American Model
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."
The American Model, simply put, is the political and economic model of the United States. American Model uses capitalism as its economic system, and loves to talk about the virtues of free enterprise. Additionally, American Model believes in maintaining a liberal society, upholding strong civil liberties for every citizen, such as
freedom of expression and
the right to bear arms, as well as advocating for
representative democracy and
republicanism. American Model subscribes to
federalism, granting states and localities some independence from the central government. American Model loves guns and knows how to use them.
Frontier Thesis
Frontierism shortened simply to Front is the ideological inspiration to Anarcho-Frontierism without the
Anarchism. Frontierism is based on the lifestyle of the American West (frontier) during the age of Manifest Destiny, it advocates for
Nationalism and
Federalism. Values differ from person to person but generally it is economically right-centered, diplomatically left, civilly left-centered, and societally left-centered.
Progressive Americana
Progressive Americana is a culturally left ideology that is influenced by
Progressive Conservatism. Like most other
Progressives, Progressive Americana believes in homosexual and trans rights, drug legalization, is pro-choice, and supportive of alternative lifestyles. But unlike most
progressives and
modern liberals, Progressive Americana embraces the small-town "down on the farm" culture associated with the Midwestern/Southern
United States which is a more
conservative part of the nation. Progressive Americana encourages this "Home-on-the-range" lifestyle to be more inclusive towards all races and ethnicities.
Browderism is a revisionist branch of Marxism-Leninism which embraces American values and mainstream American politics and shifting away from revolutionary Socialism. Earl Browder believed Socialism was an extension of the traditions started by The American founding fathers
Browderism rejects abolition of class, rather supporting class collaboration.
Browder notably said "Communism is 20th century Americanism"
Wilsonian Idealism
Wilsonian Idealism refers to the foreign policy and framework of President Woodrow Wilson based on the concept of 'Pax-Americana' and the spreading of Liberal Democracy, free trade, collective security, and open diplomacy abroad. Woodrow Wilson was a foundational figure in American global hegemony, begging with The United States intervention in World War I in 1917.
American Model is a mixture of a lot of ideologies, including Representative Democracy,
Federalism, and several other ideologies. It is based in the values of freedom and democracy, with many presidents giving a personal influence to America's ideology. Currently there are two main parties which influence America,
The Republican Party and
The Democratic Party. Check the respective pages. Oh, and don't forget
gun rights.
Personality and Behavior
American Model talks in american english, using a lot of american slang. He’s typically an alright guy, but he can often be vulgar. He is very proud of America, which can often manifest as ignorance and/or arrogance. He can be seen enjoying American culture, sometimes overindulgently, eating too much sometimes.
He hates ideologies which do not support freedom and democracy, and frequently uses military or economic intervention to try overthrow them. He likes most USA ideologies, and the founding fathers are his idols.
Loves all things American like Apple Pie (which comes from England), burgers (which likely originated in Hamburg, Germany), and Thanksgiving.
How to draw
- Draw a ball
- Fill ball in with dark blue (#3C3B6E)
- In white, draw the Liberty Bell in the middle
- Draw 4 white stars, one in each corner surrounding the bell
- Add eyes et voila!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Dark Blue | #3C3B6E | rgb(60, 59, 110) | |
White | #FFFFFF | rgb(255, 255, 255) |
Classical Liberalism - The ideology of our founding fathers.
Constitutionalism - A single copy of the greatest set of values known to man.
Roman Republicanism - I took a lot of influence from you.
Republicanism - 1776, never forget!
Liberalism &
Capitalism - Very important American values.
Imperialism - Gotta manifest that destiny!
Presidentialism - We need a leader, but he can't have TOO much power.
Jeffersonian Democracy - Another of my founding fathers!
Hamiltonianism - Helped me with my banking system.
Neoliberalism - Thanks for carrying my values to the current day!
Neoconservatism - "There is no moral center in Europe....... the only reason this (the attempt to stop Bosnian genocide) is happening now is because USA finally understanding her role." -
Joe Biden
Neo-Libertarianism - Probably one of the most American ideologies ever!
Third Way - Don't you why you support this welfare crap but you're one the popular ideologies among the Democrats.
Bull Moose Progressivism - Thanks for expanding the Empire of Liberty!
Paleoconservatism - In God we trust! Why the isolationism? The American Empire is based.
Patriotism - God bless America!
Zionism - I'm a proud member of AIPAC! Also, I'm the first country to recognize you and give you weapons so you can fight those terrorists!
Helvetic Model - When the constitution was written, we basically copied yours, and now you remind me of Paleoconservatism. You need to adapt to modern times.
Stratocracy - A good boy during The Cold War! I still remember helping you coup democratically elected socialists!
Zelenskyism - Supporting Ukraine's sovereignty against Russia!
Homoconservatism - My gay friend!
Civic Nationalism and
Interculturalism - The best national and cultural models!
Democratism &
American Republicanism - My main major parties, you all try to make Uncle Sam a better place.
Jingoism - America, F*ck Yeah!
Freemasonry - Most of my founding fathers were you.
I SHALL DO YOUR BIDDING, MASTER.Corporatocracy - Thanks for the lobbying money.Theodemocracy - American exceptionalism as a religion?! Based! (Esther 2:12)
Sorry about the whole Utah war thing... No, Deseret can't declare independanceSecularism - "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."
No, I will not remove 'In God we Trust' as the official motto
Libertarianism - Don't worry pal, you'll get your 5 minutes eventually... I am still kind of a symbol for you.
Progressivism - Many of my modern values support him, but he's far too critical of me.
Democracy - The perfect government system.
Wait what do you mean I'm classed as a flawed democracy?Authoritarian Capitalism &
Authoritarian Conservatism - That's way too far……
Though I don't mind backing some of your followers in the rest of the world if it suits my interests.Police Statism - Too far, but a strong police force is good.
Police brutality goes brrrrrrrrIndigenism - Hey, sorry about the whole "genocide" thing. You're cool with your reservations, right?
Not really sorry, I just don't want to seem racist or to let my followers to suffer guilt, and if I could, I would gladly do it again.Black Nationalism - Look, I get we wronged you too many times, but can you stop begging for reparations?
The Black Panthers are still garbage and they got wrecked epic style.White Nationalism - We used to be close friends, but times have changed.
LGBT - I'll leave it to the parties.
Feminism - Your rights are protected by the 19th amendment, stop complaining about Dobbs v. Jackson.
Multiculturalism - I am fine with different cultures in detention in my country, but stop complaining about border controls
and keeping children in cages.Gaullism - You were an important ally during WWII, but why do you hate me so much?
You tried to overthrow me secretly just because I refused to take part in your wars and I just believe that you're using
NATO just for the sake of dominating the world, which was exactly why I left their integrated military command structure.
I don't care though.
Nordic Model - The nords are great allies, I don't understand this whole "Democratic Socialism" rubbish though...
Wait, what do you mean you're actually Capitalists??Dengism - I am on good terms with Deng and Jiang, but Xi Jinping is the enemy of the West, and he literally genocides the innocent Uyghurs in Xinjiang!
Ignore the fact that Deng and Jiang has done similar things like thatJihadism - I killed your goddamn soldiers! But we also helped you to rise in Afghanistan against the USSR. [2]
Irredentism - Is Greenland still for sale?
National Capitalism - Aren't you that
Nazi again?
Thanks for the scientists.Silver Legionism - My weird son, you are a patriot indeed, but your support for
him is disappointing.
European Federalism - It's complicated...
Europoor!British Model - We have a very special relationship, don't understand the desire for Monarchism and public social programs though
Protestant Theocracy - Theocracy is always cringe, but I was inspired by Presbyterian theology. The American revolution was even nicknamed "The Presbyterian Rebellion"
Longism - One of our best governors, maybe a bit too Socialistic for my liking
Kakistocracy - We have some of the most intelligent people and best universities, some of us believe chocolate milk comes from brown cows. Also, cope and seethe about the TikTok ban.
Ho Chi Minh Thought - We might’ve been at war one time, but you might be useful in countering
Agent Orange go brrrrrrr.
Foreign Adversaries
Marxism–Leninism - Communist detected on American soil. Lethal force engaged.
Ignore that I helped him build much of his industrial capacity and provided him Lend-Lease during WW2.Xi Jinping Thought - Sinxe the collapse of teh USSR in 1991, the CCP has currently been our greatest threat!
I’M GONNA KILL YOU!1!!Socialism - "Communism, Socialism, call it what you like, there's very little difference in the 2!"
Christian Theocracy - Separation of church and state!
Wait, that wasn't in the Constitution?Monarchism - NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!
Absolute Monarchism - Sic semper tyrannis!
Confederatism - Each Dixie boy must understand that he must mind his Uncle Sam!
Hydrarchy - Never forget the Barbary wars!
Anarcho-Capitalism - I AM NOT A TYRANNY!
Post-Leftism - Get a job.
Showa Statism - You deserved those damn nukes!
Putinism - Look, we could have been friends but your greed just escalated and WW3 is near!
Fourth Theory - THE ABOVE'S MASTER!
National Bolshevism - Two of the most unamerican ideologies combined.
Left-Wing Nationalism &
Monarcho-Socialism - New Jewel Movement get rekt.
Isolationism - Never again!
Separatism - Texas V. White NEVER FORGET!
Social Democracy &
Welfarism - There's no free lunch over here! Pay for your healthcare, bludger!
Khomeinism - Who do you call "The Great Satan, The Wounded Snake"?!
State Atheism - Our first admendment guarantees freedom of religion.
Guevarism - Communist scum!
Nazism &
Fascism - We kicked your asses back in '45!
Reactionaryism - Yes, we don't have ancient architecture, who cares?
Fitzhughism - A dixie boy who hates modern architecture and capitalism? You are my worst nightmare apart from the guy below.
Anti-Americanism - If you hate our nation so much, why can't you just leave?
Revolutionary Progressivism - You are very problematic, you damn commie (at least we both hate fashies and nazis).
Regulationism - The freer the market, the freer the people!
The Roosevelts were based thoBa'athism - WHERE ARE THE WMDs?
Anarcho-Nihilism - How dare you hate dems and reps, true democracy, capitalism and the military-industrial complex?
Gaddafism - Arab spring go brrrrrrrr
Ultranationalism -
The Corpse has drawn out this ability. D4C has progressed to a higher level!I love America, but I think that this is a little too much... Also, many of you are straight up against other people coming to our country, when that's what grew America to what it's become.... Give me your tired, your poor, and huddle masses begging for Freedom!Alt-Right - Neo-Nazi Hitler apologists be like: "HiTlEr DiD nOtHiNg WrOnG!!! ThE hOlOcAuSt NeVeR hApPeNeD!!! YoU sTiLl BeLiEvE iN jEwIsH lIeS???" My brother in Christ, even
the Germans are disgusted by your conspiracy theories.
External Links
Online Communites
- The Constitution of the United States: A Transcription
- United States
- Americans
- Culture of the United States
- Americanism
- American nationalism
- American Dream
- American way
- Politics of the United States
- United States Bill of Rights
- Republicanism in the United States
- American Enlightenment
- American Enlightenment Thought
- The Federalist Papers
- What are American values? What is important to Americans?
- Six Basic American Cultural Values
- American Political Culture (sparknotes)
- American Political Culture (
- American Political Culture (lumenlearning)
American Model outside of the United States
- United States Constitution and worldwide influence
- Constitution of the Republic of Texas (1836)
- Liberian Constitution of 1847 (original)
- Constitution of the Philippines (1935 as of 1947)
- Constitution of Japan (1947)
- A Draft Constitution For The Commonwealth of Canada (somewhat)
- N.M. Muravyov's Decembrist Constitutional project
- A draft Federal European Constitution of ten articles
- Second Nigerian Republicand Fourth Nigerian Republic
- Constitution of Australia
TV Tropes
- Indexed States of America
- Eagleland
- Useful Notes - United States
Frontier Thesis
- America could be a Utopia by
- How Americans Got So Stupid by
- A Guide to American Liberalism by
Ryan Chapman
- Why Are Identity Politics So Intense in America? by
Ryan Chapman
Fictional Interpretations
- Independents (An Independent in 2000)
New California Republic (Fallout)
- The American Spirit (Land of the Free 12- FINAL)
Osean Federation (Ace Combat series) (Allegory on the United States)
- A Fictional History of the United States