Agrarian Capitalism

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"Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous, and they are tied to their country and wedded to its liberty and interests by the most lasting bands."

Agrarian Capitalism is an ideology and economic system that is a mix of a agriculture-based society with Capitalism. It is practiced in countries such as Ukraine.

It is one of the oldest ideologies, it probably emerged in antiquity and in the early years of the first empires, but it only de facto originated in the "Crisis of the Late Middle Ages". Currently, it is present in emerging countries or in the agrarian sector of rich capitalist countries.


It is commonly accepted that capitalism has started with Industrial revolution around 1800s. However capitalist system emerged much earlier even before Mercantilism, in 14th century England and 8th century Islamic region.


Agrarian Capitalism preaches an agrarian society, in which to nurture the economy, there must be voluntary exchanges and buying and selling. He is culturally ambiguous, but tends toward Conservatism, as most agrarian capitalists need families to take better care of farms.


He's the stereotypical agrarian tradesman, usually acting like he's an old person. He can also act as a Minecraft Villager.

How to Draw

Agrarian Design

Flag of Agrarian Capitalism
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill the left half in with Yellow and the right with Green.
  3. On the left side, draw a stalk of green wheat.
  4. Add the eyes and you're done!
Color NameHEXRGB
 Green#046700rgb(4, 103, 0)
 Gold#ECBD00rgb(236, 189, 0)
 Green#008000rgb(0, 128, 0)

Capitalist Design

Flag of Agrarian Capitalism
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill it with yellow
  3. In the middle, draw a stalk of green wheat.
  4. Add the eyes and you're done!
Color NameHEXRGB
 Yellow#FFF301rgb(255, 243, 1)
 Green#008000rgb(0, 128, 0)




  • Georgism - I like you, but what's the problem with land???
  • Classical Liberalism - Used to be friends when I was a serf, now he wants me to go work in a polluted factory.
  • Neoliberalism - Helps me sell my products but wants me typing up keys in an office.
  • National Liberalism - Protectionist capitalism isn't good either.
  • National Agrarianism - Free trade is good, actually. Rich farmers deserve their land, even if it "hurts the national community".
  • Hoppeanism - To be honest, you are a little too extreme. But I have to say a lot of your ideas would benefit my business and me. And your views on communism are incredibly based.
  • Reactionary Capitalism - Calm down and take a chill pill.


Further Information

TV Tropes


