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Revision as of 20:09, 19 August 2023 by KamiLazer (talk | contribs) (→‎Variants: This explain's the lebanese falange's ideology. Please provide some more books if you have disagreements. I am open to learn!)
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"The nation is a complete unit, in which all individuals and all classes are integrated; the nation cannot remain in the hands of the most powerful class or of the best organized party. The nation is a transcendent synthesis, an individual synthesis, with ends of its own to achieve."

Falangism, is an economically third position (but usually left-leaning), culturally right wing, ethnonationalist (but highly supports race mixing, claiming that the intermixing of the Spanish race and other races has produced a "Hispanic supercaste" that is "ethically improved, morally robust, spiritually vigorous") authoritarian and nationalist ideology originating from Spain. It places a large emphasis on hierarchy, authority and order, and is opposed to communism and liberal democracy. Falangism believe in uniting all of Spain using violence, thus it heavily opposes regional Separatist movements. It believes in a form of pan-Hispanic nationalism known as Hispinidad. It also believes in strict adherence to traditional gender roles.

Economically, Falangism believes in National Syndicalism. It calls for agrarian reform, and expansion of Industry. Generally, it supports private property, although it advocates for the nationalization of credit. It believes in class collaboration.


FET y de las JONS

Another famous example, the National Syndicalist party that formed in 1937 from the merger between the Carlist party and the Falange Española de las JONS. After the Spanish Civil War, they were combined with several other Nationalist parties, however there was a great amount of tension between the Falangists and the Carlists which ended up manifesting itself in violence with the Begona Incident.

By the middle of World War two, the party began to stress the unique "Spanish Catholic authoritarianism" of the Falange, as well as switching gears from being a political party to being a movement. The movement slowly died out until 1965, when the SEU (the student organization of the movement) was dissolved. More info


Gemayelism / Geageaism

Gemayelism is an economically centre-right and culturally far-right ideology based on the views of former Lebanese president, Lebanese Forces founder and former leader of the Phalanges Bachir Gemayel.

Geageaism is based on the political ideology of the current leader of the Lebanese Forces, Samir Geagea.

The Lebanese Kataeb Was not Fascist

The Lebanese Kataeb was a paramilitary anti-communist group that followed the status quo in Lebanon except they wanted to emulate the fascist aesthetics of Mussolini such as discipline and nationalism. Their party was more inline with a paramilitary YMCA than any fascist group.

Fascist Aesthetics

"The Kataeb party was established on November 5, 1936 as a Maronite paramilitary youth organization by Pierre Gemayel who modeled the party after Spanish Falange and Italian Fascist parties he had observed as an Olympic athlete during the 1936 Summer Olympics held in Berlin, then Nazi Germany. The movement's uniforms originally included brown shirts and members used the Roman salute." This passage shows how the aesthetic was what drove Pierre not any actual fascist doctrine.

He(Pierre) founded the party along with four other young Lebanese: Charles Helou (who later became a President of Lebanon), Chafic Nassif, Emile Yared and Georges Naccache.

Economic liberalism

"The Phalange Party motto is "God, the Fatherland, and the Family," and its doctrine emphasizes a free economy and private initiative. Phalangist ideology focuses on the primacy of preserving the Lebanese nation, but with a "Phoenician" identity, distinct from its Arab, Muslim neighbors. Party policies have been uniformly anticommunist and anti-Palestinian and have allowed no place for pan-Arab ideals."

No fascist believes in leaving the fate of the country to the free market, that is a liberal economic philosophy.

Western Reaction to SSNP

The foundation of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party by Antun Saadeh in 1932 was the trigger for the establishment of the Kateb Party, since the former actively tried to influence Lebanon towards the Syrian interests, leading to direct challenge for Lebanese nationalists. The founders of the Kataeb Party were young, French-educated and middle-class professionals who committed to independent and Western-oriented Lebanon. Charles Helou, who later served as Lebanon's president from 1964 to 1970, was one of the founders. By the time of his presidency, however, Helou was no longer a party member, and Gemayel unsuccessfully opposed him in the presidential election of 1964.

The creation of the Kataeb was a reaction based on a western oriented reaction to block the SSNP from removing western influence from the levant.


The beliefs of the Lebanese Kataeb align more with national conservatism because of their lack of syndicalist rhetoric, their focus on national sovereignty, their privatization free economy rhetoric, and their alignment to western states like Israel.



Personality and Behaviour

Acts like a stereotypical Spanish person and hates being called a fake syndicalist.

How to Draw

Flag of Falangism
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Color the left and right thirds of the ball red.
  3. Color the remaining third black.
  4. In the center, draw the yoke and arrows in red.
    1. Draw a bundle of arrows.
    2. Draw 2 curves next to the arrows, facing up.
    3. Connect them with a line crossing the arrows.
  5. Add the eyes, and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Red #DA121A 218, 18, 26
Black #141414 20, 20, 20




  • Francoism - Why did you backstab me after the Civil War??
  • Technocracy - He replaced my party leadership with them.
  • Saadehism - Based economically left-wing pan-nationalist from Syria. Not sure about letting go off my Lebanese branch but you are more ideologically closer to me than them. Still, I can't forgive you for killing Gemayel with a car bomb.
  • Carlism - You're cringe but I can sympathize how he backstabbed you too.
  • Monarchism - You were a great Defender of the Faith, but Spain must move on.
  • British Fascism - You made a based English rendition of my theme song, but why are you a heretic?
  • Nazism - Sent militants to help me in the war, but later persecuted me and the other Catholic ideologies in Poland during the bigger war, alongside with the ban on race-mixing.
  • Reactionaryism - And you prove my point that the (culturally) right wants to conservate everything, even the unjust things.
  • VOX - Spanish nationalist and conservative? Based, but deep down you're a filthy capitalist, like PP.


  • Capitalism - Disgusting, individualist ideology that dehumanizes workers!
  • Marxism-Leninism - Complete abolition of private property and slavery to the state is cringe as well.
  • Anarcho-Communism - You got wrecked in Catalonia even though we got wrecked by Franco later.
  • Anarcho-Syndicalism - ¡Ya hemos pasado!
  • Independence Anarchism - You will not destroy my beautiful imperial Spain
  • Racial Nationalism - Reject racial purity, embrace race mixing!
  • Neoliberalism - Horrible and liberal economic model, you will not exploit us!
  • Zionism - The financial monster is digging its claws into the national economy, large Jewish companies continue to disgustingly exploit their employees and sink small businesses more and more every day. The fake Lebanese version of me is an idiot who supported you.
  • Pahlavism - Why did your Party decide to abandon Fascism in favor of Democratic Centralism? Of course, because of your hostility to religious culture and anti-traditionalism, and because you are the handiwork of neoconservatives, and because your modern supporters are anti-clerical and even some are anti-religion, for these reasons, you are an enemy to me and should be eliminated.

Further Information







  1. While Ledesma was a fascist the case for Jose Antonio is debatable as in some of his private comments he spoke against fascism while praising certain forms of it as shown in the anthology provieded. He and Ledesma had oppositions towards each other which led to