Communization Theory
"Animals that kill usually have far more social relationships than those they prey upon."
Communization Theory or Communization is an Ultra-Left political movement which views the dictatorship of the proletariat to no longer be a sufficient transition to communism, instead proposing a process known as communization which is the destruction of
Capitalist social relations and the replacement of them with communist ones. Despite their dislike of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the state, they dislike
Anarcho-Communists for saying that the destruction of capital is immediate, instead imagining it as a process of insurrection. They take from a variety of tendencies such as
Autonomism, and
Insurrectionary Anarchism. The crux of their theory is the dislike of workerism, proposing that the communist movement must be a movement by which the proletariat rejects proletarianism, as the proletariat is a class defined by its own oppression. This puts them at odds with many
Marxists who emphasize the worker in the dictatorship of the proletariat and in lower stage communism or
Socialism. Despite its
Marxist roots, the movement is very diverse, with it becoming aligned with movements such as the
Insurrectionary Anarchism,
Nomadology, etc yet still keeping to its
Marxist roots.
Post-68 Formation
Modern Communization
The Self-Abolition of The Proletariat
The Immediatism of Communism
Crisis and Insurrection
Abstract Labor and Time Counting
Autonomism - Hugely influential to me. Great means of struggle.
Insurrectionary Anarchism - We are very similar. You're a bit naive though.
Libertarian Marxism - Basically me. Reject the dictatorship of the proletariat though.
Marxism - Amazing historical analysis and gives us the way forward. The dictatorship of the proletariat is no longer useful though.
Situationism - You are very flawed but you are very influential to me.
Impossibilism - The revolution must be achieved through the working class itself.
Marxist Feminism - The patriarchy was the first class distinction.
Anarcho-Communism - Kropotkin had great analysis but you are way too dogmatic and don't engage in the materialist analysis of history.
Council Communism - You show great flaws in the party form but then submit to workerism.
Italian Left Communism - Great emphasis on the content of communism and the rejection of opportunism, but sadly you emphasize the party.
Neo-Marxism - Great extensions on Marx's theory but a lot of you are way too liberal.
Anarcho-Egoism - Petty-Bourgeoisie individualist but some of my theorists like you a lot.
Ergatocracy - While you are right that the revolution must be achieved by the working class itself, you quickly fall to workerism.
Capitalism - Down with capital! Molotov at your business!
Reactionaryism - We must revolt against your oppression!
National Bolshevism You aren't a communist, nor a socialist; just another oxymoronic gravedigger.
Reformism - A useless system that doesn't work.
Social Democracy - Capitalism cannot be reformed, it can only be destroyed.
Totalitarianism - A oppressive and genocidal force that must be eradicated.
Liberal Socialism - Socialists cannot take power through existing state machinery.
Leninism - Reject the party form!
Maoism - Gravedigger!
Marxism–Leninism - Gravedigger!
Marxism–Leninism–Maoism - Gravedigger!
Mutualism - Petty bourgeoisie anarchism.
State Socialism - Just contradictory.
Trotskyism - Revisionist fool.
Utopian Socialism - Rejects the materialist analysis of history.
Democratic Confederalism - "At last we’ve found a revolution that does not scare the bourgeois."[2]
- ↑ "The near totality of men rising against the totality of capitalist society, the struggle simultaneously against capital and labour, two aspects of the same reality: i.e. the proletariat must struggle against its own domination so as to be able to destroy itself as class and to destroy capital and classes. Once victory is assured worldwide, the universal class which is really constituted (formation of the party according to Marx) during a huge process preceding the revolution in the struggle against capital, and which is psychologically transformed and has transformed society, will disappear, because it becomes humanity. There are no groups outside it. Communism then develops freely. Lower socialism no longer exists, and the phase of the dictatorship of the proletariat is reduced to the struggle to destroy capitalist society, the power of capital."
- ↑
Further Information
- Endnotes 1 by
- Endnotes 2 by
- Endnotes 3 by
- Endnotes 4 by
- Endnotes 5 by
- Everything Must Go! The Abolition of Value by
Gilles Duavé and
Bruno Astarian
- Eclipse and Re-emergence of the Communist Movement by
Gilles Duavé
- From Crisis to Communization by
Gilles Duavé
- Communization and its Disconects by
Benjamin Noys
- Tiqqun 1 by
- The Coming Insurrection by
The Invisible Committee