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Internationalism is an ideology that stresses the benefits of greater cooperation between nations. It advocates that humans should unite across national boundaries to advance a common cause or interest. Being a broad term, it is similar to Globalism and Cosmopolitanism, but is generally distinct in the way that internationalism is less extreme than the two (e.g. doesn't necessarily want a one-world government or to mix cultures, etc).

Internationalism can be advocated for many different reasons. Economic internationalism supports states cooperating with each other to improve economic relations with each other; an example of this is the European Union. Another form of internationalism includes diplomatic/foreign interventionism, popular with ideologies such as Neoconservatism. Historically, socialist movements have used internationalism to unite communists worldwide against class struggle.



Internationalism believes in working across national borders to spread the ideas of a particular movement or ideology.


Internationalism is a very friendly ball, and always willing to reach out to friends. Upon being given the opportunity like to stop conflicts and end arguments, very big fan of geography and can name most countries and their best qualities.

They may be presented by the artist as working in an international embassy.


Far-Right Internationalism

Far-Right internationalism is the belief that far-right movements across different countries should cooperate, united by shared ideologies or common enemies. These groups work together to promote common goals and values that often include anti-immigration, anti-globalization and cultural conservatism. Far-right internationalism manifests in political alliances, international conferences, and online networks while opposing international organizations and left-wing ideologies. In the West, this ideology may include islamophobic sentiments, while right-internationalist Islamist ideologies such as Jihadism and Khomeinism may promote anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism. This phenomenon highlights the paradox of nationalist and ultranationalist groups seeking global cooperation while promoting xenophobia or racism at the same time.

Reactionary Internationalism

A related concept is Reactionary Internationalism, namely, a network of cooperation between reactionary movements across state borders seeking to preserve a (usually absolute monarchical) status quo. Arguably the most famous example is the Holy Alliance established by the Austrian chancellor Klemens von Metternich, the Prussian king Friedrich Wilhelm III and the Russian emperor Alexander I with the intent of allowing for assistance between the monarchs, as well as preventing wars and revolutions in Europe. For a while, the Alliance included most continental European countries and participated in the suppression of early 1820s revolutionary wave, but the disagreement over the Greek war of independence led to a quick decline of the union. By the time of Tsar Alexander's passing in 1825 the Holy Alliance mostly existed on paper, as most of its members put their national interests ahead of the union. As Russia's relationships with France deteriorated once again after the July Revolution of 1830 brought the liberal House of Orléans to the throne in Paris, Nicholas I attempted to revive the Holy Alliance. It was partially with this purpose that the Russian army suppressed the 1848 Hungarian uprising; however, Austria stayed out of the Crimean War several years later along with Prussia, which meant the effective dissolution of the Holy Alliance.

Liberal Internationalism

See: Liberalism

Libertarian Internationalism

Libertarian Internationalism is the belief that the world should promote libertarian values. One such association whose mission is the promotion of libertarian politics around the globe is the International Alliance of Libertarian Parties, also known as the IALP.

Proletarian Internationalism

Proletarian Internationalism is the belief that proletarian revolutions are all part of a single class-based global conflict against the capitalist bourgeois class. Proletarian Internationalists believe in uniting the working class across national borders to bring about socialism, hence the slogan "Workers of the world, unite!".

How to Draw

EU-Like Design

  1. Draw a ball and color it Cyan.
  2. Draw a circle of white circles.
  3. (Optional) Add a blue flag pin.
  4. Add eyes.
  5. Done.
Color NameHEXRGB
 Cyan#00C8FFrgb(0, 200, 255)
 White#FFFFFFrgb(255, 255, 255)
 Blue#1626CErgb(22, 38, 206)

LeftValues Design

This design is based on the LeftValues icon for Internationalism

  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill in the ball with a dark pinkish-purple
  3. Draw a black circle in the center.
  4. Add a curved grid to a circle.
  5. (Optional) Add a red flag pin.
  6. Add eyes.
  7. Done.
Color NameHEXRGB
 Dark Pinkish Purple#782F52rgb(120, 47, 82)
 Black#141414rgb(20, 20, 20)
 Red#FF0000rgb(255, 0, 0)





Further Information


