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Technogaianism also called Eco-Transhumanism or Green Transhumanism shortened to Eco+ and Green+ is a general, although not necessarily, an economically and culturally left-wing ideology that is the child of Transhumanism and Environmentalism.

Technogaianism believes that the preservation of Earth's Natural Habitat would only get easier with the creation of better technology and thus the pursuit of Humanity reaching space colonization and environmentalism is complementary as dirty industries can be moved off-Earth. Many followers of this ideology are eco-anarchists, meaning they believe that a technogaianist future cannot truly happen without the abolition of the state and capital.



Ecomodernism is a belief within capitalist circles that states that new, innovative technologies are the key to solving the climate crisis.  


Main Article: Eco-Anarchism

Solarpunk is an art genre and movement that envisions a post-capitalist, post-hierarchy, world where humanity sees itself as part of nature, while clean energy solves environmental challenges such as climate change and pollution.

Solarpunk acknowledges that greenwashing is just a way for capitalism to appropriate the aesthetics of nature for its own purposes. The type of world described in solarpunk is, according to its followers, intimately linked with anarchist thought. The music associated with solarpunk is uplifting to provide hope in opposition to the pessimism associated with climate change. According to its followers, the only way we can achieve a better world is to visualize its aesthetically beautiful results.




Lunarpunk has been created as the yin to Solarpunk's yang, with neopagan spirituality complimenting Solarpunk's science, bioluminescence complimenting Solarpunk's solar power, and individualism complimenting Solarpunk's communalism. It has a fundamental goal of living in harmony with nature and going back to the land while embracing advanced technology. They also are aligned with the anarchist movement, due to opposing hierarchy and capitalism, and generally supporting anti-colonialism, gender equality, racial equality, and LGBT rights.


Technogaianism's personality is simply a mixture of Transhumanist and Environmentalist personalities. Though they seem incongruous to others, Technogaianism tries to make it work. He’s friends with Archeofuturism but they don’t hang out together in public because otherwise Technogainism wouldn’t be taken seriously.

How to Draw

Flag of Technogaianism

This design is based on a flag by u/NovaInvicta

  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill the ball green
  3. Draw the "h+" logo in white
  4. Around the h+ logo draw leaves coming out
  5. Draw an orange visor
Color NameHEXRGB
 Green#00C016rgb(0, 192, 22)
 Orange#FF9800rgb(255, 152, 0)
 White#FFFFFFrgb(255, 255, 255)

Saved Relationships


  • Transhumanism - The key to the future.
  • Environmentalism - The way to make sure we still have a future.
  • Archeofuturism - You love tech and nature, my great techno primitive friend! Too many people have called you an oxymoron, I can’t be associated with you
  • Eco-Anarchism - Most of my followers are you.
  • Eco-Capitalism - One of the better capitalists.
  • Eco-Socialism - Good ideas but needs to be more forward-thinking.
  • Bull Moose Progressivism - Thanks for all those parks.
  • Lee Kuan Yew Thought - The city you helped create is literally my dreamland.
  • Scientocracy - The science is overwhelmingly clear that climate change is real and that we need to do something about it.
  • Technoliberalism - Also wants to use technology to save the environment.
  • Environmental Globalization - Climate change is a global issue and requires global cooperation.
  • Democratic Transhumanism - Another transhumanist who's also good on environmental issues.
  • Queer Anarchism ( Lunarpunk) - Restoring sexuality requires going outside of the restrictions civilization places on sexuality.
  • Anarcha-Feminism ( Lunarpunk) - Same as with anqueer. Smash the patriarchy!
  • Anarcho-Individualism ( Lunarpunk) - I like how you are Anarchist, but humans are social animals.
  • Welfarism - We can all work together and help each other for the better future no matter who they are.
  • Christian Democracy - Some of the followers followed your teachings and as long as you follow them to bring everyone together in peace.



  • Kakistocracy - The reason why people still deny the existence of climate change.
  • Corporatocracy - The reason climate change still exists.
  • Right-Wing Populism - Aren't you just him again?
  • Anarcho-Primitivism and National Primitivism - "Oooga booga, technology causes climate change". You savages don't know what you're talking about, technology is the way to save the environment! You're just jealous!!!
  • Primalism - Same as above, but worse because it is misantropic.
  • Neoluddism - Reverting to pre-industrial technology is not necessary to save humanity.
  • Climate Skepticism - I'll turn you into biofuel.
  • Post-Humanism - The purpose of technology is to save biological organisms, not exterminate them.

Further Information





