Civil Libertarianism: Difference between revisions

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*[[File:Mansphere.png]] [[Manosphere]] - Some of my followers like you but you can be an annoying authcon.
*[[File:Mansphere.png]] [[Manosphere]] - Some of my followers like you but you can be an annoying authcon.
*[[File:Conservative.png]] [[Conservatism]] - I don't see how you can be a small government type of man but if you want the tradition to be respected and spread, then go on just don't throw it in people's faces.
*[[File:Conservative.png]] [[Conservatism]] - I don't see how you can be a small government type of man but if you want the tradition to be respected and spread, then go on just don't throw it in people's faces.
*[[File:Reactlib.png]] [[Reactionary Liberalism]] - ... Let's just say you are more expressed than [[File:Conlib.png]] [[Conservative Liberalism]].
*[[File:Reactlib.png]] [[Reactionary Liberalism]] - ...Let's just say you are more expressive than [[File:Conlib.png]] [[Conservative Liberalism]].

Line 216: Line 216:
*[[File:Necon.png]] [[Neoconservatism]] - Why do you hate Edward Snowden?! He is a literal hero! You're just a precarious ideology riddled with corruption and imperialism. And please just repeal the Patriot Act already!
*[[File:Necon.png]] [[Neoconservatism]] - Why do you hate Edward Snowden?! He is a literal hero! You're just a precarious ideology riddled with corruption and imperialism. And please just repeal the Patriot Act already!
*[[File:Neobert.png]] [[Neo-Libertarianism]] - Even if you're better than above you still hate whistleblowers and most of you are conservatives idiots like Shapiro, Kirk, Kogos, Prince, etc...
*[[File:Neobert.png]] [[Neo-Libertarianism]] - Even if you're better than above you still hate whistleblowers and most of you are conservatives idiots like Shapiro, Kirk, Kogos, Prince, etc...
*[[File:Putin.png]] [[Kleptocracy|Putinism]] - See just because I hate neocons doesn't mean I'm gonna ever support you in any way. <s>But Amnesty International is soft towards you.</s>
*[[File:Putin.png]] [[Kleptocracy|Putinism]] - See just because I hate neocons doesn't mean I'm gonna ever support you in any way. <s>Though Amnesty International is soft towards you.</s>
*[[File:Christy.png]] [[Christian Theocracy]] - Haha Obergefell v. Hodges go brrr!
*[[File:Christy.png]] [[Christian Theocracy]] - Haha Obergefell v. Hodges go brrr!
*[[File:StateathFedora.png]] [[State Atheism]] - State-enforced atheism isn't any better than state-enforced religion. And it doesn't help how you seem to love atheism so much that you practically worship it as if it's just another religion.
*[[File:StateathFedora.png]] [[State Atheism]] - State-enforced atheism isn't any better than state-enforced religion. And it doesn't help how you seem to love atheism so much that you practically worship it as if it's just another religion.
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*[ Civil Libertarianism]
*[ Civil Libertarianism] [[File:Civlibert.png]]
*[ Civil liberties]
*[ Civil liberties] [[File:Civlibert.png]]
*[ Harm principle]
*[ Harm principle] [[File:Mill.png]]
*[ Victimless crime]
*[ Victimless crime] [[File:Illeg.png]]
*[ Drug liberalization]
*[ Drug liberalization] [[File:ProDrug.png]]
*[ Reproductive rights]
*[ Reproductive rights] [[File:AntiAntiAbortion.png]]
*[ Children's rights]
*[ Children's rights]
*[ Right of self-defense]
*[ Right of self-defense] [[File:GRights.png]]
*[ Right to keep and bear arms]
*[ Right to keep and bear arms] [[File:GRights.png]]
*[ Right to a healthy environment]
*[ Right to a healthy environment] [[File:Glib.png]]
*[ Digital rights]
*[ Digital rights] [[File:Neotech.png]]
*[ Right to sexuality]
*[ Right to sexuality] [[File:Sexocracy.png]]
*[ Cultural liberalism]
*[ Cultural liberalism] [[File:CultLib.png]]
*[ Joyce Lee Malcoln]
*[ Joyce Lee Malcoln] [[File:GRights.png]]
*[[File:AmnestyInternational.png]] [ Amnesty International]
*[ Amnesty International] [[File:AmnestyInternational.png]]
*[ Human Rights Watch]
*[ Human Rights Watch] [[File:HumanRights.png]]
*[[File:ADL.png]] [ Anti-Defamation League]
*[ Anti-Defamation League] [[File:ADL.png]]

Line 266: Line 266:

*[ 10 Stupid Arguments Against Free Speech] by [[File:DankulaCap.png]] [[Satirism|Count Dankula]]
*[ 10 Stupid Arguments Against Free Speech] by [[File:DankulaCap.png]] [[Satirism|Count Dankula]]
*[ Free Speech, Explained Simply] by Ryan Chapman
*[ Free Speech, Explained Simply] by [[File:Soclib.png]] [[Social Liberalism|Ryan Chapman]]
*[ The Free Speech "Problem"] by [[File:Nalib.png]] [[National Liberalism|ShortFatOtaku]]
*[ The Free Speech "Problem"] by [[File:Nalib.png]] [[National Liberalism|ShortFatOtaku]]

Revision as of 15:21, 19 April 2023

Civil Libertarianism is a civically libertarian and economically variable ideology. It is a form of Libertarianism who believes in the expansion and preservation of civil liberties. Distinct from right libertarianism because he is focused on fighting for a legal system centered around the harm principle, privacy and civil rights without any interest in economic liberalism. Sometimes he can be portrayed as a scholar with nerdy expertise of the law and philosophy. He is also not to be confused with Social Libertarianism, despite having similar policies.

Despite his name he often clashes with right libertarians by opposing private coercion as much as state authoritarianism. Typically he gets along well with center-left and lib-left balls at least until his free speech absolutism and opposition to hate speech laws angers them.


Civil Liberalism

Civil Liberalism is the more moderate version of civil libertarianism, sharing the same core beliefs while leaning more heavily into moderate liberal philosophy rather than full on libertarianism.



Harm Principle

Civil Libertarianism's main ideological foundation is the harm principle, which is a philosophical belief that actions should only be limited to prevent harm to other people.


Civil Libertarianism supports a strong demarcation between separation of church and secularism while eliminating discrimination based off of religious beliefs.


Civil Libertarianism is a feminist ideology that supports policies which achieve equality for both genders. These policies include things like abortion rights, anti-discrimination laws, and the right to vote & own property.

Drug Liberalization

Along with supporting the legalization of cannabis, Civil Libertarianism also supports the complete decriminalization or even legalization of all drugs in general, believing that zero tolerance policies have done more harm than good in addressing the issue of drug addiction.

Cultural Liberalism

Civil Libertarianism is a culturally liberal ideology that defends the rights of individuals to conform to social norms or not. This belief also overlaps with the harm principle, since civil libertarianism believes that no specific moral code should be imposed onto society when one's lifestyle is not harming others.

Personality and Behaviour


How to Draw

Flag of Civil Libertarianism
  1. Draw a ball,
  2. Color the ball yellow
  3. Add a magenta fist holding up scales of justice.
  4. Draw the eyes, and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Yellow #FFDB27 255, 219, 39
Magenta #C20080 194, 0, 128




  • Progressivism - A close match, not gonna lie. Needs to be more acceptive of freedom of expression though.
  • Social Democracy - He hates free speech! Who gets to decide what constitutes "hate speech"?
  • Libertarian Socialism - Likes freedom too, but please don't violate property rights.
  • Libertarianism - But on that note, the harm principle trumps property rights.
  • Fiscal Conservatism - Same as above but conservative.
  • Anarcho-Egoism - You believe in freedom for the individual while believing things like bigotry and sexism are "spooks"? Great! We will get along just... wait for a second, you don't care about human rights?! And you think property rights are spooks too?
  • Anarcho-Individualism - An ever so slightly more moderate version of the guy above.
  • Utilitarian Ethnonationalism - My... racist son?
  • Anti-Fascism - Look, you're not awful in theory, but you need to calm down. Also, free speech for everyone is important, even for the people that we oppose. I still prefer your buddy here , to be honest.
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - Similar discourse to the above guy. Take a chill pill and quit the violence. Though your more tankie variants can straight up piss off.
  • Laicism - Sure, state and religion should remain separated, but isn't freedom of expression also important? Don't get me wrong, you're still 5x better than that moron, but you still come off as a tad authoritarian for my liking.
  • National Liberalism & National Libertarianism - We generally agree on civil liberties, but you're both sometimes a bit wingnuty for a liberal/libertarian, not to mention you seem to hang around with alt-righters quite a bit. Though I do agree that Navalny is better than Putin and Calvin Coolidge was an okay president.
  • Progressive Conservatism, Liberal Conservatism & LGBT Conservatism - Pretty mixed bags, but still probably the best conservatives. Though I'm definitely not a fan of the latter guy's transphobic factions.
  • Civic Nationalism & Patriotism - Same as above but nationalists.
  • Alt-Lite - Listen, SJW's are annoying turds that oppose free speech but stop branding yourself as me, and a lot of your 'heroes" are empty-headed, evil authcons.
  • Korwinism - Death Penalty?... Praising Pinochet?... Monarchism?...
  • Manosphere - Some of my followers like you but you can be an annoying authcon.
  • Conservatism - I don't see how you can be a small government type of man but if you want the tradition to be respected and spread, then go on just don't throw it in people's faces.
  • Reactionary Liberalism - ...Let's just say you are more expressive than Conservative Liberalism.


  • Authoritarianism - Little thing called privacy? Ever heard of it buddy?!
  • Anarcho-Capitalism - Privatized tyranny is no better than any other dictatorship.
  • Hoppeanism - See? This is what I'm talking about.
  • State Liberalism - Even if you advocate minority rights, you shouldn't enforce them by force!
  • Ingsoc - The end result of eroding civil liberties.
  • Neoconservatism - Why do you hate Edward Snowden?! He is a literal hero! You're just a precarious ideology riddled with corruption and imperialism. And please just repeal the Patriot Act already!
  • Neo-Libertarianism - Even if you're better than above you still hate whistleblowers and most of you are conservatives idiots like Shapiro, Kirk, Kogos, Prince, etc...
  • Putinism - See just because I hate neocons doesn't mean I'm gonna ever support you in any way. Though Amnesty International is soft towards you.
  • Christian Theocracy - Haha Obergefell v. Hodges go brrr!
  • State Atheism - State-enforced atheism isn't any better than state-enforced religion. And it doesn't help how you seem to love atheism so much that you practically worship it as if it's just another religion.
  • Corporatocracy - Hands off my private information megacorp.
  • Dengism - Free Tibet! Free Hong Kong! Enough with your Uyghur genocide and human rights abuses!
  • Alt-Right - Piss off neo-Nazi edgelord.
  • Jihadism & Khomeinism - Totalitarian reactionary pricks like you are probably why one of my children is so hostile against Muslims.
  • Authoritarian Conservatism - Literally my polar opposite.
  • Marxism–Leninism - If such a huge chunk of your citizens were so desperate to get out of your little "alliance" then you probably weren't liberating anyone.
  • White Nationalism - Whites-only ethnostate? Sounds like Nazi Germany or the Confederates State of America.
  • Homofascism and Jewish-Nazism - Self-hating bigots!
  • Kahanism - You may oppose antisemitism, but you are an exploitative ethnonationalist. You are no better than a regular nazcap.
  • Zemmourism - Just a French moderate version of above.
  • Welfare Chauvinism - I don't care if a decent chunk of you have some mildly culturally liberal views. Just stop denying your racism and straight-up fascist sympathies already.
  • Ultranationalism - Chauvinist @$$hole!
  • Avaritionism - Please don't touch me. Put this gun down. I definitely can give all my money.

Further Information





