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"I have lost many friends and my wife because our ruling class, Republicans and Democrats, consistently lied to the American people to keep us engaged in wars abroad."

Paleoconservatism, shortened to Paleocon is a statist, conservative, economically and socially right-wing to far-right political ideology. It originated in the United States and stresses WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) ethics, Nationalism, Paternalism, Regionalism, and Traditionalism. It sometimes overlaps with the Old Right, who were Conservatives who opposed the New Deal in the 30s and 40s.[9] Paleoconservatives also overlap with Paleolibertarians[5][6] and Right-Wing Populists.[10]


Although Paleoconservatism is in support of a market economy, they are also staunch Protectionists, in favor of high tariffs and advocate for " Economic Nationalism" in different measures & policies, varying from paleocon to paleocon. Paleoconservatism also opposes the Interventionist foreign policies advocated for by Neoconservatives, in fact Paleoconservatives are almost the complete opposite of Neoconservatives.

They also support heavy restrictions on immigration, Decentralization, Isolationism, and a return to traditional ethics & morals relating to gender, culture, and society. This includes opposition to abortion, gay marriage, LGBT rights,[11] etc.[12]

This is often due to Paleoconservatism having a massive overlap with Christian Right, and as such having a traditional Christian view of these issues. The Evangelical movement and Conservative Christianity, in general, is an enormous reason for Paleoconservatism's popularity. Because of the ideological common ground between Paleoconservatives and the Christian Right, it is more often than not that Christian Conservatives are Paleocons and vice versa. While one can be an agnostic or even atheistic Paleocon, it is usually through religion that Paleoconservatives reach their views.

Paleoconservatives see Neoconservatives as Empire-builders, and themselves as defenders of the American Republic.[13]


The Old Right

Paleoconservatism is derived from the "Old Right" movement from the 1910s-1950s, who were a group of Conservatives, mainly Republicans but also some conservative Democrats from the south, unified by their opposition to Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the New Deal. They typically favored Laissez-Faire economics and shared ideals such as a defense of "Natural Inequalities", Authority, Traditionalism, Morality, Rule of Law, Nationalism, Anti-Communism, Anti-Masonry, Anti-Zionism, and Anti-Imperialism, as well as skepticism of the growing power of Washington. They came into being when the Republican Party split in 1910 and were influential within that party into the 1940s. They pushed Theodore Roosevelt and his progressive followers out in 1912. From 1933, many Democrats became associated with the Old Right through their opposition to Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal Coalition, and with the Republicans formed the Conservative Coalition to block its further progress. Conservatives disagreed on foreign policy, and the Old Right favored non-interventionist policies on Europe at the start of World War II. After the war, they opposed President Harry Truman's domestic and foreign policies. The last major battle was led by Ohio Senator Robert A. Taft, who was defeated by Dwight D Eisenhower for the presidential nomination in 1952. The new conservative movement later led by William F. Buckley, Jr., Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan adopted much of the domestic anti-New Deal conservatism of the Old Right but broke with it by demanding free trade and an aggressive anti-communist foreign policy.

Modern Origins

The terms " Neoconservative" and "Paleoconservative" were coined due to the division in American Conservatism concerning the Vietnam War between the Interventionists and the Isolationists. Those in favor of the Vietnam War continuing, were referred to as " Neoconservatives" (or "War Hawks": foreign Interventionists) while those who opposed the war were called "Paleoconservatives" (foreign Isolationist/ Nationalists).[14][15][16]

Notable Paleoconservative politicians/figures include Pat Buchanan[17], Paul Gottfried, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson and Mel Bradford to name a few. Despite many misconceptions, Ronald Reagan was not a Paleoconservative. He was an average conservative politician, who was actually closer in belief to Neoconservatism or Neoliberalism, if anything (although Reagan was greatly influenced by Pat Buchanan's beliefs).


Paleoconservatism has seen a revival as of late, with the election of 45th US president Donald J. Trump; although many paleocons view Trump as a sort of fake nationalist due to his rigorous support of Israel, Interventionism, failure to deliver on many of his campaign promises (notably the wall along the Mexican border), and concessions to progressive causes such as LGBT rights (outside of trans people). Regardless of how Trump himself is categorized, others regard Trumpism as supported by, if not a rebranding of, Paleoconservatism. From this view, the followers of the old right did not fade away so easily and continue to have significant influence in the Republican Party and all of American politics.

Recently, Paleoconservatism has also seen a mass resurgence in the online Conservative community due to political "influencers" championing platforms of paleoconservatism on social media. Notably, John Doyle, host of the YouTube show known as "Heck Off, Commie," has gained a prominent following for the paleoconservative movement through his video essays and political content. From Doyle's influence, many other paleoconservative influencers have created specialized pockets to contribute to the overall movement's growth. Notably, Red Eagles Politics, Alex Stein, Vince Dao, American Virtue, Elijah Schaffer, and so on are all influencers mobilized by the impact of Doyle.

Influence in other political ideologies

Evangelicalism/The Christian Right

The Christian right, or Christian Conservatism, is a Christian political faction that is characterized by their strong support of socially conservative and traditionalist policies. Christian conservatives seek to influence politics and public policy with their interpretation of the teachings of Christianity.

In the United States, the Christian right is an informal coalition formed around a core of largely conservative evangelical Protestants and Roman Catholics. The Christian right draws additional support from other politically conservative Christians, such as Orthodox Christians and Mormons. The movement has its roots in American politics going back as far as the 1940s; it has been especially influential since the 1970s. Its influence draws from grassroots activism as well as from a focus on social issues and the ability to motivate the electorate around those issues.

The Christian right is notable for advancing socially conservative positions on issues such as school prayer, intelligent design, temperance, Christian nationalism, and Sunday Sabbatarianism, as well as opposition to embryonic stem cell research, LGBT+ rights, comprehensive sex education, abortion, and pornography.

It is worth noting that it is possible to be a member of the Christian Right and support neoconservatism, but it is variable.


The Alt-Right movement emerged from the Paleoconservatives, the younger generation of them, specifically. The movement was founded in 2010 by a former Paleoconservative and American White Nationalist, Richard B. Spencer who launched The Alternative Right to express his personal ideals after working as an editor for a number of Paleoconservative outlets. But the movement was not only influenced by Paleoconservatism, it also was inspired by the Dark Enlightenment, and the Nouvelle Droite.


The Paleoconservatives also greatly inspired the Paleolibertarian movement. It was the result of a political strategy of Rothbard which was allying with Paleoconservative and Old-Right sectors trying to expand Libertarian ideals among them while also using this alliance to appeal towards the Conservative populace of the US. This alliance was criticized by some mainstream Libertarians and also some non-Libertarian circles as trying to ally with racist and reactionary groups, to which Rothbard responded saying that libertarians needed to make themselves look more acceptable to Conservatives.

Many Libertarians such as Lew Rockwell,[18] being the main among them, but also others such as Jeffrey Tucker started identifying with the term. The alliance ultimately broke up after Rothbard, who was the only tie between Paleoconservatives and Libertarians, died in the year 1995. Lew Rockwell, on the other hand, kept identified with the term until 2007 when he declared to have dropped the usage of the said term in part because people confused it with Paleoconservatism[19] (That is, the term didn't have its own identity), and because Rockwell realized that the Paleoconservative movement tended to decrease freedom, not increase it.[20]


Buchanan Conservatism

Buchanan Conservatism is a variant of paleoconservatism based on the ideology of American political commentator and longtime consultant, Pat Buchanan. He was a special advisor to presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Ronald Reagan. He is a significant figure in the paleoconservative movement and his writings, morals, and ideas continue to influence many paleoconservatives. He ran for president three times: in 1992, 1996, and 2000.

Buchanan became harshly critical of George H.W. Bush after he broke his "Read my lips: no new taxes" pledge. He ran for president in 1992, campaigning on a platform on militant social conservatism and anti-multiculturalism, including opposition to abortion, LGBT+ rights and positive discrimination, also on fiscal conservatism, fair-trade, Anti-Cronyism and Non-Interventionism. He lost the Republican primaries and subsequently threw his support behind Bush.

In 1996, Buchanan ran for the Republican nomination for president again, but this time, he actually won the Republican primaries in Alaska, Louisiana, Missouri, and New Hampshire. In February, of that year the Center for Public Integrity issued a report stating Buchanan's presidential campaign co-chairman, Larry Pratt, appeared at two meetings organized by white supremacists. Pratt denied any ties to racism and defended his speech, according to a Rolling Stone Magazine article: "I myself would also talk to white nationalists and neo-Nazi groups. I talk to liberal groups, but people don't accuse me of being liberal. I wash all that off at home. It's important to talk to anyone who will listen."[21]

In 1999, Buchanan left the Republican Party and switched to the Reform Party. In 2000, he ran for president for the third time, running on a vividly anti-abortion, anti-NAFTA, non-interventionist, anti-immigration, and anti-LGBT+ rights platform. He won the Reform primaries and chose former schoolteacher Ezola B. Foster as his running mate. They lost the general election, finishing fourth with 0.8% of the vote. Following the 2000 Presidential Election, Reformers urged Buchanan to take an active role in the party. Buchanan declined, though he did attend the 2001 Reform National Convention. He left the Reform Party and returned to the Republican Party in 2004, shortly before the 2004 Presidential Election. However, Buchanan stated that he was no longer interested in running again.

In 2002, he co-founded The American Conservative magazine and since 2006, he has contributed to VDARE, a white nationalist website.

In 2016, Buchanan supported the presidential nomination of Donald Trump, who was running on a somewhat similar platform to Buchanan's.

The Anti-Defamation League described Buchanan as an "unrepentant bigot" who "repeatedly demonizes Jews and minorities and openly affiliates with white supremacists".[22]


Greeneism, another offshoot of Trumpism, is based on the political beliefs of Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. Greene won her congressional seat in 2020 in a landslide victory, running as a staunch supporter of Trump despite not officially being endorsed by him.

She identifies as a Christian nationalist and has declared her intention to push the Republican Party further right. She has previously expressed belief in QAnon conspiracy theories and has linked the Democratic Party to "Child Sex, Satanism, and the Occult", she distanced herself from QAnon once she started running for Congress.

Greene holds paleoconservative views, strongly opposing abortion, Black Lives Matter, Covid-19 restrictions, LGBT+ rights, and neoconservatism.

On her first day of office, she wore a "Trump won" mask, and on the second day of Joe Biden's presidency, she filed articles of impeachment against him, alleging abuse of power. Greene was briefly a member of the Committee on the Budget and the Committee on Education and Labor before she was removed from all committee assignments on February 4, 2021, for remarks she had made against African Americans, Jews, and Muslims prior to her election.

In February 2022, Greene was a surprise guest speaker at a white nationalist political conference hosted by Nick Fuentes.

During the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Greene allegedly promoted Russian propaganda and praised Vladimir Putin.


Doyleism, another offshoot of Paleoconservatism, is the social-political outlook of John Doyle and his followers.

Doyle largely encourages an outlook of social conservatism, nationalism, Anti-LGBTQ, non-interventionist foreign policy, Social Catholicism, and practical conservatism to a younger audience.


William S. Lind (born July 9, 1947) is an American conservative author, described as being aligned with paleoconservatism. He is the author of many books and one of the first proponents of fourth-generation warfare (4GW) theory and is the Director of The American Conservative Center for Public Transportation.

He advocates a Declaration of Cultural Independence by cultural conservatives in the United States and believes that the federal government ceased to represent their interests and began to coerce them into negative behavior and to affect their culture negatively. The foundation believes that American culture and its institutions are headed for a collapse and that cultural conservatives should separate themselves from that calamity. It also supports setting up independent parallel institutions with a right to secession and a highly decentralized nature that would rely on individual responsibility and discipline to remain intact but prevent the takeover of the institutions by those hostile to cultural conservatism.

He supports government funding for mass transit programs, especially urban rail transit.

He is highly influenced by Prussian culture and believes that if the German empire won WW1, the world would be more conservative and traditionalist than what it is now.

Russell Kirk Thought


Westboro Baptist Church

Westboro Baptist Church, sometimes abbreviated as WBC, is a church located in Topeka, Kansas. Adhering to Five-point Calvinism, the church believes in limited atonement, unconditional election, and the double predestination of both the saved and the damned.

WBC is well known for its Anti-LGBT+ rhetoric, but they also engage in rhetoric against Jews, atheists, Muslims, and several Christian denominations including Catholics, Methodists, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Northern and Southern Baptists, Mormons, and Assembly of God Pentecostals.

WBC is also known for daily picketing in Topeka, Kansas as well as other parts of the United States. The church has occasionally protested outside of the country too, though they have been banned from two of those countries. In 2008, Canadian officials discovered that WBC planned on staging a protest at the funeral of Tim McLean, a Winnipeg resident who was killed while riding on a bus. The motive of the protest was to blame the man's death on Canadian laws regarding abortion, homosexuality, and divorce and sees the killing as an act of punishment from God. In response, WBC was banned from entering the country.[23] In February 2009, British news sources picked up the signal of WBC's motivation to protest a youth production of The Laramie Project, located at Queen Mary's College in Basingstoke, Hampshire, scheduled to occur on February 20, 2009. Members of Parliament, LGBT+ groups, and lobbyists reached out to British Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, requesting WBC be barred from entering the United Kingdom, citing hatred towards LGBT+ people. On February 18, 2009, two days before the scheduled picketing date, The Home Office permanently banned all members of WBC from stepping foot in the United Kingdom.

WBC gained national notoriety in 1998 when they picketed the funeral of Matthew Shepard, a college student from Laramie, Wyoming who was bound and beaten to death by two men, allegedly motivated by his homosexuality.[24]

WBC is labelled as an Anti-LGBTQ hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.[25]

Since 2004, over 20 members of WBC, the majority of whom being family members, left the organization as well as the Phelps family. Many of those who left have accused WBC of brainwashing. Mark Phelps, a son of WBC's founder, Fred Phelps, left the organization in 1973, citing abuse. Mark was later re-baptized in a local church in 1994. Nathan Phelps, also a son of Fred Phelps, left WBC on his 18th birthday in 1976, citing abuse by his father.[26] Libby Phelps-Alvarez, a granddaughter of the late Fred Phelps and daughter of Fred Phelps Jr. left WBC in 2009. She is now an advocate for LGBT+ equality. Megan Phelps-Roper, as well as her sister Grace Phelps, both left Westboro in 2012 and explained their reason as well as her experiences in a TED talk.[27] Zach Phelps-Roper, the grandson of Fred Phelps, left WBC in 2014 after attempting to leave five times previously after his views became at odds with the church. Danielle Phelps, a granddaughter of Fred Phelps, left WBC in 2014 shortly after her grandfather's death. She is openly lesbian and shortly after leaving the church, joined the United States Marine Corps.

In 2008, Lauren Drain was excommunicated from the Westboro Baptist Church.

George Wallace Thought

George Wallace Thought, a Dixiecrat variant of paleoconservatism, is based on the ideology of former Alabama governor, George Corley Wallace Jr. Wallace was infamous for his staunch support for racial segregation and populism.

Wallace ran for the governorship in 1958, downplaying racial issues and focusing on increased improvements to the industry and the educational system, yet still losing to state attorney general John Malcolm Patterson, who ran with the support of the Ku Klux Klan. After his crushing defeat, Wallace hardened his views on segregation.

Wallace ran for governor again in 1962 and won, running on a fanatic segregationist platform. Wallace served four terms: one from 1963 to 1967, two from 1971 to 1979, and one from 1983 to 1987.

Wallace took the oath of office on January 14, 1963, standing on the exact same spot as Jefferson Davis when he was sworn in as President of the Confederate States of America nearly 102 years earlier. During his 1963 inaugural address, he became notorious for saying the phrase: "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever".

In September 1963, Wallace attempted to stop four African American students from enrolling in four separate elementary schools in Huntsville, Alabama.[28]

Wallace initiated a community college system that has now spread throughout Alabama, preparing many students to complete four-year degrees at many universities throughout the state. Moreover, several universities are named after him or his immediate relatives.

Wallace was unable to run for re-election in 1966, due to term limits. Therefore, he offered his wife, Lurleen Wallace, a surrogate candidacy for governor. She won the Democratic primary with 54.1% of the vote and later won the general election with 63.88% of the vote. She died in office in 1968.

Wallace ran for President of the United States in 1964, 1972, and 1976, though his 1968 presidential campaign was his most successful. In 1968, Wallace ran for President of the United States under the American Independent Party ticket. Wallace's platform included ending all federal efforts at desegregation, expanding the benefits of Social Security and Medicare, withdrawing from Vietnam if the Vietnam War was not winnable within 90 days, and strident law and order. Republican presidential candidate Richard Nixon, who also campaigned on law and order, worried that Wallace's firebrand Southern populism would split the conservative vote and lead to the Democratic presidential candidate, Hubert Humphrey winning the presidency. Coincidentally, Democrats worried that Wallace's appeal to members of trade unions would split the Democratic vote and lead to Nixon winning the presidency. Nixon won the presidency with 301 electoral votes and 43.4% of the popular vote. Humphrey placed second with 191 electoral votes and 42.7% of the popular vote. Wallace finished third with 46 electoral votes and 13.5% of the popular vote, Despite losing the general election, Wallace easily won the Deep South, carrying the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, and Mississippi.

In 1970, Wallace run for a second term for Governor against incumbent Albert Brewer. Wallace aired political advertisements on television as part of his campaign which later U.S. President Jimmy Carter would describe as "one of the most racist campaigns in modern southern political history".[29] Wallace narrowly won the Democratic nomination and later won the general election by a landslide.

Although Wallace promised to not run for president for a third time, he later changed his mind and on January 13, 1972, declared himself a candidate, running as a Democrat. During this time, Wallace begins the process of moderating his views on race, discontinuing his prior support for segregation while still fiercely opposing desegregation busing. On May 15, 1972, Wallace was shot by Arthur Bremer while campaigning at the Laurel Shopping Center in Laurel, Maryland. At the time, he was getting high ratings in nationwide opinion polls. One of the bullets lodged in Wallace's spinal cord, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down and in pain for the rest of his life. The assassination attempt was caught on film.

While in the hospital, Wallace was visited by Shirley Chisholm, A Democratic member of the U.S. House of Representatives representing New York's 12th Congressional District. At the time, Chisholm was the nation's sole African American female member of Congress. In spite of their ideological differences, Chisholm believed that visiting Wallace was the right thing to do. President Nixon and Vice President Spiro Agnew also visited Wallace. In addition, he received telegrams from former President Lyndon Johnson, California governor Ronald Reagan and Pope Paul VI. Although Wallace won the Democratic primaries in Maryland and Michigan, the shooting effectively shut down his campaign.

By the late 1970s, Wallace made a complete reversal of his stance on race, apologized to black civil rights leaders for his past actions and views as a segregationist, and became a born-again Christian.

Wallace ran for governor for the last time in 1982. His main opponents were Lieutenant Governor George McMillan and Speaker of the Alabama House of Representatives Joe McCorquodale. Wallace won the Democratic primary and later the general election, narrowly defeating Montgomery Mayor Emory Folmar. This election was the Alabama Republican Party's best performance in the gubernatorial election since Reconstruction.

Wallace was sworn in for his final term as Governor on January 17, 1983. During his final tenure, he appointed a record number of African Americans to state positions, two of whom were appointed as members of the same cabinet, the first time in Alabamian history. On April 2, 1986, Wallace announced that he would not seek re-election. Wallace left office on January 19, 1987. Wallace died on September 13, 1998, from sepsis. At 5,848 days, Wallace is currently the third longest-serving governor in U.S. history.


Older Paleoconservatives usually act like the stereotypical Southern Christian boomer crank, ranting about how Globalists and LGBT+ people are trying to destroy their Traditional American values and promote Satanic degeneracy. They tend to be extremely politically incorrect and are cause for much criticism for being perceived & labeled as "racist", "homophobic", "anti-Semitic" etc.

How to Draw

Flag of Paleoconservatism
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Color the bottom third in dark blue.
  3. Color the top two thirds with alternating red and white stripes (13 total).
  4. Draw three white stars in the bottom third.
  5. Draw a mammoth in the middle.
  6. Add the eyes and you're done!
Color NameHEXRGB
 Dark Blue#002368rgb(0, 35, 104)
 Red#C0032Crgb(192, 3, 44)
 White#FFFFFFrgb(255, 255, 255)



  • American Model - America First! Sorry dad, but no, I won't preserve the American empire.
  • Conservatism - A great ally in the march for traditional values and a strong nation!
  • Traditionalism - Perfect, someone who admires and protects traditional values. Back in my day, society was much saner than it is today.
  • Paleolibertarianism - Fellow Old Right member! But state influence to protect society is needed, y'know?
  • Classical Conservatism - My British grandfather taught me the importance of traditional conservative values. But some of you are interventionist.
  • Authoritarian Conservatism - Fellow conservative lover of state power harnessed to actively uphold our civilization.
  • Right-Wing Populism - DOWN WITH THE KINGMAKERS!
  • Christian Right & Protestant Theocracy - America was founded as a Christian nation, specifically a Protestant nation.
  • Traditionalist Catholicism - I'm starting to take a liking to this strand of Catholicism, and I'm also gaining support from you guys thanks to people like Pat.
  • Protectionism - BRING BACK OUR JOBS!
  • Isolationism - BRING BACK OUR TROOPS!
  • National Conservatism - BRING BACK OUR BORDERS!
  • Patriotism - Ah, a true patriot! America First!
  • Manosphere - A valuable ally against the hordes of degenerates and feminists.
  • Maternalism - All women should be housewives.
  • National Democracy - My Polish equivalent, which is ultra-based and epic, to say the least.
  • Perotism - A moderate but very good ally of Buchanan.
  • Braunism - The promising guy from Poland. It's good you are trying to restore your traditions. Great job attempting to chase off The Ukrainian Neo-Nazis and Neocons. Well done spraying off the Hanukkah candle!
  • Feiglinism - The least bad Zionist because he wants Israel to stop leeching American money.


  • Alt-Lite - Alt-what? There is no such thing as alt-left or alt-right, so stop spending time online & get back to the factory.
  • Alt-Right - While you may have normalized my ideology among today's youth, I really think you need to take some time off the internet and gaming, kid... (also, stop apologia for anti-American Nazis)
  • Libertarian Conservatism - Ron Paul is an real patriot and I respect his views. Although I do wish he embraced the state more.
  • National Libertarianism - One of the best kinds of libertarians, but you should embrace the state more.
  • Helvetic Model - You're more culturally ambiguous than paleobert and natbert, but I like that your current dominant party is conservative and retains neutrality, making you surprisingly close to me. No matter who gets elected, you are still the greatest country in Europe.
  • McInnesism - You're great and support many Paleocons, but I'd like you more if you didn't support giving Israel all our money.
  • White Nationalism - George Wallace liked you but the rest do not. You're also really bad for PR now-a-days, even amongst fellow WASPs.
  • Jacksonian Democracy - I wouldn’t have had anything against you if not for Manifest Destiny. Too late to apologize for the Trail of Tears though
  • Korwinism - Based Pole, he's "groping" leftists and NATO just perfectly however you are a playboy with dozens of children!
  • Libertarianism - Fine people with some great ideas but they don't like the state much and are not conservative enough... and Stone and Parker are degenerates.
  • Anarcho-Capitalism - Same as above but even wackier, Rothbard was a good friend, even if you are lawless.
  • Hoppeanism - You may be an extreme paleolibertarian but I won't tolerate those rebellious, degenerate anarchists, including you. Physically removing s***mites is based
  • Anarcho-Pacifism - Lawless and culturally apathetic, but peaceful like me.
  • Shapiroism - I normally don't want anything to do with a Zionist free-trader like you, but John Doyle thinks you've been a net positive on the conservative movement.[30].
  • Trumpism - You had such promise, I thought you would be a true paleocon like us. But you bombed Syria and Yemen and kept giving Israel our money, which is why Tucker turned on you. At least you implemented protectionism, increased border security (even if not as much as I wanted), and removed tr**ns from the armed forces (I wanted to downsize it anyway). Greene rules but you must stop hanging out with Pompeo, Mosbacher, and Rubio, you got rid of Pompeo so that's a triumph, yet, Vance isn't good enough.
  • Progressive Conservatism - You're not a REAL conservative, but Pat Buchanan worked with Perot.
  • Anarcho-Conservatism - Based conservatism, but with anarchy for some reason? What's that all about?
  • Conservative Liberalism - Good for a liberal. For a conservative, shameful. Burke was a great influence and while Prager himself may be a Zionist warmonger, he lets me appear on his show from time to time. However, Churchill was a disgusting Zionist (just read Pat's book and you'll see). Australian Liberals and Thatcher also suck.
  • Eco-Conservatism and Environmentalism - I agree with both of you on the fact that we must protect the environment. However, I also believe in limited government and therefore can't do much about it. I still won't forgive that idiot Nixon for trampling on my rights!
  • National Liberalism - On one hand, gonna give credit to UKIP for opposing NATO and the EU, despite being indifferent to sodomites, and Enoch Powell was pretty good too. On the other hand, Taiwanese DPP and Sternenko are annoying NATO simps.
  • Reactionary Liberalism - A more extreme version of conlib, argues with me on free trade vs protectionism. But Gilley and Bolsonaro are terrible.
  • Paternalistic Conservatism - Tucker Carlson is EXTREMELY BASED! Peter Hitchens is also vastly preferable to his annoying libtard brother. But PiS and One-Nation Conservatives are horrible Atlanticists (not to mention I prefer Powell and Korwin), while Gabbard is a literal weathervane.
  • Welfare Chauvinism - You're too nationalistic even by my standards. But you're a fan of Tucker too, so I guess you're alright.
  • Police Statism - Well, it depends: ICE and DEA are working just fine, the FBI and the NSA need serious reshuffling, and the CIA needs to be dissolved outright.
  • Castroism - While you may still be a commie from which I have no love, we both agree we need to shut down my "brother's" Guantanamo Bay torture chamber. And it was that "brother" who antagonized you first with all his assassination attempts (thankfully, he failed).
  • Dengism - Nixon's alliance with China was a grave mistake that caused the decline of American domestic industry. But at least now you are becoming more conservative and anti-NATO. I wouldn't have taken any action against you anyway outside of restricting trade.
  • Ho Chi Minh Thought - Yes, I opposed the Vietnam War, but I have no love for socialism. Such a shame you later became pro-NATO and are kinda pro-Israel.
  • Juche - Unlike him, you still hate NATO, support cultural conservatism, and are protectionist, which is good. But I still don't support socialism and you are against Christianity (I won't take action against you anyway). And he's too isolationist even for me
  • Socialism of the 21st Century, Chavismo and Left-Wing Populism - Again, I am not a fan of socialism and some of you are degenerate, but we all agree America should stop intervening in your countries.
  • Arab Socialism, Ba'athism, Habashism, and Bundism - And again, I'm no commie or leftie, but we both agree that NATO should stay out of the middle east.
  • Industrialism - BRING BACK OUR FACTORIES! Then I'm gonna like you once again.
  • Catholic Theocracy - Pat likes you but I prefer Protestantism over you. I do admire Traditionalist Catholicism.
  • Orthodox Theocracy - I like your attitude toward these guys, but I prefer Protestantism & Traditionalist Catholicism.
  • Theodemocracy - You're weird, but conservative and patriotic, so that's good. But Mitt Romney is terrible.
  • Putinism - While Putin may be imperialist, I like how he triggers the liberals and sodomites. The only reason you're our enemy is that Obuma and Sleepy Joe instigated the war in Ukraine. Many of my followers such as Ron Paul, Taylor Greene, and Tucker Carlson often defend his good actions from NATO war hawks.
  • Fourth Theory - Even more aggressively expansionist than him, but even more triggering for those punks . Besides, Jones kinda likes you... I won't do anything against you anyway.
  • Reactionaryism - I get that you want to turn things back, but I’m more fond of the 1920s and 1880s than the Middle Ages or Antiquity.
  • Khomeinism - I like how you annoy that interventionist and you oppose Zionism, but I will never forgive your violence towards Christians. (I still won't intervene) Why work with Neocons during the Iran-Contra scandal
  • Talibanism - Congratulations on steadfastly holding your line against those interventionist warmongers! But, y'know, Islam is still an enemy of our civilization and unwelcome here (I won't take any action against them outside of building a wall)... Your attitudes towards women and especially degenerates are most definitely based, though.He is almost like me but with a different religion and more unhinged.

Degenerate Punks

  • Liberalism - Curse you, and stop making the faqaaooreakin frogs homog*y! Do ya understand that?
  • Democratism - The SJWs are taking over America!!!!! Some of us have historically been a part of your party when it was much more conservative.
  • Third Way - Woke global hawkism is my worst nightmare.
  • Progressivism - Are you triggered yet? I remember the good ol' days when we protested against the Vietnam War. Also, you often agree with me on them, albeit for different reasons.
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - Huh, so I guess "Alt-Left" is a thing... Now watch yourself you hippie trash, or I'll wash your damn mouth!
  • Marxism–Leninism - Free speech is important but not gonna lie, I love it whenever you get censored. You are right about Israel and NATO. I would not have supported any intervention against you anyway.
  • Cultural Marxism - The fact that you're trying to make us gay and try to sneak into colleges is horrible, cancel culture and contaminated water won't help you. Lasch is pretty cool, though.
  • State Liberalism - This is the future that the neoliberal warmongers and Cultural Marxists want!
  • Liberal Conservatism - RINO trash!
  • Rockefeller Republicanism - You paved the way for those RINOs and you're not even a conservative! At least during Ike there was peace, and he was also skeptical of the military-industrial complex mumbo-jumbo.
  • Homoconservatism - There's no such thing as a traditionalist degenerate. Stop normalizing your sodomy propaganda to our children, you're not a real conservative, you are a RINO!
  • Paleoprogressivism - These RINOs exist, thanks to you, interventionist cuck! I do agree that we need to be sympathetic to the environment, though the government should stay out of it.
  • Neoconservatism - Exactly what do you conserve? You're just a globalist who wants to divert money to Israel, the CIA, and the armed forces, and kill foreign civilians and even some of your own countrymen. America First, not Israel/NATO First.
  • Trotskyism - Neocons unmasked. I may have no love for Stalin, but you were worse and deserved the icepick.
  • Posadism - If interventions are not stopped, they will eventually escalate into a nuclear war.
    • Problem, boomer?
  • New Deal Liberalism - Since FDR, every US president was either a godless freemason, a warmongering interventionist, or a combination of both.
  • Imperialism - We don’t need an American empire. Be happy with what we have already. But I won't take action AGAINST imperialism (see: my stance on imperialism done by the east), since that would make me no better. And I don't want to undo America's previous conquests.
  • Nazism - Why does Fuentes and his Groyper army defend anti-American warmongers like you? But I'm not really sure about the Holocaust, not that I care.
  • Stratocracy - Withdraw the troops! No more wars!
  • Feminism - Kitchen is where you belong, female! Also, women shouldn't say bad words! RT if you agree.
  • Liberal Feminism - Stop flying drones and go back to ironing shirts.
  • Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism - Says that Christian paternalism and protectionism aren't something a small government does. Pssh, what does she know? At least we agree NATO sucks.
  • Anarchism - Screw you, the state is awesome!
  • Zionism - Stop making us waste tax dollars, you tiny hat haver!
    • We aren't the Antichrist, we aren't making you drink corn syrup yet, calm down, boomer.
  • Fully Automated Gay Space Communism - ...are you not just the UN again? Anyways, bugger off, NOW!
  • Globalism - Curse you, globalist elite! America First!
  • Queer Anarchism - IS THAT MY STORE?
  • Men's Liberation - Stay in your traditional masculine role, and stop acting like a brat! FUCK YOU!
  • Pink Capitalism - Get your wokeness away from me.
  • Xenofeminism - CRINGE TIMES TEN.
  • Secular Satanism - Satanism AND atheism? This is probabl- no, DEFINITELY the worst ideology ever.
  • Satanic Theocracy - He is right, neocons and zionists are satanic.
  • Khrushchevism - I'M NOT DRINKING YOUR CORN SYRUP!!! Anyway, the only reason you are an enemy of America is that Kennedy libtard placed nukes in Turkey.
  • Anarcho-Nihilism - Oh my lord! How DARE you insult my god! You're gonna burn in hell!
  • Social Democracy and Democratic Socialism - GO AWAY FAR LEFT COMMIES!!! At least DSA agrees with me on interventionism.
  • Maoism - Probably the single worst ideology - a proto-SJW Marxist who allied with that Nixon moron.
  • Pol Potism - Yet another godless red maniac funded by NATO.
  • Indigenism - What do you mean I'm not a real anti-imperialist? I'll still enforce my WASP ethics on your people, and won't undo the conquests.


Further Information

Wikipedia and other Encyclopedias






Online Communities




  1. How Donald Trump BURIED the NeoCons in 2 Years (2015-2017)
  2. Is America Becoming a Third World Country?
  3. How Donald Trump BURIED the NeoCons in 2 Years (2015-2017)
  5. 5.0 5.1 Rockwell, Lew "The Case for Paleo-libertarianism" (PDF). Liberty (January 1990): 34–38. Archived from the original (PDF) on September 7, 2018. Retrieved January 28, 2020.
  6. 6.0 6.1 De Coster, Karen (December 2, 2003). "Paleolibertarianism". Archived September 27, 2018, at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved January 28, 2020.
  7. During his tenure, Long was an avowed isolationist and claimed that American foreign policy in Latin America was influenced by Standard Oil and Wall Street. He opposed American entry into the Permanent Court of International Justice and criticized American involvement in the Spanish–American War and World War I.
  8. Despite self-identifying as paleoconservative in the past and supporting many of them, McInnes has described himself as "vehemently pro-Israel," putting him against the majority of paleoconservatives who oppose Zionism.
  9. Raimondo, Justin (1993). Reclaiming the American Right: The Lost Legacy of the Conservative Movement. Burlingame, California: Center for Libertarian Studies.
  10. Mudde, Cas (August 28, 2015). "The Trump phenomenon and the European populist radical right". The Washington Post. Retrieved May 28, 2020.
  11. Fleming, Thomas (September 8, 2005). "Ethics 01A.1: Gay Marriage, Democracy". Chronicles. Rockford, Illinois: Rockford Institute. Archived from the original on September 27, 2006. Retrieved August 27, 2006.
  12. Matthews, Dillon. "The alt-right is more than warmed-over white supremacy. It's that, but way way weirder". Vox. Vox Media Inc. Retrieved August 4, 2019.
  13. Larison, Daniel. "How Paleo and Fusionist Conservatism Differ". American Conservative Union Foundation. Archived from the original on February 5, 2004. Retrieved January 27, 2018.
  14. Gottfried, Paul (1993) [1988]. The Conservative Movement (rev. ed.). Boston, Massachusetts: Twayne Publishers.
  15. (2006). "Paleoconservatism". In Frohnen, Bruce; Beer, Jeremy; Nelson, Jeffrey O. (eds.). American Conservatism: An Encyclopedia. Wilmington, Delaware: ISI Books. pp. 651–652.
  16. (2017) [1999]. "Introduction: Paleoconservatism as the Opposition Party". In Scotchie, Joseph (ed.). The Paleoconservatives: New Voices of the Old Right. London: Routledge. pp. 1–15.
  17. Judis, John B. (October 3, 1999). "The Buchanan Doctrine". The New York Times. Retrieved January 27, 2018.
  18. Rockwell, Lew. "The Case for Paleo-libertarianism" (PDF) on September 7, 2018.
  19. Kenny Johnsson, Do You Consider Yourself a Libertarian?, interview with Lew Rockwell, May 25, 2007.
  20. Rockwell, Llewellyn H. (May 2, 2002). "What I Learned From Paleoism".
  28. Elliot, Debbie, Elliot (June 11, 2003), Wallace in the Schoolhouse Door: Marking the 40th Anniversary of Alabama's Civil Rights Standoff Retrieved October 10, 2022
  29. Carter, Dan T. (1996), From George Wallace to Newt Gingrich: Race in the Conservative Counterrevolution, 1963–1994, Louisiana State University Press. pp. 46–48. ISBN 978-0195076806. Retrieved October 10, 2022
