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Technogaianism also called Eco-Transhumanism or Green Transhumanism shortened to Eco+ and Green+ is a generally, although not necessarily, economically and culturally left-wing ideology that is the child of Transhumanism and Environmentalism.

Technogaianism believes that preservation of Earth's Natural Habitat would only get easier with creation of better technology and thus pursuit of Humanity reaching space colonization and environmentalism are complementary as dirty industries can be moved off-Earth. There's also other ways you could interpret Eco+.


Technogaianism's personality is simply a mixture of Transhumanism's and Environmentalism's personalities. Though they seem incongruous to others, Technogaianism tries to make it work.

How to Draw

Flag of Technogaianism

This design is based on a flag by u/NovaInvicta

  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill the ball green
  3. Draw the "h+" logo in white
  4. Around the h+ logo draw leaves coming out
  5. Draw an orange visor
Color Name HEX RGB
Green #00C016 0, 192, 22
Orange #FF9800 255, 152, 0
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255

Saved Relationships



  • Capitalist Transhumanism - He doesn't really have the best record on environmental issues.
  • Eco-Fascism - I know you want to protect the environment but please stop killing people and being so anti-tech.
  • Eco-Authoritarianism - Their heart is in the right place but they think the destruction of the environment caused by technology can be fixed only through a bigger government.


  • Kakistocracy - The reason people still deny climate change exists
  • Anarcho-Primitivism - "Oooga booga, technology cause climate change". You savages don't know what your talking about, technology is the way to save the environment! You're just jealous!!!
  • Neoluddism - Reverting to pre-industrial technology is not necessary to save humanity.
  • Anti-Environmentalism - *Deploying built-in solar powered railgun.*

Further Information



