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"You are greatly mistaken. We have this country absolutely under our control. I have no desire to shift the blame onto our underlings and I am entirely willing to accept the responsibility myself for everything that has taken place."

İttihadism was a prominent Nationalist ideology in the Ottoman Empire, that came about after the Young Turk Revolution of 1908. Whilst the Revolution resulted in Education reform, the Secularization of Ottoman society and the expansion of women's rights, it also led to the rise of Turkish Nationalism, that culminated in the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1917. It was the official ideology of the Committee of Union and Progress.


After the Russo-Turkish war, Sultan Abdulhamid II reintroduced absolutism by suspending both the constitution and the parliament. Because of this young officers, bureaucrats, and young intellectuals formed the Young Turk Movement and overthrew the government. They revived the constitution and promoted modern industries and allowed the freedom of press and abolished discrimination against women and promoted reforms on laws of education and taxation. However, they advocated extreme turkish nationalism and suppressed independence of many nations. After the first and second balkish war, they decided to join world war one in support of central powers. Obviously the war didn't go as how they expected to be and they became very mad and committed genocides against Armenians and much more. Of course none of this helped them after the war so they later got backstabbed by Ataturk and his followers and thus died the ideology of İttihadism.



After realizing that the Young Turks were not fulfilling their pre-1908 promises, workers from all the different nationalities and ethnic groups of the Ottoman Empire went on strike. Groups like the Socialist Workers' Federation and Ottoman Socialist Party were founded. The Young Turks were afraid of international solidarity between workers and enacted the Tatil-i Eşgaal Kanunu. In the Late Ottoman Genocides, socialist intellectuals were exiled.

Cult of Science

The CUP believed that the reason why the western world had became so successful in spreading their culture and beliefs around the world was their scientific advancement. The CUP wanted to form a "Cult of Science" and they were greatly influenced by Auguste Comte and Gustave Le Bon. The Unionists were strong believers in countries being ruled by a group of Scientists. The main problem preventing this from happening was the fact that the Ottoman Empire was a third world country and that the majority of the Muslim population was illiterate, therefore the populace didn't know much about science. The CUP were obsessed with science and many of their leaders were fascinated by chemistry. The Unionists believed that they were "societal doctors" who would apply modern scientific methods to solve all social problems. The CUP saw themselves as the Scientocrats who would save the empire with science.

Illiberal Democracy

According to Turkish historian Handan Nezir Akmeșe, the commitment of the CUP to the 1876 constitution that they claimed to be fighting for was only "skin deep", and was more of a rallying cry for popular support than anything else.

Weabooism Japanophilia

The CUP were greatly influenced by Japan. The Japanese Empire had championed Pan-Asianism which had greatly inspired the CUP's Pan-Islamism and Pan-Turkism. Since Japan defeated the Russian during the Russo-Japanese War, the CUP believed that the Ottoman Empire would defeat the Western Powers in a similar war. The CUP admired the Japanese for their embracement of science without losing their "Eastern spiritual essence". In the CUP eyes this showed that they could embrace science and secularism whilst also embracing Pan-Islamism and keeping their Islamic identity. The fact that the Japanese Empire had defeated the Russian Empire, who were the Ottomans' main rival, made the CUP become absolute Japanophiles. The CUP intended to make the Ottoman Empire the "Japan of the Near East". The CUP saw the 1908 Young Turk Revolution as the Ottoman equivalent of the 1867-1868 Boshin War. In the west, they were terrified of the so called "Yellow Peril" (which states that the peoples of the East were going to destroy the powers of the West), but the CUP were excited by the idea of the Western Empires being terrified of the Eastern peoples.


While the CUP has been promoting Islamism, they had always been a secular organization. The Unionists cracked down upon Islamic Fundamentalists after the 1909 Counterrevolution which would strain the Union's relationship with the Ulema, but they would promote Islamism during the First World War to rile up the Muslim population of the Ottoman Empire. But the CUP still saw themselves as a Secular and Modernizing force. An example of their modernization was the passing of the controversial 1917 "Temporal Family Law" which was viewed as a significant advance in women's rights and Secularism in the Ottoman Empire. Women were given more power in the household, became able to divorce their husbands and polygamy was restricted.

National Economy

Before the 1908 Revolution, the CUP would boycott US goods and shut down the Public Debt Administration. They came up with the idea of the "National Economy" or Millî İktisat ,which combined elements of Corporatism and Protectionism. The CUP wanted to create a new Bourgeoisie in the Ottoman Empire, which would be made up of members of the Proletariat. They viewed this as an effective way to combat Capitalism. This Marxist rhetoric was later used by the 3 Pasha's against Armenians, who the 3 Pasha's viewed as Bankocrats who had stolen wealth from the Turkish people. This rhetoric was later copied by the Nazis. The National Economy greatly influenced Kemalism's economic policies.


The leadership of the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) was always Nationalist, but they didn't stress it until the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913, so not to worry the non-Turkish population of the Ottoman Empire. A big problem for the CUP was that the majority of Turks inhabiting the Ottoman Empire didn't see themselves as Turkish, but as Sunni Muslims who spoke the Turkish Language. To overcome this the CUP planned to revolutionise Turkish society to make the Turks aware of their Turkish identity.

Nation In Arms

The CUP were greatly influenced by Colmar Freiherr von der Goltz's idea of a "Nation in Arms". The Japanese Empire had a code of Bushido (The Way of the Warrior) and indoctrinated all Japanese young men into believing that there was no thing more honourable than to fight (and die if necessary) to protect the Emperor. The Unionists were impressed by how well the Japanese fought in the Siege of Port Arthur, where thousands of Japanese soldiers were mown down by Russian Machine Guns, but they kept advancing out of love for the Emperor. The CUP wanted to emulate Bushido and the Ultranationalist Culture of Japan. The Unionists also observed the Russian troops, tired and not even knowing why they were in Manchuria or at war with the Japanese in the first place, and concluded 7that troops needed a reason to fight or they wouldn't be effective soldiers. A major factor in the İttihadist ideology was the "Devaluation of Life" which was the belief that the Japanese, Turks and various other "people's of the east" didn't care if their lives were sacrificed for the greater good, but westerners foolishly clung onto their lives with all their might. They believed that the Ottoman troops would be motivated to fight for the concept of Jihad, and dying for the Ottoman Caliph. War, according to the Unionists, just came down to who had the strongest will to fight.


During the Hamidian Regime of Sultan Abdulhamid II Islamism became the state ideology, as Abdulhamid often stressed being the Caliph. The idea of Abdulhamid being the Caliph was very popular in the Raj. Even though the Young Turks deposed Abdulhamid in 1909 and put Mehmed V in power, they still promoted Islamism. This was because if the Ottoman Sultan was the Caliph then the loyalty of the Muslims under Ottoman control would theoretically be ensured. The fact that Indian Muslims were more loyal to the Ottoman Caliph than to the British Empire was a big concern for the British.

Social Darwinism

As well as having great faith in science, the CUP supported Social Darwinism and the Scientific Racism that dominated Germany during the early 20th Century. Whilst the CUP weren't always proponents of Social Darwinism, as they changed their beliefs on the subject depending on who was in charge and they would quite often change their beliefs from Pan-Islamism, Pan-Turkism to Ottomanism, depending on whether it was convenient to them or not. The only thing that mattered was that the Ottoman Empire would become a world power again. In fact originally the CUP didn't promote Social Darwinism and even saw the Armenian Revolutionary Federation as potential allies not an inferior race. But eventually the Social Darwinism factions of the CUP gained control of the party.


Before 1913 İttihadism isn't as racist as he becomes after 1913. After 1913 he becomes a psychopathic maniac who goes on killing sprees whenever he sees Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks.

How to draw

Flag of İttihadism
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Draw the crescent moon and the star (like the Turkish flag)
  3. Color the ball in red
  4. Color the crescent moon and the star in White
  5. Draw the Turkish words surrounding the crescent moon and the star (like the Young Turk flag), the words should be in white
  6. Add the eyes and you're done
Color NameHEXRGB
 Red#E30A17rgb(227, 10, 23)
 White#FFFFFFrgb(255, 255, 255)


Ashab (Friend)

  • Bismarckism - Fellow Central Power member!
  • Nazism - Nuri Pasha assisted you creating the East-Turkestan Schutzstaffel.
  • Japan - A great example for Asia in the modern age. Why did you joined the Entente Powers tho?
    • Islands... Islands are Gud...

Esmaç (Mixed)

  • Islamism & Jihadism - You can be very useful to inspire the troops about guarding the faith stable, but stop trying to make the Empire a Theocracy!
  • Ottomanism & Reactionaryism - Don't you realize that I only try to fix the problems you couldn't?
  • Republicanism & Secularism - I hate when you guys are making me think of him sometimes but even ourselves were supporting both of you when the CUP was still in power...

Hasım (Enemies)

  • Hamidism - F*ck off Abdul Hamid!
  • Neo-Ottomanism - You simp for Abdul Hamid, so f*ck you too! (but You still defend me and what I did to the Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians, so...)
  • Kemalism - You were inspired by me, but you chose liberal democracy instead of strong military leadership plus you punished me for the non-existent Armenian Genocide. At least you spared many of them who were initially scheduled to be executed by the foreign forces and Talaat Pasha was liking you for your efforts to make Turkish Pride Great Again.
  • Marxism-Leninism - The Turkic people will be free from your tyranny!
  • Orthodox Theocracy - Damn Armenians, Greeks, and Assyrians! You were all collaborating with Russia! Proceeds to commit genocide.
  • Metaxism - Hell*nic scum.
  • Venizelism - Read above.
  • Left-Wing Nationalism - Disgusting Armenian terrorists trying to divide the Ottoman empire and ruin it! Also, FUCK YOU FOR KILLING TALAAT PASHA AND CEMAL PASHA!!!
  • The Young Turks (2002) - No, I'm nothing like the modern day "Young Turks". Plus your just like that V*nizel scum and like the below.
  • Bidenism - Stop acting like I killed Armenians.
  • Anationalism - Huh? Anatolianism? I mean we can talk about it but... Oh, it's "Anationalism". Well, go fuck yourself.



More Information




  1. Enver Pasha was well known for have being against the Concept of Full Secularization, however, his reforms during the Three Pashas Era was mainly about representing a form of mixed balance between Islamic and Secular Ideals who are generally against both Kemalists and Hamidists.
  2. Riza opposed the anti-armenian laws and the genocides against armenians that was committed by the C.U.P.