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"The essence of [economic] globalization is a subordination of human rights, of labor rights, consumer, environmental rights, democracy rights, to the imperatives of global trade and investment."

Alter-Globalism, Alter-Globalization or Alternative Globalization is a ideology that believes in global cooperation of the people, at the same time opposing economic globalization. Believers in the ideology thinks that economic globalization will harm the workers and reduce civil rights. It is usually economically left-wing. Alter-globalists are anti-imperialist and support global solidarity but want to preserve native cultures as well.


Environmental Globalization

Environmental Globalization is a form of globalization that supports and encourages international cooperation to protect the planet and the environment, and combat ecocide, pollution and climate change.


The term "alter-globalism" or "alter-globalization" stems from a popular slogan of the movement “Another world is possible” which came out of the World Social Forum. The name "anti-globalism" having first been introduced in 1999, alter-globalism was preferred to highlight the fact that the movement was favorable to a form of globalization that would be different from the current neoliberal globalization.

There is no precise date for the beginning of the alter-globalist movement. It is rooted in the protest movements of the early 1980s in southern countries with the fight, first against Third World's debt and the IMF's structural adjustment plans, then against the WTO. Alter-globalism appears in part as a conjunction between different Western currents critical of capitalism, and anti-imperialist currents in the South.


The movement generally opposes economic liberalism and financial globalization to promote a more social economy and redistribution of wealth. These demands are reflected in a search for alternatives, global and systemic, to the international order of finance and trade. Its culture is marked by the left tradition and/or radical ecology. The movement oscillates between reformism (for example the demand for the "Tobin Tax" advocated by the ATTAC organization at its foundation) and more radical views .

There are several positions and demands common to many alter-globalist organizations:

How to draw

Flag of Alter-Globalism
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Color it red
  3. Draw a hollow white circle
  4. Draw some latitude and longitude lines on the circle
  5. Add the eyes
  6. And you're done!
Color NameHEXRGB
 Red#EE161Frgb(238, 22, 31)
 White#FFFFFFrgb(255, 255, 255)




  • Liberal Socialism - You oppose totalitarianism and (mostly) oppose imperialism? Based, but your Russian variant and Polish variant have led to the rise of neoliberalism respectively.
  • Trotskyism - So you say you want to create a form of internationalism based on opposition to liberalism? Based! But then you go behind my back and then advocate for becoming a "left-wing" version of him and actively bringing others to adopt your worldview by force? CRINGE!
  • Marxism–Leninism - You love internationalism, oppose liberalism, and a lot of your advocates are anti-imperialists, just drop your authoritarian/totalitarian tendencies (and for some, social imperialism) and we're good.
  • Maoism, Marxism–Leninism–Maoism, Maoism–Third Worldism and Guevarism - Yeah... You have good ideas, but violence and totalitarianism are never the answer.
  • World Federalism - At least your heart is in the right place, and claim to care about ACTUAL cooperation between people. But I just cannot see eye-to-eye on the "one world government" idea as a desirable future for humanity, and it doesn't help a lot of your advocates were blatant neolibs.
  • Multiculturalism - I'm not necessarily opposed to you, but we have to keep native cultures as well.
  • Cultural Nationalism - Preserving your own culture is nice, but please learn to respect other cultures too.
  • Linguistic Preservationism - A combination of the two above
  • Interculturalism - Different cultures working together is really good and all, though a lot of the time you wind up focusing more on assimilation than actual integration, which I'm definitely not really on board with.
  • Pan-Nationalism - You claim to just want national unity, but let's be honest, historically you have been mostly an excuse to invade other nations and "retake lost territories".
    • - Whaaaat? It was all him, I swear! I'd never do such a thing, trust me, bro.
  • Fourth Theory - We both oppose global liberalism, but for completely different reasons. Not to mention you want to build an empire.
  • Social Liberalism - As a liberal, you cannot meaningfully oppose the global liberal status quo, however, some of you are kinda based.
  • Ethnopluralism - I want international cooperation, not international segregation! Even still, you have based opinions on neoliberalism and capitalism in general.
  • Environmentalism - You need me but then I don't want to close down our people's ancient mines and industries, coal miners matter too.
  • Democratic Socialism - Pretty awesome but then some of you suck up to third world dictators more than actually fighting for global solidarity, and Attlee's Atlanticism was really cringe.
  • Social Democracy - You guys do often support the neoliberal status quo too much, still Palme and Lula are epic. However, many of you are Atlanticists.


  • C*pitalism - It's time to make you history. Fuck you!!!
  • Globalism - You force people into your land, you're just alternative imperialism!
  • Neoliberalism - Burn in hell! You're just a sellout who is more concerned about money than real cooperation.
  • Third Way - Fake "social", globalist, liberal ideology that sometimes pretends to be me.
  • American Model - Literally the opposite of what I want. If you could just stop forcing debt and neoliberal policies down people’s throats, that’d be cool.
  • State Liberalism - Good grief this stupidity is not real (at least for now).
  • Fordism - [comment removed by moderator]
  • Neoconservatism - You're not even spreading democracy, all you do is start imperialist wars and set up liberal dictatorships to make the people suffer even more. Get out and never come back!
  • Pinochetism - The beginning of neoliberalism, forced upon the citizens of Chile by the above.
  • National Liberalism - My opposite - economic globalization without international cooperation.
  • National Conservatism - An extreme opposite.
  • National Libertarianism - Another, even more extreme opposite.
  • National Capitalism - Oh, wait, THIS is my true opposite!

Further Information



