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"Never came reformation in a flood."

Reformism is a Non-Quadrant ideology that advocates for the reform of an existing system or institution instead of its abolition and replacement.





Centrolew (Centre-left) was political coalition in interwar Poland. It was created after the 1928 parliamentary election. Said election was first after 1926 May Coup which was beginning of sanation rule.

Main goal of the coalition was countering Piłsudski's camp and protecting democracy. Centrolew included centre and centre-left parties, namely: Polish People's Party "Piast", National Workers' Party, Polish People's Party "Liberation", Polish Socialist Party, as well as German Socialist Labour Party of Poland and minor Christian Democratic parties.

During 1930 elections, politicians of Centrolew were subjected to political trials and imprisoned in the Brest Fortress. The coalition was defeated in the elections and broke up.

Beliefs and Foundations

Reformism believes for the reform of an existing system or institution instead of its abolition and replacement. There are typically many types of Reformism, not just left and right. Here are some examples:


Left-reformists either want to regulate capitalism with left-wing policies such as unions, welfare and regulations, or transition peacefully into a post-capitalist society by means of electoral politics as opposed to revolution or other method.


Right-reformists want to gradually implement right-wing policies to free the market, such as privatization, tax cuts or deregulation.

Fusion Reformism

Fusion reformists hold a pragmatic approach between left-reformism and right-reformism. They advocate for free markets, competition and privatisation but it does so in a way that collaborates with tax reforms and dynamics, welfare and a stance between economic intervention and market freedom.

Cultural Reformism

Cultural reformists want to reform traditions and cultural practices, so that they can address social and cultural issues and adapt to modern social and cultural values.

Police Reformism

Police reformists want to gradually implement values to aspects of accountability, policing, triaining and community, improving them and ensuring a more just approach to policing.

Personality and Behaviour

Reformism is very peaceful and hates political violence. It believes everything can be done through reform. He tries to get along with everyone, making most ideologies think is egalitarian, though he doesn't always support egalitarianism.

How to Draw

Flag of Reformism
  1. Draw a ball,
  2. Color it light blue,
  3. Draw 3 white humans holding hands,
  4. Draw eyes and then you're done!
Color NameHEXRGB
 Light Blue#3ABAC4rgb(58, 186, 196)
 White#FFFFFFrgb(255, 255, 255)





Further Information



