Green Libertarianism
"Though it does not aim to equalise a share of resources, the green libertarian conception of acquisition through the use of natural services nevertheless generates a bargaining process under conditions of rough equality and legitimately meets demands to provide for universal acquisition in a finite world: demands that are inherently environmental."
Green Libertarianism, also known as Eco-Libertarianism (shortened to GreenBert and EcoBert , respectively), is an environmentalist, culturally ambivalent (but usually left-leaning), economically right-wing and civically libertarian ideology.
GreenBert, like Paleolibertarianism, can be defined as the same ideology as
Libertarianism without adjectives but with different objectives. Just as
Paleolibertarianism thinks that the reduction of the state will end up going back to traditional values,
Green Libertarianism thinks that the state should be reduced to have its main occupation be taking care of the environment. Simply,
Libertarianism but more focusing on ecological meanings.It could be seen as a form of minarchy in which the states only purpose is to handle environmental issues
Like all environmentalist balls, Greenbert loves talking about saving the environmental and will participate in any environmentalist rallies, as well as doing his best efforts to protect local parks, although he shares many stereotypical behavior's of the other right-libertarians.
Can be seen hanging out with Eco-Capitalism. Really hates it when people tread on his own flowers in his own front yard.
How to Draw
- Draw a ball.
- Fill it with green
- Draw a black snake with some variation of "No step on snek" under the snake on the ball.
- (Optional) Change the snake into some sort of similar plant, potted or not. A handy yard tool can also be a nice touch.
- Draw the eyes and you're done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Green | #22B14C | rgb(34, 177, 76) | |
Black | #141414 | rgb(20, 20, 20) |
- Draw a ball
- Fill it with yellow
- Draw a black leaf
- Add the eyes and you're done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Yellow | #F5DD00 | rgb(245, 221, 0) | |
Black | #141414 | rgb(20, 20, 20) |
Libertarianism - Taught me that the state must be restricted.
Environmentalism - Taught me that pollution violates the NAP.
Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism - You totally get me!
Libertarian Paternalism - Thanks for encouraging others to go green!
But I do wonder how exactly you have "encouraged" them...Eco-Capitalism - Capitalism, but even better!
Eco-Conservatism - Statist conservative. But I still like them despite our differences.
Green Liberalism - My moderate self.
Technogaianism -
Solarpunk is AWESOME!!!
Schwabism - If it's true...
Eco-Nationalism - We get along pretty well, but he doesn't like nuclear energy, is statist and at times I've seen him hanging out with leftists.
Paleolibertarianism - Protecting our culture also means preserving the environment.
National Libertarianism - Protecting the environment does help the nation prosper. I hope you'll understand that someday...
Geolibertarianism - A fellow environmentalist libertarian, but taxing the land?
Green Syndicalism - What's with all these unions?
Eco-Socialism - As long as we don't discuss economics, we're "okay".
Eco-Authoritarianism - Based environmentalist, cringe statist.
Anarcho-Primitivism - You're pretty strange, but I like the fact that you protect nature.
Primalism - Don't you worry monkey, I won't violate the NAP.
Eco-Anarchism - Way more anti-statist, but I wish you dropped the whole socialist thing.
Anarcho-Naturism - Please put some clothes on.
Veganarchism - Going vegan does have its perks when it comes to saving the environment. With that being said, drop the socialist sh*t and stop focusing your entire personality around being vegan! I still like you to some extent but seriously, it's getting annoying!
Seibtism - Fellow libertarian. But what is this "Global Warming is a hoax." idiocracy you are saying.
Eco-Fascism - Just because you're "Eco" doesn't mean I like you.
Marxism–Leninism - Filthy industrial commie trash that needs no introduction. Aral Sea #NeverForget
Authoritarian Capitalism - I'm all for capitalism, but not this "cutting-down-trees-cuz-there's-oil-in-here-what-are-you-going-to-do-about-it-lol-stfu" type of stuff.
Keynesian School - Stop cutting down trees just to ruin the economy with inflation!
Industrialism - Don't tread on my forests!
Neoluddism - We can use some technology to save the environment. Also, you're batshit insane.
Right-Wing Populism - Oh for crying out loud, CLIMATE CHANGE IS NOT A HOAX!!
Trumpism - I do like your tax cuts, but leaving the Paris agreement? Nuh-uh.
Climate Skepticism - You're a soulless piece of [removed], you know that?
Maoism - Authoritarian, Communist and you hurt the environment with the Great Leap Foward.
Further Information
Online Communities
Original image
Alternative design