Total Liberationism
"The day may come, when the rest of the animal creation may acquire those rights which never could have been withholden from them but by the hand of tyranny."
Total Liberationism or Veganarchism is a movement and political philosophy that combines anarchism with a commitment to animal and earth liberation. It is an Anarchist,
culturally left-wing ideology inhabiting the
LibLeft area of the political compass. They believe that the hierarchy of humans over animals is unjust, so we should not abuse or exploit animals for food, clothing, entertainment, or any other purpose. Total Liberationism also opposes all forms of human oppression as well as the oppression of other animals and ecosystems.
Total Liberationism exploded during the 1960's and 1990's as a new perception of anarchism to deal with newly emerging societal issues. Groups that have taken to espousing Total Liberation include the Hunt Saboteurs Association, which has sabotaged fox-hunting operations, and the Animal Liberation Front, which has broken into farms and animal facilities to free captive animals. Both of these groups originated in the United Kingdom.
Foundations and Beliefs
Total Liberationism takes normal anarchist talking points like the state and
capitalism, and uses them as a way to show the struggle for total liberation. Total Liberationism also supports a holistic and
intersectional revolutionary strategy aimed at using direct action to dismantle all forms of domination and social hierarchy, common examples of which include the state, capitalism,
cissexism, disablism,
speciesism and ecological domination.
Veganism is about nonviolence. First and foremost, it’s about nonviolence to other sentient beings. But it’s also about nonviolence to the earth and nonviolence to yourself. If animals matter morally, veganism is not an option — it is a necessity. Anything that claims to be an animal rights movement must make clear that veganism is a moral imperative. — Gary L. Francione
Personality and Behavior
Total Liberationism is an animal lover. Total Liberationism is falsely depicted as violent.
How to Draw
Total Liberation
- Draw a ball.
- Draw a green line diagonally through the ball.
- Fill the space below with the same color and the space above with purple.
- Draw an A with an T and L next to the A.
- Make the top half of the A green and the bottom half purple.
- Color the T green and color the L purple.
- Draw eyes and then you're done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Green | #148537 | rgb(20, 133, 55) | |
Red | #981632 | rgb(152, 22, 50) |
- Draw a ball,
- Draw a black diagonal line,
- Fill the space below in black and the space above in green,
- Draw a white A and V in the middle,
- Add the eyes and you're done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Black | #141414 | rgb(20, 20, 20) | |
Green | #1F833B | rgb(31, 131, 59) | |
White | #FFFFFF | rgb(255, 255, 255) |
Deep Ecology - I really like your views on the environment.
Radical Environmentalism - Animal agriculture is the second largest contributor to human-made greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions after fossil fuels and is a leading cause of deforestation, water and air pollution and biodiversity loss.
Postcolonial Feminism - Anti-colonial and feminist! Two based things in a row!
Eco-Anarchism - Another anarchist who loves the environment.
Libertarian Municipalism &
Democratic Confederalism - Humans should not be seen as above nature.
Queer Anarchism - Solidarity with queer liberation!
Black Anarchism - The fight against animal cruelty and racism are the same fight!
Anarcha-Feminism and
Ecofeminism - The fight against the patriarchy and the fight against animal cruelty are also the same fight!
Anarcho-Communism - Down with capitalism and the oppressive state!
Indigenism - Solidarity with the Indigenous peoples.
Anti-Authoritarianism - Pollution wouldn't happen without the state.
Environmentalism - The animals matter as individuals and not just what they contribute to the environment.
Anarcho-Pacifism - Self-defense and defense of others are justifiable. Strikes and non-violent sabotage and rescues are based though.
Neoluddism - Look, your intentions aren't bad, but oh my Lorax you are too violent. Also, why are you such a reactionary?
Industrialism - Stop destroying our ecosystems!
The State - You are the reason behind animal cruelty!
Climate Skepticism - Are you kidding me! Not caring about the environment will lead to disaster!
Anarcho-Nihilism - Not only do you not care about the liberation of all creatures, you don't care about the liberation of ANY creatures!
Eco-Fascism - Fake environmentalist. If you fight for the environment and animals, you have to fight for all other liberation movements.
Capitalism - The force behind environmental destruction!
Racial Nationalism - Racism is also a oppressive force.
National Capitalism - The worst ideology ever!
Patriarchy - We environmentalists also must fight against the patriarchy!
Reactionaryism - You are a bigot that hates women and gay people and doesn't care about the environment.
Imperialism - Colonialism must be defeated!
Authoritarian Capitalism - The state and capitalism are behind environmental destruction.
Anarcho-Capitalism - Oxymoron!
Hoppeanism - Even worse than the above due to the fact that you hate minorities and the environment.
Eco-Authoritarianism - Another oxymoron! The state is behind environmental destruction and animal cruelty!
Manosphere - Down with sexism!
Authoritarian Conservatism - One of the worst authoritarians.
Totalitarianism - Literally hell on earth!!
National Anarchism - Oxymoron! Racism is incompatible with anarchism! Anarchism is supposed to liberate all peoples!
Good takes on the environment though..Zoosadism - YOU………… SICK FUCK!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!11
Further Information
- Total Liberation
- Animal Liberation and Social Revolution by Brian A. Dominick
- Veganarchism: Philosophy, Praxis, Self-Criticism by Joseph Parampathu
- Making A Killing: The Political Economy of Animal Rights by Bob Torres