done to the Syrian people. At the very least you didn't invade Rojava...
yetKorwinism - *Mental breakdown flashbacks*
Putinism - Путін хуйло! I stand with Ukraine!
Although myhippie friend has his doubts about American support for Ukraine.
- Damn hippie, you want to destroy illiberal civilizations, you hedonistic warmonger! FSB, give him polonium ASAP. His hippie friend can stay.
- Man doesn't Ukraine have like Fascists? Like its neocon warmongering against Russia man...- True, I am the real uh *Checks Notes* woke progressive anti-fascist... yeah
Manosphere - Eww, this is why you're an INCEL although
some of us supports!Iran and
Radical Feminism - Go back to the hell you came from, TERF/SWERF! Your views towards men are no different from white nationalist views towards black people.
Patriarchy - SMASH 'EM!!! The problem of every society.
Matriarchy - You and your society did not exist as you're just merely that
incel's straw woman and the opposite of
Patriarchy is not you, but EQUALITY.
What do you mean Matriarchal societies have existed throughout human history??? I think you consumed too much fiction then.Anarcho-Primitivism - Why? Just…why? Why would anyone want to go back to the Stone Age? I don’t even know why anyone would want to go back at all!
Neoluddism - The Industrial Revolution was good, actually.
Trumpism - You're a modern-day American fascist. Also, fuck Project 2025!
Henry Kissinger - You aided the PRC's rise into being conservative and Operation Condor was terrible.
But thanks for pulling out of Vietnam.Paleoconservatism - Your mindset is even more outdated than the one Neocons and Trump have. Taylor Greene is particularly unpleasant.
At least we together protested against the Vietnam War. Plus, we both dislike Zionism, even for completely different reasons.Pinochetism - At the end of the day you were still an oppressive dictator.
Racial Nationalism - RACISTS!!!
Ethnonationalism - XENOPHOBES!!!
White Nationalism - Racist chud, but they prefer the term Latinx to refer to people from Latin America or of Latin American descent, albeit for different reasons from some of us.
Reactionary Liberalism - I can understand
, but you're a literal walking contradiction.
Religious Nationalism
- Nah, dude. Freedom of religion and secularism are important.
State Atheism - Also nah. Secularism means the separation of religion and state, including atheism. I know religion isn't perfect, but religious people aren't these inherently delusional backward cultists like you say they are.
Although I rooted for you during the Vietnam War.Kahanism,
Revisionist Zionism &
Revisionist Maximalism - Why are there four pages for
At leastHe hates Zionism.
Ilminism - I will never forgive you for banning me in 1955!
İttihadism &
Neo-Ottomanism - Genocidal reactionaries who cannot accept that the Ottoman empire is dead. Also, How do you like that, killers? I recognize the Armenian Genocide!
What do you mean the first one is a reformist and had Homosexuality legal in the Ottoman Empire?Nixonism - Why do you hate drugs and hippies? And no, protecting endangered species does not count as a redeemable quality. Plus, Operation Condor was f*cking atrocious
but thanks for pulling out of Vietnam after I pressured you to do so.Fourth Theory - Evil reactionary chud who is Putin's ideologue.
At least we both likePalestine, but for completely different reasons.
Shapiroism - My feelings matter too, you bigot!
Counter-Enlightenment - The Enlightenment was cool, actual- why do I hear screams coming from your basement?
HOLY SHIT, YOU’RE GONNA TORTURE ME LIKE THEM?!1!1Neoreactionaryism - Cold-blooded reactionary, who wants to create a cyberpunk-type dystopia? Ableism-lover? And social-Darwinist??? Holy ****, you are miles worse than
Reactionary Modernism - I don't know what I expected from Hitler's sculptor and architect, it genuinely feels like some evil psycho grafted you together specifically to kill me and everyone and everything I love.
By TheGhostOfInky
Progressivism (Atom)
Progressivism (Atom)
Alternative designs
Comics and Artwork
Further Information
- The Reactionary Mind: From Edmund Burke to Donald "Such a dishonest person" Trump by
Corey Robin
- Feminism is for everybody by
Bell Hooks
- White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism by
Robin DiAngelo
- Trans Rights Factsheet by PearloLesbo, NB419 and Scuter
- Doing Gender by Candace West and Don Zimmerman
- The Feminine Mystique by
Betty Friedan
- Trumpvirus by
Oliver Markus Malloy
- American Fascism by
Oliver Markus Malloy
- Make Racism Wrong Again by
Oliver Markus Malloy
- Apocalypse 2020 by
Oliver Markus Malloy
Progressivism in the United States
Cultural liberalism
- Cultural radicalism
- Permissive society
- New Left
- Sexual revolution
Pigasus the Immortal
New Power Party
Future Forward Party
Move Forward Party
Social Convergence
Democratic Coalition
New Democratic Party
Videos and Playlists
- I am a Progressive by
- Understanding Social Justice by
- The Nature Of Progress by
Online Communities
(anti-racism subreddit)
- ↑ Gramsci's counter-hegemony seeks to dismantle the existing cultural hegemony by ideological subversion and opposition, challenging the legitimacy of existing super-structural institutions like family, religion, and political power
- ↑
- ↑ "I'm standing with the people of Israel who are coming under bombardment attacks, and condemn the Hamas terrorists. The people of NYC will always stand with our brothers and sisters in Israel who face down terrorism and persevere."
- ↑