"I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice!
And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!"
Neo-Libertarianism (also spelled Neolibertarianism) is an economically right-wing, moderate
libertarian, and culturally
variable (albeit usually
right-leaning) ideology, who is the child of
Libertarianism and
Neoconservatism. His beliefs stem from the concept that negative rights are largely incompatible with a strictly limited government, and thus, he is generally supportive of government involvement in society as long as it "promotes greater liberty". The most generally distinguished of these policies Neobert believes "promote greater liberty" are foreign military interventions, which puts him at odds with the majority of the people within
his quadrant while being very friendly to
Neoconservatism. Although generally libertarian, neolibertarians are also used to describe any
neoconservative or interventionist that has some
libertarian tendencies.
Early usage
While the term was introduced later, many neo-libertarians such as Barry Goldwater and, to an extent,
Ronald Reagan and
Margaret Thatcher were quite popular during the 1980s. Reagan was the 40th president of the United States from 1981-1989, while Margaret Thatcher was the Prime Minister of the UK.
The first neo-libertarians used the term in response to the Iraq War. Distancing themselves from the generally anti-war response of the mainstream libertarian movement, neo-libertarians proudly set out their reasons for supporting the War on Terror and an effort to secure the freedom of the Iraqi people.
Nowadays, there are many popular neo-libertarian commentators such as Ben Shapiro and
Charlie Kirk, with each having their own respective youtube channels.
While most libertarians tend to adopt isolationist positions on issues and matters of war, neoberts range anywhere from ambivalent to strongly pro-interventionist: The Iraq War, and to a lesser extent, the U.S. Invasion of
Afghanistan represent ongoing disputes between these factions.
Another key difference is in regards to domestic policy, where neoberts are strong advocates of incrementalism, i.e. making many small changes over time. By contrast, mainstream libertarians tend to advocate for drastic, almost-immediate policy changes.
Despite getting along better with Neoconservatism, they have arguments with them as well. Where neoconservatives strongly support the building of capitalist states after defeating/overthrowing non-capitalists by force, neo-libertarians are more concerned with letting
Capitalism operate after any military victory. If capitalism is allowed to operate, they argue, the former subjects of militarily defeated governments will naturally arrange governments (whatever the form) that are, if only out of political expediency, more friendly to their subjects' newfound economic freedoms, and therefore, much less likely to jeopardize the benefits, which neoberts believe capitalism offers.
"The conservative movement is founded on the simple tenet that people have the right to live life as they please as long as they don't hurt anyone else in the process."
Barry Goldwater was the Republican senator of Arizona from 1953-1965 and 1969-1987. At the time he was considered to be on the "fringe right-wing" of the party for his opposition to the legacy of the
New Deal and support of
laissez-faire economics, At the same time, he often said that he would drop nuclear weapons in the Kremlin. as this had alienated the more moderate and liberal wings of his party. Despite being a member of the NAACP and a supporter of desegregation, Goldwater had reluctantly voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 because he believed it partially violated the rights of businesses. He was selected as the
GOP's presidential candidate in 1964, where he lost by a landslide against the
Democratic President
Lyndon B. Johnson, after being successfully portrayed as a
far-right extremist by LBJ's campaign. Although losing, his campaign is credited for pushing the GOP to the right and helping inspire the rise of
Ronald Reagan. Despite his staunchly conservative views, he advocated for desegregation in the US military. Goldwater's views on social and cultural issues grew increasingly more libertarian over time nearing the end of his career (he believed that they were an integral part of true conservatism) as by the mid-1980s , he had spoken out in support of
gays being able to serve in the military,
environmental protection, abortion rights and the legalization of medical marijuana.
"Okay, this is epic."
Shapiroism is a culturally and economically right-wing and economically libertarian ideology based on the philosophy of Ben Shapiro, a famous American conservative political commentator and activist. It's core principles lie in constitutionalism, American exceptionalism, interventionism, cultural conservatism, and memes.
Shapiroism follows the Chicago school of economics, notably influenced by the works of Thomas Sowell and Milton Friedman. As such, it is opposed to the majority of economic regulations, additional taxes and the rates of many taxes, advocating significant cuts to both said tax rates and government spending. It also describes itself as "supply-side economics", being more concerned with the ability of producers to sell and create their products than the ability of consumers to buy, stating that efforts by the state to manufacture demand only lengthens recessions and slows economic growth.
Politically, Shapiroism draws most of its ideas from the American constitution, such as federalism and limited government, focusing largely on the first, second and tenth amendments in the Bill of Rights: the right to free speech, religion and assembly, uncontrolled by the state; the right to bear arms (the opposition to government regulation on the manufacture, provision and ownership of firearms); and devolved political power, where the federal government has very few, enumerated powers and the state and local governments have far more specific powers over the region.
Shapiroism views the government only as a necessary evil, and that it's role should be only to defend the life and property of its people, hence the need for checks and balances on its power. It also believes in devolved power due the benefit of political homogeneity, as there will be less conflict among the inhabitants of a given region over changes in law if the vast majority of people who live there are politically similar, an outcome more likely when decisions are made on a smaller scale. However, despite being economically libertarian, he has been criticised as too civically authoritarian for supporting things like a powerful police force and bans on abortion and most drugs (not including weed, although he did used to want to ban that too).
Reaganism is a culturally and economically right-wing and libertarian ideology based off the beliefs of the 40th Presidents of the United States,
Ronald Reagan. Often called classical Republicanism, it believes in
laissez-faire free markets,
economical liberalism, and
Lower Taxes, adopting an economic policy called
While not strictly a libertarian, Reagan increased individualism and advocated for a smaller federal government, while also rolling back public spending and taxes. Reagan was a strong advocated for a
hawkish foreign policy, calling the Soviet Union 'an
evil empire' and drastically increasing military spending and funding to groups opposed to the USSR. However, his classification as a "Neolibertarian" is sometimes contested, as he did have some authoritarian tendencies.
Phoenix Foundation
Phoenix Foundation is a libertarian foundation, that has several attempts (sometimes ever violent) to create independent to create Libertarian states in Bahamas and Pacific Ocean. In 1972 the Foundation began to construct a platform in the South Pacific. Part of a reef, normally a metre below sea level at high tide, was piled high with sand and a small stone platform was erected carrying the flag of the Republic of Minerva—a golden torch on a blue background. Claims of Tonga was recogonized by South Pacific Forum in September 1972. A Tongan expedition was sent to enforce the claim, arriving on 18 June 1972. The Flag of Tonga was raised on 19 June 1972 on North Minerva and on South Minerva on 21 June 1972.
Kelthuzism is an ideology based of believes of Tomasz Paweł Czapla, better known as Kelthuz, in past bearing a title of 'Bard of Freedom'. His music makes most of the list of songs for Korwinism ideology, but not only, as his other pieces of music touched on topics of
Objectivism and even
Schopenhauerism, as he was also well known from his
zionist tendencies.
After February 24, 2022 he started to distance himself and cut himself off any ties to ideas of
Hoppe or
Rand, changing his possition to more akin of
Neo-Liberaltarianism and
Hard Zionism.
Neo-libertarians believe in economic liberal economic reforms such as
neoliberalism, and
Laissez-Faire Capitalism. Neo-libertarians also advocate for
Fiscal Conservatism, such as reducing corporate taxes, reducing government spending, and reducing income taxes on people.
Most Neo-libertarians advocate for Minarchism, calling for limited
government power and
goverment involvement in the economy. Neo-libertarians commonly call for the exporting of libertarian and civil values to undemocratic countries. Despite their afomentioned libertarianism, Neo-libertarians commonly advocate for (although limited) government involvement in society, such as slightly increased as long as it is to promote
Neoconservatism and greater liberty.
While Neo-Libertarians are generally very supportive of many libertarian and
minarchist policies, they sometimes allow some un-libertarian policies such as the
PATRIOT Act as long as they keep out
in certain cases.
Foreign Policy
However, while most libertarians tend to adopt isolationist positions on issues and matters of war, neoberts range anywhere from ambivalent to strongly pro-interventionist: The Iraq War, and to a lesser extent, the U.S. Invasion of
Afghanistan represent ongoing disputes between these factions. However, the majority of neo-libertarians generally advocate for an
intervention foreign policy and strong military in order to overthrow
authoritarian regimes and nations that go against their interests.
Neo-Liberaltarianism is a
culturally left variant of
Neo-Libertarianism. Whereas
Neo-Libertarianism is a synthesis between
Libertarianism &
Neo-Liberaltarianism is synthesis between
Libertarianism &
Liberal Hawkism /
Liberal Internationalism.
How to Draw
NATO Design
- Draw a ball with eyes
- Fill it Gold
- Draw a compass in black.
- Repeat it 4 times clockwise
- Draw a circle around the shape you have created
And you're done.
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Gold | #FFDA2C | rgb(255, 218, 44) | |
Black | #141414 | rgb(20, 20, 20) |
Torch Design
- Draw a ball
- Fill it with blue
- Draw a yellow torch
- Add eyes
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Blue | #002395 | rgb(0, 35, 149) | |
Gold | #FAC421 | rgb(250, 196, 33) |
- Neobert is portrayed as acting like a merger of Neoconservatism and Libertarianism, and with the demeanor of Ben Shapiro.
- He loves to talk about how other countries could be given liberal and libertarian values.
- Neobert loves
his father, but often gets into arguments with him.
- Also often gets into arguments with his libertarian siblings over his interventionism and "bootlicking". The only person who backs him in such fights is
- Want to cut all other expenditures and shift them to military expenditures
Freedom Spreaders
American Model - I'm the most American ideology ever! Maybe even more American than even you! America is the freest country on Earth and the leader of the Western world. We must spread her values worldwide!
Neoconservatism - My main role model! Well, plus the statism. Most of my followers like you, although a few are split on some of your foreign policy decisions.
Iraq was not a mistake!Libertarian Conservatism - True Libertarianism, And also a great dad. Just wished you were not Anti-War.
Objectivism - The only other one in my quadrant who agrees with me on the Middle East and Manifest Destiny. But Buckley hate Atlas Shrugged...
Neoliberalism and
Capitalism - Best economic ideas.
Monetarism and
Chicago School - 2nd place.
Globalism -
Ben Shapiro and a few others may have mixed views on you, but strengthening America's international alliances and your economic policies, such as
free trade and
neoliberalism, are hella based! Spread America's values worldwide!
Gun Rights Advocacy - Our Second Amendment rights must be preserved!
Zionism - Israel is the only free country in the Middle East and our greatest ally against the terrorists.
Religious Zionism - Zionism except somehow even more based! Your actions against
terrorists are excellent! Pretty much me but a bit more religious, though.
Atlanticism - The Western world must unite for freedom in order to combat tyranny.
Taiwanese Independence - Taiwan stands as a beacon of liberty against the
authoritarian communists in
China. The Taiwanese people must be protected in order to prvent Chinese expansionism and for the sake of the liberty of it's people!
Pinochetism - The only good dictator. Good job overthrowing
Allende and killing commies. You were certainly a based free-market ally during the cold war.
Liberal Conservatism - Most of you are very based and we tend to both agree on economics and civics.
Homoconservatism - The terrorists want to throw you off a roof? Not if we blow them up first!
I'll have to think about whether or not I'm coming to your anniversary party.Girondism - You're almost at the peak of basedness.
Pragerism - I love your videos!
Sternenkoism - Ukrainian pal!
Zelenskyism - Same as above, I support the Ukrainian people’s fight for liberty against that commie-nazi Putin.
Sorry about mycrazy cousin.
Anarcho-Capitalism -
Phoenix Foundation is legendary! Flag of the
Republic of Minerva is literally my icon design!
Agorism - J. Neil Schulman's approvement of the War on Terror is so based!
Misguided and Temporary Allies
Korwinism - I used to be you. But then I moved on. Not to mention your also a cringe russophille.
Mentzenism - It's good you finally split with the
Braun and now willing to work with the
hawkish PiS. Still you can do better and drop the
Anti-ZionismAnti-Semitism.Hillaryism - You used to support me[5]
Even though you also supported R*ckywhat happened and now your a commie?At least we both hate those darnBerniebros though.
Libertarianism - We should not allow tyrants to strengthen their dictatorship. A crisis that we can solve today with a thousand dollars should not be put off until next year to be solved with a million dollars.
Liberaltarianism and
Liberalism - We both agree on civics and (somewhat) economics, but stop being woke. Also, you've got to understand that dictatorships abroad are threats to liberty.
Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism - Quit it with
this pacifist. At least your better when compared to
this guy, you fully admit that Putin is a jerk. It is also a good principle to start voluntary taxation for war.
Minarchism - I like how you want to use the state to secure freedom, but why don't you want to secure greater freedom?
Authoritarian Capitalism - Misguided. I like how you understand that a free market economy is supreme, but why the authoritarianism?
Hoppeanism - I kinda like your cultural views, but why are you anti-interventionist? There are commie dictators abroad, you know?
Third Way - You’re pretty cool, but you should start spending less on welfare and even more on warfare.
Alt-Lite - We have common enemies and friends but please be less like
. Joe Rogan is great though.
Minus the fact that he called Israel's war a genocide and hates Ukraine.Reactionary Liberalism - Same for you, I'll vote Chilean Republican Party for sure.
Trumpism - I like how you defeated ISIS, supported Israel, and made tax and regulation cuts; but that's about it. Most of your fans are anti-Zelensky conspiracy theorists, Some people even think that you are a hero of anti-Semitism, and these people must be eliminated with facts and logic. Thanks for including Pompeo, Bolton, Marco Rubio, and other hawks into your cabinet, though. Maybe you much better than
Biden and
Please tell me you will continue to support Ukraine, right?Right-Wing Populism - Apart from your
hawkish variants you can be pretty annoying. Also, don't use my symbol in vain!
Feiglinism - Fellow libertarian Zionist, but what do you mean you hate NATO?
Kahanism - We are both big supportors of Israel, but you go a bit too far with the
Arabophobia and
even for me, and I don't know about this whole "Greater Israel" thing you have going on. Also not to mention, you are quite anti-democratic and authoritarian.Ben-Gvir is kind of ok though...
Dengism - You used to be a filthy commie, but I'm glad that recently you introduced capitalist reform and neoliberalism, even if many of my followers say you were Gorbachev except successful. Still, thanks for supporting the US in Iraq and Afghanistan and recognizing Israel. If only
he hadn't ruined everything...
National Liberalism - You’re often a bit too narrow-minded, though your variants in Taiwan and the ex-Soviet bloc seem good. I wish UKIP hadn’t kicked out Henry Bolton in favour of Batten.
Libertarian Possibilism - Fellow libertarian, but stop saying my reforms will destroy society, it will make it better. Anyways, you're still a commie and you will get drone striked.
Anarcho-Pacifism - The reason why there are no world wars in modern times is that many military powers believe that they cannot easily destroy their enemies. When a dictatorship intends to invade free world, the only pacifist recourse is to become a hawk. France only needed to send troops to the Rhineland to change World War II.
Neo-Enlightenment - Ok, this is straight up scary. Why have similar symbols?
NAP Violators To Be Destroyed Using Facts and Logic
Rockefeller Republicanism - I beat you fair and square,
Even now we're both RINO.Paleolibertarianism - A "Mises Caucus" rejects Mises' approach to diplomacy? When you're so non-interventionist that you unironically support tyrants like Assad, Putin and Xi. Such a libertarian thing to do.
But Milei does calls himself a paleolibertarian though.
Paleoconservatism - Very similar to the above. You claim to be a true patriot who loves America, yet you opposed interventionism, globalism, free trade, and neoliberalism. Not to mention, many of you are antisemitic conspiracy theorists who support
Putin and hate
Nick Fuentes is especially bad,
although John Doyle is okay...Bidenism - What the hell is going on with your foreign policy? Why waste money on behalf of Palestinian civilians? Communist. Let Israel finish the job damn it! You are terrible when it comes to foreign and domestic policy!
Thanks for still supporting Israel and Ukraine though.Harrisism - Even worse than above, I heard you spent a lot more money on your campaign than Trump did? You
Tim walz is a little based. Thanks again for still supporting Israel and Ukraine though.Trudeauism - Canadian version of the above. Anyways RIP Bozo
European Federalism - Germany expelled FDP? The value of French aid to Ukraine cannot be included in the top ten? The production of self-propelled artillery in the entire European - NATO countries is lower than in Ukraine? So how dare you call yourself "European United Defense"? Produce shells, immediately!
Authoritarianism - THIS is why we must fight for freedom! The whole world will be freed from you and be granted liberty!
is kinda okay tho.
Progressivism - A woke idiot who supports America's enemies abroad, like Hamas and Hezbollah. Why are you focused on woke America while you can export progressive and civilized values to their countries?
Alt-Right - A replica of the fake Misesism above there but you really admire Hitler and alienate Mises. You hate Israel, you're against the war, and you're overall just downright unpleasant.
Alt-Right Libertarianism - You have guts for accusing me of being a faker. Come on, you're just like the
guy above but you pretend to hate the state!
Why does Kaiser pretend to be a natbert anyway?Left-Wing Populism - LITERRALY
CRAZY BERNIE! You're so annoying! Latin America, Asia, and Africa shall be freed from your authoritarian grip and communism!
Islamic Theocracy - We're gonna replace you with sweet freedom, one way or another.
Jihadism - By sending out CAS to let them die in the flames, we are protecting the civilians.
Nazism - I don't think I even have go explain this. The free world kicked your asses during WW2, you filthy Jew-killer!
Marxism - Screw all them commies!
Socialism - Screw those commies too.
Libertarian Socialism - Oxymoron. Socialism always leads to a repressive system compromising our freedom and civil liberties. How do you expect to be free with out even a free market?
Marxism–Leninism - Screw you even more!
National Bolshevism - Screw you in particular!
State Liberalism - We will never bow before woke culture!
Based economics and foreign policy though.Ba'athism - Iraq and Syria are free! How do ya like that,
Saddam? Assad?
What do you mean it got worse?Putinism - So why is it that Switzerland is surrounded by NATO and never has to worry about NATO threats? If you keep exporting dictatorships in Africa, I will free the oppressed peoples in Chechnya, Dagestan, and Siberia by force.
Based cultural policies tho.Chavismo - Another filthy socialist dictator in South America that needs to
be coupedstep down and let his citzens choose a democratic leader.Juche - You are nothing except just another totalitarian regime enslaving their citizens under communist rule. You oppose the West, hate Israel and Ukraine, and support Russia and other anti-western regimes. May
South Korea destroy you.
Khomeinism - Your regime is proof that Sharia law is dangerous and always leads to authoritarianism.
Houthism - Barbaric pirates in Yemen disrupting the world economy and opposing the free West! Get drone striked, you proxy of
Hamasism - Responsible for the worst attacks on Jews since the Holocaust. May Israel defeat you, you
Xi Jingping Thought - You have been oppressing the Uyghur people in Xinjiang for years. It is time that the Chinese people be freed from authoritarian communism. Also, HANDS OFF
Lukashenkoism - The people of Belarus will be given sweet freedom!
Castroism - Your regime is pure evidence that communism leads to poverty and destruction! Also, how is the embargo going?
Confederatism - You got some nerve calling yourselves "freedom lovers" when you made your own country so you could keep black people in slavery.
Avaritionism - NOT SO MUCH FREEDOM!
Fourth Theory - I will A-10 you into oblivion you Nazbol clone scum! An asshole who completely ignores order and ready to invade others must be subdued!
Gore Vidal - Now, listen here, you queer, stop calling me a crypto-nazi or I'll sock you in your goddamn face and it's going to stay plastered.
AOCism -
Why won't you send me feet picks?
Portraits and Artwork
Credit: TheGhostOfInky
Further Information
- Neo-Libertarianism
- Phoenix Foundation
- liberty: positive and negative
- "Left" and "Right" - What Am I? by Mark Humphrys (a self-described "moderate libertarian neo-conservative")
- Neo-Libertarian
- The New Libertarian
- Why Did So Many Libertarians Support the War? by
Bryan Caplan
- Defense caucus (Libertarian party)
- Libertarians and the War by Randy Barnett
- Real libertarians stand with Taiwan, not Mao Zedong’s Communists by Jan Krepelka
- Pro-war is the new anti-war by Jan Krepelka
- Justice: Alternative Political Perspectives by
James P. Sterba
- The Pursuit of Justice by
James P. Sterba
Online Communities
- ↑ "Apartheid is normal. South Africa will yet see what system will be established by the indigenous majority, who amuse themselves with arson, murder, and violence." - Valeriya Novodvorskaya
- ↑ "It makes no sense to call our camp democratic. We do not only have democrats there, who prioritize the will of the people and the right of the majority, as well as the Constitution and procedure. Gleb Yakunin is a democrat. And Viktor Mironov? And myself? And the Cossacks? Are they democrats too? Our camp is the camp of the Whites. But now the White camp is almost cured of traditionalism and is deliberately rushing to the West, as to an unattainable Christmas tree star... That's why we are called democrats, although I, for example, am a liberal and do not agree to put world issues to a universal vote." - Valeriya Novodvorskaya
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Milei defended the National Reorganization Process' Dirty War atrocities (claiming most of the victims were "terrorists"), implemented extreme laissez-faire economic policies not dissimilar to Videla's, and when those policies backfired he cracked down heavily on the protesting Argentinians.
- ↑ w:Anders_Lange#Political_views
- ↑ Was William F. Buckley, Jr. gay?
- ↑ Goldwater was consistently opposed to segregation, only opposing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 because he viewed some parts as unconstitutional.
- ↑ 'Goldwater Girl': Putting Context To A Resurfaced Hillary Clinton Interview