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Revision as of 15:16, 30 June 2022 by AnAnonBoi123 (talk | contribs) (Sorry, out of character and we already have other far-right femboy lovers. Give some right-wing hunk enjoyers a chance to represent themselves in the meme community.)
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Homonationalism is a culturally ♂️far-right♂️, 3rd positionist, totalitarian ideology that embraces LGBT rights.

Homonationalism, on a literal basis, sees the compatibility between homosexuality and nationalism. Historically, this is expressed by how they view homosexuality as a way to sexually express domination over others and oppose the "corrupting" influence of effeminacy. In more contemporary times, critics claim that examples of Homonationalism include pinkwashing, where countries, like the US and Israel, would try to use their pro-LGBT views to cover up their extreme nationalism and imperialism. Homonationalism is also expressed by hardline anti-immigrant values that are justified by how migrants, typically Muslim, tend to be violently hostile to LGBT rights, whilst, according to detractors, ignoring domestic homophobia. Sometimes, they believe this because they show distaste for homosexual miscegenation.

Homonationalism was not originally an ideology, but rather a critique of certain LGBT ideas. That being said, people who hold nationalist views associated with LGBT rights may be described as Homonationalists.

Personality and Behavior

  • Basically Nazism but gay.
  • Deep into Ram Ranch lore.
  • May sometimes use Gachimuchi quotes.
  • ♂️ASS WE CAN♂️

How to Draw

Flag of Homofascism
Color Name HEX RGB
Red #E50303 229, 3, 3
Orange #FF8E03 255, 142, 3
Yellow #FFEE03 255, 238, 3
Green #038224 3, 130, 36
Blue #034EFF 3, 78, 255
Purple #780489 120, 4, 137
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
Black #141414 20, 20, 20
  1. Draw a black circle outline
  2. Draw 6 vertical lines in a rainbow with the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple
  3. Draw a white filled-in circle in the center
  4. Draw a black swastika
  5. Add eyes and you're done!



  • File:Fut.png Futurism - Spartan homosexuality? Based!
  • ♂️Boy Next Door♂️ - You're a good boy what is quite nice, but you need to take the AuthPill.
  • Caesarism - Based bi authoritarian. Kinda shitty you still found w*men attractive but it was really based for its time.
  • Showa Statism - Yukio Mishima is the ideal fascist man that Japan needed at the time.
  • Anarcho-Fascism - Jack Donovan is based and very handsome.
  • Cowboyism - Hot, Check, Buff, Check, AND A COWBOY? I don't know about your ideology, but your looks alone make me overlook that. You're my ideal partner! Wanna go meet me at the showers at the ranch? And don't worry, I'll protect you from the 28 US Marines!
  • Patriarchy - ♂️THANK YOU DADDY!♂️ You're a god damn Utopia! Now if only we could remove women out of the equation all together but this is a close second!
  • Welfare Chauvinism - Ultranationalism? Mixed economics? Mostly pro-gay? BASED ASF!
  • Hindutva - Fascist and your religious text allow gays to exist? Based.
  • Alt-Right - Richard Spencer, Renaud Camus, Greg Johnson are all handsome hunks. We should wrestle in the locker room sometimes, if you know what I mean... although i don't know why do you deny that you're gay. When you literally hate w*men and that's based.


  • Fascism - His kids don't seem to like me but also set up an actual gay ethnostate.
  • National Socialism - ♂️Do you like what you see?♂️ I admire you for the most part, but I'll never forget the Night of the Long Knives.
  • Kleptocracy - Good authoritarian but please recognize that buttfucking is a sign of strength and vigor.
  • Manosphere - The ultimate red pill: ALL women aren't worth it. Time to embrace ♂️men♂️ only. I would be more willing to work with him too if he didn't keep trying to not associate with me. But please unban me from Incels.is.
  • Neoconservatism - Killing Arabs is very based, but "spreading democracy" and loving Israel? Cringe asf. Douglas Murray is kinda ok though.
  • Fuentesism - thanks for going on the 12 hour date with me. Uh... I mean, FALSE MALE TRAITOR! CAT "BOYS" ARE TO BE OBLITERATED!
  • Stransserism - My political twin who thinks it's a good idea to identify as a w*man, which is kinda cringe.
  • FALGSC - At first you got me with the FALGS but the C... Fucking cringe!
  • Stalinism - Degenerate communist but Stalin was a bit daddy. Plus, hunky soldiers fighting for the nation? Based. Nicholas II was hot to-DON'T GULAG ME!!1! AT LEAST PUT ME IN THE SEX GULAGS!!1!1
  • Trumpism - It's not bad but you don't go more far!!!
  • Zionism - K*ke but allows LGBT and ethnonationalist. Just keep these homphobes out.
  • Yiannopoulism - Handsome and intelligent but too lite also what is that ex-gay €r@p?
  • National Liberalism - Ok for a lib specially Fortuyn Because he's quite handsome and sexy.


  • Hoppeanism - I'm gonna ♂️spank♂️ you so hard... You want to have no government and you also hate gays? That's cringe and unrealistic, but Kinsella is kinda hot.
  • Twink Capitalism - You make us manly gays look bad. ♂️Fisting is 300$.♂️
  • Twink Anarchism - You're even worse than the former! What next? Pretending to be a woman? ♂️I'll show you who's the boss of the Gay!♂️
  • Feminism - Women... Truly the worst of all. Wished you had a penis you inferior scum!
  • National Feminism - YOU INFERIOR SCUM!!! I AM THE REAL GASSER!!!
  • Marxism–Leninism - Corrupter of values!
  • Liberalism - Please drop the soap.
  • Men's Liberation - Fucking straggot in denial, with that "soft-boi" twinky-shit... At least you lift sometimes tho, I can fix you alright. Let me spank you really quick, you little twink... Come to my place and let me turn you into a real man.
  • Jihadism - World peace shall be established once you desert f*cks are wiped from the face of earth. Anal jihad is based, through
  • Religious Zionism - See I told you that heterosexuality was Judaist! *internal screaming*.
  • Conservative Socialism - Yes, homosexuality is fascism but there's nothing wrong with that.
  • Marxist Feminism - Inferior w*man + Commie trash = WORST OF WORST!!! TO THE CHAMBERS!!!

Further Information



Online Communities



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