Radical Apoliticism
This article is about a fictional ideology and has no foundation in real life political movements.
"Let's rid the country of the politicians"
Radical Apoliticism, also called Anti-Politicism, or is a centrist ideology and is the radical version of apoliticism. While normal Apoliticism is apathetic towards and/or rejects politics, Radical Apoliticism wants the outright abolishment of politics or even community and the organization of society in general (Which is what separates radical apoliticism from
Anarchism.) It is the antithesis to the fundamental idea of politics in society, it is the ideology to end all ideology.
This ideology is practiced by FANDOM and real Disco Elysium fans[1] who kicked anything related to polcompball/polandball out due to their hate of politics.
Lets look at in in the context of a society or country being formed around it.
While the ideology is against all forms of politics, it could still be viewed on the Political Compass. It would be dead center in terms of the both axes of political compass. It is in the center of the Left/Right Axis because it is against anything that is right or left in anyway, simple. It gets more complicated with the Auth/Lib axis.
They believe in half of the beliefs in radically liberation theory such as
Anarchism and especially
Egoism and
Autarchy. What these ideologies and this one have in common is having the lack of authority on what people can do individuality. What they disagree on is anarchism believes in the society organizing themselves without the rule of government, while radical apoliticism is opposed to community or the organization of society in general.
They would accomplish this by having a
Strong Authority who's only job is to keep the lack of organized society. You will not make any friends, you will not join any groups, you WILL be on your own.
The ultimate goal of a radical apoliticism society would for society to evolve to no longer need to rely on others to survive, thus politics will be no more and people can live in individual harmony with themselves.
How to Draw
- Draw a ball
- Draw a black circle with a line through it, representing nothingness (∅)
- Draw the eyes
- You're done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
White | #FFFFFF | rgb(255, 255, 255) | |
Black | #000000 | rgb(0, 0, 0) |
Behavior and Personality
Radical Apolitical is extremely violent and erratic and will stop at nothing to eradicate ideologies. He is always mumbling about a "Politicide" similar to a Centricide but with the aim of eradicating ALL ideologies. He is very opinionated about hating anybody with an opinion. He probably hates himself, like what happened with Alexander "Alex" Horton.[3] He likes to grill ideologies or impale them on fences.
- Nobody, except these below.
Apoliticism - No opinion is the right opinion. You will be spared in the Politicide. We will grill together.
Religious Rejectionism - Steak for the steak god, grills for the grill throne, let politics burn!!!
Fandomsoc - Ban all of politics.
Horseshoe Centrism - Progressive, conservative, authoritarian, libertarian, nationalist, globalist, socialist, capitalist - such distinctions have no meaning to me. They all deserve one thing: DEATH!
Unconditional Accelerationism - Matt Colquhoun is cool guy.
Illegalism - Criminality goes against any political system, so i must respect it.
Primalism-Animals have no politics
Nihilism - You are opinionated about not caring, but at least you don't care.
Situationism and
Neoreactionaryism - Radicals who reject ideologies like I do? Interesting...
Anarcho-Nihilism - Please drop the anarcho, and just be a regular nihilist.
Anarcho-Egoism - Same as above, just be a regular egoist.
Anarchism - Both of us want to see every politician dead, but for completely different reasons.
Anti-Radicalism - Kill all the radicals, but you don't want to kill the moderates sadly.
The other centrists - You guys are political but still are fence-sitters which is good.
I hope I can impale them on that fence..Kim Dae-Jung Thought - I liked you when you said that you would retire from politics until you stabbed me in the back and became president.
Contrarianism - We're similar in many ways, but you're more focused on being against the status quo rather than against politics itself.
- Literally everyone else - Every opinion I shall erase, every polcompball shall I grill. There will be no praxis, ideology, theory, or politics - only apathy and
grilling shall remain.
Ismism - Finally... a worthy opponent... WE WILL HAVE A COOK-OFF TO THE DEATH!!!
Anti-Centrism - A politicide is coming. F*ck you!!!
Anti-Realism - I shall go beyond reality to hunt you down. F*CK YOU!!!
with hair