Hungarism, also known as the Hungarist movement, is an Hungarian
third positionist and
national socialist ideology.
They believe that the people arising from the ashes of WWI are able to create a corporatist worker state without
Liberalism. That worker state would be Pax Hungarica, a Carpathian-Danubian
Federation, what would be free from
Chauvinism, because in their mind, the peoples who are there are rooted in the Carpathian Basin. Instead it would be Connationalist, which means
Nationalism between the nations of a region. They do not think the same about Jews. Jews did not settle so long ago in that area, and only exploit it. The best way to get rid of Jews, however, is not ethnic cleansing, but the creation of a Jewish state. So they are Asemitic (exemption from Jews), not Antisemitic (opposition to Jews). In their envisioned regime, which would be part of the "European stage", the Hungarian would be the "leading nation", and the peoples of Upper Hungary, Transylvania and Lower Hungary would rejoin voluntarily. Hungarists are deeply
Catholic, and do not tolerate any form of
Hungarism as a political ideology was created by Ferenc Szálasi, a
Hungarian military officer and politician. Szálasi's fascination with politics started in the 1930's, around the time where
Nazism and other fascist movements were gaining popularity across
Europe. Around that time, Szálasi began to embrace
ultranationalism and
irredentism, believing that Hungary should
expand its territory in order to establish
"Greater Hungary" and reclaim the territories that Hungary had lost in the Treaty of Trianon in 1920.
In March 1935, Szálasi founded a political party named "Party of National Will". The party was founded on Hungarian nationalist principles. However, the Horthyist government outlawed the party, deeming it to radical. Undeterred by this, Szálasi founded the
Hungarian National Socialist Party in 1937, but it was also outlawed. After
Germany annexed
Austria in 1938, Szalasi increased his political activity, but was arrested and imprisoned.
Szálasi remained a popular political figure after his imprisonment, and was declared leader of the Arrow Cross Party. The ACP would gain 30 seats in the 1939 election, becoming one of the most popular political parties. After the
Second Vienna Award in 1940, Szalasi was released, and the ACP was outlawed, but continued to operate in secret. Szálasi would later gain support from the
Germans, who had previously opposed his
Hungarian nationalism. The Nazis invaded Hungary and the ACP was legalized, but the German-installed leader,
Döme Sztójay was later overthrown, and Szálasi was arrested again.
The Nazis would end up invading Hungary a second time in October 1944, and would eventually force Horthy to make Szalasi prime minister, Szalasi increased Hungary's deportation of Jews and participation in the Holocaust. However, the
Soviet army was encircling Budapest, and by the time the siege of the city began, Szalasi fled. He would end up captured by
troops in May 1945, and was sent back to Hungary, where he faced a
trial in 1946, where he was sentenced to death.
How to Draw
- Draw a ball.
- Make one half of the ball red, and the other half white.
- On the white side, draw 5 red stripes.
- On the red side, draw the emblem of the Arrow Cross Party as an eye patch.
- Draw the other eye and you're done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Red | #FA323E | rgb(250, 50, 62) | |
White | #FAFAFA | rgb(250, 250, 250) | |
Green | #4B714B | rgb(75, 113, 75) |
Nazism - My father. We fought against the eternal number of Russians together!
Fascism - I like some of your ideas, but I'm closer to
your German ally.
Corporatism - You are the solution for the rivalry between the classes of the nation.
Clerical Fascism - Glory to Christ!
Eco-Fascism - We should take care of our environment.
Ethnopluralism - The nations of Carpathia are brothers no matter what language they speak!
Irredentism - Lands were stolen from the Hungarian people in the shameful Treaty Of Trianon!
Ultranationalism - Éljen a Magyar Nemzet!
Jewish-Nazism - Weird but good.
Alt-Right - Another good weirdo.
Revolutionary Nationalism - We need to revolt in order to revive Hungary.
Mi Hazánk - The best Hungarian party of today.
Horthyism - Why did you repress me?
Orbanism - You used to be a
libtard and are still too moderate, but you're moving in the right direction.
Jobbik - Used to be so based but now you're just a pro-Brussels libcuck.
National Radicalism - My Polish brother. But why do you reject National Socialism?
Zionism - It would be better for all of us if the Jews would be in Israel, not in others' countries.
Marxism-Leninism - We will never forget the siege of Budapest!
Marxism - I have read your book and I realized how much I hate you.
Islamic Theocracy - "The Muslim hordes always devastated our lands and remained there for up to 150 years! These 150 years have left their mark to this day - beautiful Gothic cities, medieval castles and chateaux, Romanesque-Gothic cathedrals, were destroyed. But the greatest tragedy was that they destroyed about 50% of the population. These are not "immigrants", but ILLEGAL invaders that rape and kill all over Europe."
Atheism - Irreligious pigdog!
Goulash Communism,
Nagyism and
Bela Kun - You destroyed Hungary with your Communist bullshit.
Further Information
Political parties
- Party of the Nation's Will (Nemzet Akaratának Pártja) (1935-37)
- Hungarian National Socialist Party (Magyar Nemzeti Szocialista Párt, 1937-38)
- National Socialist Hungarian Party - Hungarist Movement (Nemzeti Szocialista Magyar Párt - Hungarista Mozgalom, 1938-39)
- Arrow Cross Party - Hungarist Movement (Nyilaskeresztes Párt - Hungarista Mozgalom, 1939-1945)